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Everything posted by TRAV365

  1. Please can you now book in here for mondays meetings please something is not right on the official booking site. Please put Name,number and grade booking in Trav 365 Blue
  2. Monday 16th meeting will be run at Barford and Onchan. The meeting will start slightly early at 8.10pm with a w&y race (see grid below) Then every one who books in will get 2 heats each at Barford Followed by 2 heats each at Onchan. The top points scorer after all the heats gets to pick where he wants the final to be Barofrd or Onchan. There will be no consolation just the top 24 after the heats make the final so most drivers should at least of had 5 races. Now for something a bit different there will be no gn but to finish the season off there will be a 75 lap race at Skegness and is open to the top 22 drivers on the night that have done the most meetings during 2009 as they have have suported Rfactor f2s all season. 75 laps is the max amount of fuel you can have. i have run the race offline myself twice and you can just do the whole 75 laps though you may have to ease off a bit to save some fuel hahaha.One thing we do ask though is if you do wish to take part in this race if you crash and get damage can you please stay in the server as every time some leaves it can cause warp. If you book in for the meeting but do not wish to take part in the 75lap race please post below as someone may want to take your place. Finally thank you all to every one that has raced during 2009 and a Big wd to 41 Drumbstick on winning the first rff2 Silver wd m8 Grid for whites and yellows is per real life in normal graded order with the grid below Whites 57----351 641 Yellows 977----106 16-----516 Blues 599----27 496----2 495----968 221----515 365----380 551 Reds 46-----488 56-----363 reserves 67 299 523 17 870 61 912
  3. Thanks for every one that raced another good turn out and from what i seen some good racing. Wd to Tosh164 for winning the central series final and 87 Robin on winning the meeting final other race winners were Dan57,Danskin236,Woody390 and top scorer of the night went to Dan57 wd HT1 164,41,79,315,926,488,112,136,365,56///531,236,599,46,2,968,716,380,27,21,152 HT2 57,365,87,926,256,112,221,390,164,39///716,46,516,912,2,977,19,515,131,488 HT3 236,57,912,516,87,41,968,136,39,56///27,380,390,256,977,599,515,131 CONS 390,977,39,46,131,380,2,27,515,599 Final 87,57,977,236,516,926,164,390,256,41///488,46,365,79,380,968,39,136,131,912,112 GN 57,516,112,926,968,365,380,164,236,46///87,39,390,41,79,136,912,2,256,716,977,515,488 Points Dan #57 - 47 Robin #87 - 34 Speedtech #926 - 30 Ian Step #516 - 28 Danskin #236 - 26 Tosh #164 - 23 Tomd #112 - 17 Drumbstick#41 - 16 Trav #365 - 16 James #977 - 16 Hooty #256 - 10 Leech #968 - 10 Woody #390 - 9 Gary #79 - 8 Kendo #912 - 8 Mike #315 - 7 Kruiz #136 - 6 Dave #488 - 5 Spike #221 - 4 Daveyboy #380 - 4 Leek #39 - 3 Vixtro #56 - 2 Nezza #46 - 1 Pusher #2 - 0 Cap #27 - 0 Gary #131 - 0 Aub #152 - 0 dazza #290 - 0 Bigal #515 - 0 Lee #531 - 0 Harold #599 - 0 Jimmy #716 - 0
