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Everything posted by TRAV365

  1. Congrats to you and your wife toshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  2. quality last night dont think ive laughed as much watching a tv program in ages has to go down as comedy program of the year love the dumb jock bird class youve killed divinea youve killed divena hahaha brilliant
  3. well i just watched it and thought it was funny rather than scary and im not into horror films Knobby you must be a big girl
  4. well with not being able to get over there to watch again this year if nz was run on heat id be there
  5. Why would it have anything to do with bingley as far as i can tell from reading most of the crap posted Ian gardnier found the carb ilegal and then Dave Coventry looked at it the next day and i guess said the same and then it went to a promotors meeting and they changed the result to the winner being ni901.
  6. lol ill prob be going to the pub for a few beers to drown my sorrows ok we shall pile in there then if i can get jess to drive lol must be on the way home. lol got kim driving for me
  7. lol ill prob be going to the pub for a few beers to drown my sorrows
  8. lol not sure i told you last night kendo but ive only got a 20 min drive to bristol
  9. after a nice lay in while you all have to leave at daft aclock i supose i can just drive the 20 mins up the road and lets pray for rain
  10. hi any one up for painting me a new f2 skin please id like it to go on to the higman chassis and be in barry Goldins colours red chassis and black panels and can i have it with a blue wing and a yellow wing as i may drop down. my number is 365 and if possible down 1 side can i have Go Goodwins on the other side Higman racing and on the back panel Richard Baldwin Motorhomes. you can add any thing else you would like to it. Cheers Trav
  11. i will be making the trip over to on sat
  12. haha they were not singing for long after that though was they lost in europe and blew the league trying to win in europe haha
  13. Wd m8 you drove a good race for your first time in it. was my first time watching at the rod weekend and ill defo be back next year great weeekend
  14. im on virgin media and never had a problem m8
  15. Good look Jay ill be there watching my first hotrod world final thta if im in any fit state after a 2 days on the beer with some mad jocks
  16. Fair play to Fritz and all the others on the protests that are going on but do they really do anything? All i see them doing is holding up the genral public which i cant see the goverment giveing a damn about but im not sure what would do a better job and get the point over.
  17. Ah its not at the lochgelly one then um maybe ill not be able to make it now prydie was only going to pop in because it was on the way to glenrothes. you never know though m8 and ta for info
  18. Prydie post up some directions please how to find the track maybe pop in next sat for an hour on way to hotel and has this track got a website?
  19. You cant beat the look of the old randalls still one of the best shape cars around far better than the new randall in my eyes. And you cant get any better than the god of signwritting the mans a legend cant wait to see it on track are you still hoping to be out for skeggy weekend???
  20. Nice one wd Prydie jnr car is looking good to im hopeing to pop in for an hour at the june speedweekend on the way to cowdie
  21. yes peps slag off pc world but my last 4 computers have all come from there and i have never had any problems with any of them the laptop works fine just not to my likeing and i want to go back to a pc. if i wanted you to come and slag pc world off id off posted the title as such cheers Vixtro
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