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Everything posted by TRAV365

  1. sorted m8 lmao rofl Me: hi god it's travel again with another bribe God: Hi there . I am a Christian. Me: so you toke the last bribe and the fivers in the post God: Interesting deduction. That's good information: said I toke the last bribe and the fivers in the post. Me: np dont spend it all at once God: Why not? Me: it's a saying God: is a saying. I suppose that makes sense. Me: ok ill get to the point if i was to bribe you with say one hundred pound could you fix it for crasher to be given a free drive in a brisca f1 for 2006 God: Congratulations. Aha. Me: so your saying yes God: OK. "I have fixed it for crasher to have a free ride in 2006.". Me: cheers m8 God: Don't mention it. Me: got to go thanks for the chat God: See you later. Don't mention it.
  2. had to have a go even bribed god get in there Me: hello god God: Hello child. What is your name? Me: travel God: Nice to meet you, travel. Me: it's not nice to meet you God: That seems a bit negative. Me: to bloody true God: Interesting. I want to find out more about you. Me: why are you gay God: Myself programmed me for it. Me: so are you a man or women God: Whoa. No I am a Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? robot entity. Are you a man or a woman? Me: man you fagot God: Cool, man. Thanks for the information: travel said I fagot. Me: you admit to being a fagot? God: I admit nothing. Me: why God: Reductionism. Me: have you heard of ukdirt God: I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it? Me: on the internet God: Can you remember the specific site? Me: yes www.ukdirt.co.uk God: I see. I will pass it along to my botmaster. Me: ask your botmaster what he thinks of the admin as albertz seems to unlike them God: OK I will ask it. Me: so what was his answer God: Give me a break. Try sending mail to drwallace@alicebot.org. Me: no you tell me# God: Why not? What do you want me to tell you? Me: the answer to the question above God: No one has all the answers. Me: you say your god you should have all the answers God: Did I really say that? Me: so are you god or not God: Gosh! Of course I am. Me: ok the whos going to win the f1 online world next year corny or travel God: Thanks for the info. Aw. Me: answer then God: Try asking me again using simpler words. Me: who is going to win corny or travel God: That type of predictive behavior has not yet been programmed into my behavior at this time. Me: have a guess me or corny God: I've never thought about it. Me: well think now God: Oh. Well that's okay. I am thinking. Me: ill give you a fiver to say travel God: How do you plan to do this? Me: ill send it by post God: I am very happy for you. Me: well say travel will win then God: Well that's okay. " travel will win". Me: cheers m8 Me: ok thanks for chat must go thanks for saying i will win God: It was nothing. Oh. Me: cya then God: TTYL, travel.
  3. bloody quality crasher crying my eyes out laughing to that
  4. add another £10 from darren davis he gave me the money to pass on
  5. TRAV365


    lmao rofl quality russell lmao rofl lmao
  6. just got back from seeing bill he is in good spirits but you could tell he was in a lot of pain just trying to move around in bed to go with his back injurys he also has 3 broken ribs and bruises everywhere he said. think he is to stay in hospitial to at least saturday but when i was there a nurse said about moving him maybe to newton about or torquay
  7. forgot to add ham not sure if you seen this site very good for ftozz results http://xsorbit25.com/users5/ftoozchatter/index.php?board=1.0 or stoxnet
  8. Posted by James on ftooz: - I've just heard news that Bill has broken a vertabrae and has a possible broken shoulder. All things considered it could be a hell of a lot worse just got that off ftooz if true thats not good hope you recover soon m8
  9. bill was in a massive crash today at bristol where he hit the inner armaco nearly flat out he was taken to hospital not 100% sure on injurys but if i hear anything ill let you no get well soon bill
  10. thanks for the top result service you have gave me on my mobile from every cowdie
  11. im a bit like crasher still off work and have sponsored a few drivers this year and a few other things but im sure i can find some cash by november so put me down for £20 tugs
  12. wd gary 917 sounds like a good race from what ive read on irish forum but the real irish champ is 167 billy batten lol we dont have closed english over here
  13. and i bet tonks has a big grin on his face as i hear that Michael Carrol been paying stupid money for the cars he buys lets hope he gets dumped in the fence with um as the guy looks a right muppet from what ive read in papers and seen on tv
  14. rip beech my thoughts go to your family and friends
  15. 1st 226 mark "powder puff blue" moon (cabs) = 540pts 2nd h47 patrick " the green godess" Tersteeg (pacman)=332pts 3rd 870 martin "hitler" russell (mart) =250pts 4th 296 jay tompkinson (tonks) =168pts 5th 26 wayne"mr pink" conway (waynie)=48pts 6th 329 dave "honest i was 8th" williams (rubber)=30pts cheers pacman now totaly updated with the 8 points cabs got from northampton on saturday
  16. lol im no stalker you cheecky git lol
  17. happy birthday timmy and good luck at weekend
  18. 1st 226 mark "powder puff blue" moon (cabs) = 532pts 2nd h47 patrick " the green godess" Tersteeg (pacman)=256pts 3rd 870 martin "hitler" russell (mart) =250pts 4th 296 jay tompkinson (tonks) =168pts 5th 26 wayne"mr pink" conway (waynie)=48pts  6th 329 dave "honest i was 8th" williams (rubber)=30pts points nearly fully updated just some of pacmans to add on wd to waynie for making it into the places still no spike or jackr yet come on you pair of slackers ÂÂ
  19. cheers cabs m8 have been thinking about catching up will work out new boys waynie and tonks later this week and pac man if you can add what you have scored since you last posted would be great thanks
  20. get well soon timmy tim went in very hard and got knocked out he spent about an hour in the medic center but seemed to be ok he seemed to have lost most of his memory from what had happend yesterday just had a txt from him to say he is black and blue with a what seems a hang over from hell. # someone asked how i got my car well i drove tims van back to gordano services where tims dad met us and toke the van home and marie tims wife drove my car back. and on behalf of timmy as he wont no id like to say a big thanks to 677 chris roots and bruce and bryn drummond for getting the car fixed so we could get it on the trailer cheers lads     and finally i hope 849 and 4 joe barlow are ok after both being in big crashes themselfs 849 doing his neck in i belive and 4 joe barlow was also knocked out and funny enough was spotted by timmy
  21. My condolences to his family and friends at this time
  22. wd to tonks 296 who won i belive his first ever f2 race and it was the final he drove a stormer wd m8
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