  4. Welcombe to Hendesford raceway for the central Series Final with 32 cars booked in we will be running a 2/3rds format with ht1 being the Central league final so the heats will be slightly unbalanced and some drivers will find they race the same ones 2 races in a row. the top 16 point scorers after the 3 heats will go to the final with the remaining 14 drivers going to the consolation where the top 6 will make it through. so far there is 2 gns planned but if we loose a few it will be all in.Please let me know if your going to leave the meeting early. HT1 (Central Final) 380//2,27,221,236,365,515,599,716,968//46,56,79,152,488,531,929//41,112,136,164,315 See below for grid HT2 57//516,912,977//2,39,131,221,256,365,515,716//46,79,290,390,488,926//87,112,164 Steward 41 Drumb HT3 57//380,516,912,977//27,39,131,236,256,599,968//56,152,290,390,531//41,87,136,315 Steward 365 Trav GN1 57//380,912//2,27,39,256,365,515//46,56,152,390,531//87,112,164 Stewrad 41 Drumb GN2 516,977/131,221,236,599,716,968//79,290,488,926//41,136,315 Steward 365 Trav Central series Grid Inside.....Outside 41..........315 164.........112 926.........136 488.........152 531.........56 79..........221 27..........46 2...........599 365.........716 968.........515 236.........380
  5. Bookings now closed 977,912 and 256 all added
  6. Any late bookings or cacellations in here please lads Bookings close at 7.15pm sharp
  7. ok ta lads Aub Added and walker will be removed
  8. put me down for a provisnal sorry if i dont show up Trav365 plz
  9. This week coming we have the Central series final being held at Hendesford. Due to lack of cars the semis were cancelled a few weeks back so the grid is made up of the top 22 points scorers from all the rounds.There will be no gaps in the grid so check the mi before the meeting were the final grid will be put.If you cant race on monday please post below. The grids ....Inside---------Outside 41 Drumstick......315 Mike 164 Tosh..........112 TomD 926 Speedtech.....136 Kruiz 488 Dave..........152 Aub 363 Walker........531 Lee 56 Vixtro.........233 Grasser 79 Gary...........221 Spike 496 Wrighty.......351 Bigfatdad 27 Cap............46 Nezza 18 Marky..........2 Pusher 599 Harold........365 Trav Reserves 99 JK 151 Dode 716 Jimmy 968 Leech 106 Albertz 515 Bigal
  10. Yeh i Raced at hendesford a few times in my f2 nearly fell asleep down the straights its that booring never did like the place
  11. wd Tom on winning the wos and final
  12. Just like to say thanks to all that raced last night and sorry it went on a bit. Wd to lee531 on winning gold last night (under review due to wall rideing). Wd to 197Hamster jnr on winning the final and along with the other simstox lads 10Thingy,85Mr Beef and 390Woody kicked arse and won 6 races out of the 8. heat wins went to Woody,Thingy,Hamster jnr, Danskin won the cons and Thingy and Woody won the grand national races. RESULTS HT1 390,197,10,67,912,495,87,977,85,47///688,2,516,313 WF 531,41,112,136,315,164,18926,365,39///488,27,46,221,870,56,79,515,236,968,363 HT3 10,79,315,531,39,926,87,46,390,27///968,236,136,16,2,57,313,912,363 HT4 197,67,47,18,112,85,164,41,221,495///688,515,56,870,977,488,2,236,516 Cons 236,313,688,968,488,46///977,912,516,495,57,56,429,2,870,515 FNL 197,87,926,39,390,67,112,85,18,531///236,10,41,688,488,136,315,164,47,79,968,313 GN1 10,315,41,79,688,926,57,56,495,46///27,136,18,912 GN2 390,236,87,977,39,67,516,85,197**,112///488,313 531---59pts 41----51pts 112---45pts 197---43pts *simstox* 926---38pts 315---35pts 39----34pts 87----34pts 390---34pts *simstox* 67----31pts 10----28pts *simstox* 18----25pts 136---20pts 164---20pts 79----16pts 85----16pts *simstox* 365---10pts 977---10pts 47----9pts 236---9pts 495---8pts 688---6pts 912---6pts 46----4pts 57----4pts 516---4pts 56----3pts 221---2pts 27----1pts 2-----0pts 313---0pts 363---0pts 429---0pts 488---0pts 515---0pts 870---0pts 968---0pts
