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Everything posted by TRAV365

  1. im loving this tune its been played by Joe Whiley as her record of the week cant seem to find a short version of it but cracking song and great beat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h8XQUgbMbc
  2. wd si for sunday but you only get 1 point and thats for the cons m8
  3. Cheers budge im on the same internet pacage as you m8 i would not of thought ive hit any limits then as ive downloaded all my stuff in the daytime god knows why ive strated to warp then lol
  4. Cheers welly im on cable/Broadband and thought there was no download limit but thinking about it ive downloaded mega loads this month getting stuff for rfactor and heat and i know budge had problems with warp because he reached his limit will have to look into that side of it on monday. Also does cable/broadband have a ADSL filter as i dont think ive got anything like that on my setup?????
  5. cheers mav yes thats all fine just running a wire from my modem to laptop but i dont use the laptop anymore as ive just splashed out on a top new Computer ive tried just running the wire from the modem to the new computer and switiching it on but it will not find the internet it only does that when i run it through the wirless router. What id like to know is there a way of just running a wire direct from modem to my new computer without having to use the router. as far as i can see i have nothing else running when i play online updates are all disabled,firewall is off and i even turn my anti virus program off
  6. Hi when i got my old computer years ago and signed up with my broadband provider they came and put a network card into my computer and gave me a modem and all i had to do was run a wire from the modem to the computer. the old computer got thrown and i never kept the network card now if i run the wire straight from the modem to the computer it will not connect to the internet instead i have to run a wire from the modem into a netgear wirless router and then run that wire into the computer and all works fine. but when i play heat i now get a lot of warp would this be why as im going through the wirless router??? if so how can i just run a wire from the modem to the computer?? the modem is about 8 years old do i need a newer one and would any cable modem work???? cheers trav
  7. Top tune Tosh one of my all time fav dance tunes from is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfceoyPgTTI and i still get a buzz from this one when im in the car heading off for a weekend of stockies lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJnOwGw9Sps
  8. WD si going well to score in your first 2 meetinsg. the 763 white top that won ht and final what has he come from cant be completly new????
  9. what grade am i running off tomoz son
  10. i was going to do that but there was no f1 server up thursday afternoon just rods and f2s
  11. lol bit of a soppy song but have liked this for a while http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D68ymfjpw98
  12. lol i think i was by far the worse last night a bit like tinman i spent a fair bit of time offline practising some thing i very rarley ever did in heat and got around at a average pace ok but once online im all over the place but i think its like kruiz says im trying to stay with the quick boys and making a tit of myself hahaha. the thing im finding hardest is the oppo lock in f1 and f2 ive got real feel and a forcefeedback wheel but just can not master it god it was bloody easier in real life then in this game haha but ill be back getting in overs way for the rest of the season
  13. one of my all time favs loved the cranberries and always thought and still think Dolores O'Riordan is well fit
  14. lol top stuff tosh m8 and to be fair i loved the meeting just need lots of praccy
  15. Cheers Johno and kev for the meeting really enjoyed it just need to learn to drive the cars now plenty of practise needed and need to learn what to alter on the cars to help lol I may race next week just depends if i can do more than 5 laps on shale without spinning out finding shale a bit to hard at the moment but will keep trying. was great to see albz back on track always had a laugh with him on and off the track finally will i still be yellow lol
  16. top effort son cracker of a skin with all my fav sponsors mainly the royal oak lol. cheers Aub m8
  17. ignore the above dumb post sorted
  18. where do i find the folder with the tarmac skins in so i can delete them so i only have 1 set instead of 3 Thanks Trav
  19. just booked for my first rfactor meeting and would like to know what grade ill be please johno and roll on thursday
  20. Thanks for the comments guys After Buxton I'll want some more practise, so probably do a Wednesday at Northampton and Birmingham and see how long it takes for me to get on a reasonable pace and then think about doing a meeting, which will probably be at Birmingham. Good luck Kruiz and youve done a good job on the car. i was in the same boat as you when i first started id never driven a car just straight into the stock car did about 20 laps at northampton on the way home from picking up the car and then just went straight in at the deep end at buxton you learn a lot faster on track with other cars then you will on your own lol. In fact i started racing in 1993 and never passed my test untill 1999 just as i was giving up lol
  21. Ah Cool ta mike its been that long id forgot good old tosh did them for me top man
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