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Everything posted by TRAV365

  1. happy birthday james hope its a great one m8
  2. lmao quality just quality and just what have you tried to improve online stockcars jack all i personaly think you should be banned mainly for the facts some one posted befre he is slaging our mod of which makes it look bad for others esp those like andyg,bozz,dragon,jay,nickm etc etc who have spent hundreds of hours on this mod
  3. cheers lads soz andymek moneys short this year and it came down to doing knockhill or saving me cash for cowdie/crimond and them to won have a good holiday maybe see you skeggy if i go not sure on that either yet
  4. cheers lads just worked a 12 hour shift and had a quick nap now the ciders flowing and hopefully get to watch the germans lose later oh and sorry lads cant make it sunday to skint but will defo be up next week for cowdenbeath and crimond
  5. lol nice 1 thanks cider bb had been going on and on about that for weeks as id missed it lol crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  6. TRAV365


    hi ive just downloaded a few roadcourses to race at but they run on the 1.80 patch if i install the 1.80 patch is it just a case of downloading and install the 1.73 patch will it just overwrite each over?? thanks trav
  7. CONGRATS andy and sam on the birth of Caitlin
  8. so did you go last night flyinsi and what was it like i see plymouth won there first match at home bet it was packed to?? was going to go but had to do something yesterday afternoon so would of been late hope to get down and have a look later on in the year
  9. lol whats that about 100 projects on the go and still no end results to any
  10. just under 1 min thats freaky
  11. happy birthday ham m8 have a great one
  12. lol pot the reds then screw back for the whites,yellows and blues oh stock car crazy are we the smiths ps youve bloody aged bad in 10 years lmao
  13. lmao message of 2006 so far please sparky can you post a before dragon shot and a after sparky shot so we can see
  14. um sparky dragon could follow that link to the rce of moodie only problem is dragons rce is based on the 2004 model not that one which is completly different
  15. well tuff luck korzin i have raced the way i have since i started online in 2000 and nothings going to change that now i have had plenty of bans and serve them then come back. i have watched plenty of real racing and seen plenty of real drivers have fueds where they break the rules week in week out but dont get banned so ill stick with the way i race and wait in chat for your pms crying that youll never be able to afford to race the real thing like me i put every sent i every had and still paying off bank loans now from my racing days so that dont wash with me. and yes i may be anti newbies and i think sevral others are becoming the same way they come in abuse the forum then go into jolt and do what ever they want use lots of false names so they get another 2 weeks free trial i personal think free trials should be scrapped and you should have to pay the full year that was newbies would be less likely to act like muppets and i know sevral feel the same not all newbies are the same and ive met some great freinds by racing online so not all hate me korzin its prob just wineing peps like you
  16. tut tut korzin as your sticking up for the kids should you be using swearwords on this forum no tut tut
  17. sashjag i think youll find that bill batten does not live or work in plymouth but newton abbott the lipson vale is the farrell family buisness and kruiz136 im not sure where you heard batten was in hospital for a long time because thats wrong he had a nasty crash at bristol in september and had broken ribs along with other injurys and was in hosptial for about 4-5 days he is back racing tomoz at stday hopefully more stuff in this thread http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=4746 on and korzin the above is not a [b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b] take just FACTS
  18. are you taking the [b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b] he is one of the legends of f2 and is still racing below is a little fact file of his f2 carrere which started in the early 70s NATIONAL POINTS CHAMP,1974,76,77,78,79,80 WORLD CHAMP,1977,81,82,04 BRITISH CHAMP,1975,76,80,82,90,05 EURO CHAMP,1990 IRISH CHAMP,1990,93,95,05 nationals champ,2005 gn champ,1972,75,77,78,81,97 english champ,1992 scottish champ,1981 uk open champ,2005 ben fund champ,1982,92 top of drivers averages,1990,92,96,02,03 MAXIMUMS-31 total points scored-28,722 thats got to be a record he has won over 350 finals and well of 1,000 race wins oh and its BILL BATTEN
  19. 1st 226 mark "powder puff blue" moon (cabs) 686= pts 2nd h47 patrick " the green godess" Tersteeg (pacman)=498pts 3rd 870 martin "hitler" russell (mart) =250pts 4th 296 jay tompkinson (tonks) =168pts 5th 26 wayne"mr pink" conway (waynie)=48pts 6th 329 dave "honest i was 8th" williams (rubber soz for not updating it forgot not sure if pacman scored any more points or not?? so wd to cabs the winner of the real uk dirt racing 2005 your £25 will be given to you first meeting i see you m8 have to chase magpye up for his dosh to wd to all that raced in 2005
  20. wey hey big congrats to both of you on the birth of baby ham all the best for the future m8
  21. yep sad loss but great tribute and to be fair rubber how the hell was the f1 to no there was a min silence going on inside the arena when he was in pits im sure he would of killed it if known
  22. lol have a look at the4se made me laugh thanks to james from torquay who posted them on ftooz site http://www.lookatentertainment.com/v/v-1792.htm and http://www.lookatentertainment.com/v/v-1623.htm
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