  13. Hi and welcombe to ukdirts first Rfactor f2s first world final. I would just like to wish you all the best of luck and lets make sure its a good race. Welcombe to simstox boys Hamster jnr,thingy,Mr Beef and Woody your in the mi below in your normal numbers lads Tonight every 1 gets 2 hts each with the top 16 point scorers going straight to the final the rest will go into a consolation with 6 makeing the final there will then be 2 gns 1 for every one. soz if the meeting drags on but im FILTERED slow and will be running 1 server. HT1 57,67,197,313,429//10,47,516,912,977//2,85,495,390,688//87 steward trav HT2 wf see below for grid there will be no gaps per real life HT3 57,313//10,516,912//2,27,39,236,968//46,79,390,531,926//87,136,315 steward trav Ht4 67,197,429//47,870,977//18,85,221,495,515//56,363,488,688//41,112,164 Steward trav GN1 57,197//10,47,912//2,18,27,495,515//46,56,79,688,926//41,136,315 GN2 67,313,429//516,870,977//39,85,221,236,968//363,390,488,531//87,112,164 WF GRID 112---41 926---531 164---136 365---363 488---18 870---515 39----968 236---79 46---315 221----27 56 please check i have you in 2 heats and a gn if not reply below
  14. ianstep 516 welcombe aboard thats it no bookings closed
  15. Ok bookings have now closed on the ukdirt site if any one wants a late booking please post in here i will only take late bookings up to 7pm due the the amount of cars booked so if your not booked by 7pm its tuff :-) Grasser233 still missing from the wf grid
  16. Come on lads get booked in so far most of the world finalist have booked in just 531,233,164,18 missing with 152,380 having cancelled kendo912,welly414,Mike567 and Dazza289 will be added to the rest of the normal meeting if none of you can make it please reply below
  17. Ta wrighty but how do i tell what path to open it to idid the default one and i just did C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar and still get a error message
  18. Book me in please Trav365 but may leave early
  19. Results Thanks to all that raced at Northampton tonight Nice to see 3 old faces back for the first time this season Fordy,James and Samson wd to 968 Leech on winning the final and to 977 James for top scoring on his rf,f2 debut. also picking up wins wereJames,Lewis,Samson and TomD wd lads and cya all next week. HT1-968,79,39,977,41,926,136,363,488,365///315,27,46,2,496,551 HT2-977,926,236,688,112,968,18,164,136,233///363,289,41,496,47,599,27,365 HT3-495,236,112,164,39,18,79,289,688,551///233,488,47,2,46,315,599 Con-47,496,551,233,315,27,599,46,365,2 Final-968,39,551,977,926,164,112,18,233,27///41,236,363,47,495,488,496,688,79,599 Gn-112,977,926,41,18,363,233,496,495,551///688,27,968,79,47,164,46,39,236,488,599 Points 977-40pts 968-35pts 926-34pts 39--32pts 112-32pts 18--21pts 164-20pts 551-18pts 236-17pts 41--13pts 79--13pts 495-12pts 233-9pts 688-9pts 363-8pts 136-6pts 496-3pts 289-3pts 27--2pts 488-2pts 365-1pts 47--0pts 2---0pts 599-0pts 46--0pts 315-0pts
  20. Welcombe to northampton to night and let me start with saying sorry for cancelling the semi but at the time it was made to cancel there was on 14 of the drivers booked in which could of taken part. with 26 booked in we will run 2/3rd tonight with the top 16 after the heats going to the final we will then run a 11 car con with the top 6 going through.we may run an all in gn depending on how many leave but for now ill put down to. HT1-495,977/151,968/2,27,39,365,496,551/46,233,363,488,926/41,87,136,315 HT2-977/47,968/18,27,236,365,599,496/289,363,688,926/41,112,164,136 HT3-495/47,151/2,18,39,236,551,599/46,233,289,488,688,/87,112,164,315 GN1-495/968/2,18,27,496,551/488,688,926/136,164,315 GN2-977/47,151/39,236,365,599/46,233,289,363/41,87,112
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