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Everything posted by TRAV365

  1. doh sorry allan one last thing i run avast anti virus and it used to have a little logo that was next to the clock on start up now its gone so i guess my anti virus is turned off??? which one do i need to re tick to get it to work again m8???
  2. Thanks Allan booted it up a few times defo quicker ta
  3. hi alan this is my startup tab ta for any help
  4. thats the one mike thanks m8 will take a look later thanks for advice to alan ive never really had any probs online myself just there was sevral peps talking about what programs were running only got half the chat but thought id look to see what was running on mine and just thought 30 things seemed a lot
  5. nope Kendo m8 dont use end it all had it a few years ago and never got on with seemed to not get on with my puter so deleted it cheers pazza maybe ill just leave all alone dont seem to have any problems when i race anyway
  6. hell cabs ive got about 10 more things then you if you do close them down will it close them down for good or do you have to do it every time you restart computer???
  7. hi all in chat on tues i think peps were talking about how many procsses that had running on there computer i seem to have a few but dont no which ones to close down. there was a website put on here once which told you what ones are safe to close down any one got any info please????
  8. binny is your wip chcken farm or what ever it was called
  9. cheers Aussie there stunners
  10. that would be superb aussie thanks a lot travel
  11. hi is any body willing to do me a few banger skins please im after mk2 granada saloon ford capri toyota crown custom coupe id like them to all be just red maybe a bit of white checquars fading out from the front to end of bonnet and id like i & s logs on there some where with if possible a pic of a mean looking wood chooper with a chainsaw in both hands a little bit like pic below. your welcome to put any thing else on it many thanks if any one can help travel
  12. well i personally think Crimonds a great little track must be as ive done the 1200 Mile round trip 4 times now and never come away disapointed. i went up last year to watchn the f2 qrs at cowdie and crimond and the loons were on both days and i can tell you now there were more loons at Crimond and they put on much better racing
  13. seeing as you all enjoyed that go here and there is more of his dumping work lol think the best one is AMY http://www.galaxyyorkshire.co.uk/article.a...E&id=291672
  14. happy 40th m8 hope its a superb day for you
  15. very very good watched the replay of it last night and have to say it was great a bit laggy to start with but just as the first race was starting was superb onwards watched it for about 3 1/2 hours and id defo subscribe to watch more in the future funniest bit for me was not the racing but when the camera man was filming the crowd when it caught the young couple kissing and they realised they had been filmed was pure class esp when they showed it in action replay lmao they looked well embaressed
  16. mint looking car gaz very well finished of and inboard suspension on the front and quite diff on the back to most aswell if not all just 1 question not being disrespectfull but who isjohn gould m8 what has he raced before guess his number is going to be 491 though from back plate top car and good luck can we have a pic after signed up
  17. yep sat there watching it and was gutted taylor lost though esp as id the day before put a bet on taylor to win darts,man utd premership and ireland to win rugby world cup about the comentators i actually thought taylor had a fair bit of slaging off last night about pethtic shots yet barny never got nowt was a superb game and glad barney won he has done superb in his 1st year as for the best ever game well defo in my top 2 along with the 2004 world with taylor v painter which i think went to 6-6 sets and 5-5 on legs but taylor winning
  18. nice 1 big congrats to budge and dawn two really nice pep
  19. happy birthday trash hope its a googun
  20. happy birthday spike hope its as good as last night for you lol you was so excited when you rang me come on smithy
  21. lol looks about right even the lorry drivers for team plonk is driving the wrong way HONK HONK
  22. ah well cheers lads never mind will just have to sit and delete them each time and yes its the pills for this pills for that kind along with a few porn ones
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