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jamie c

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Everything posted by jamie c

  1. looks great mate shame about the damage though but at least they would be fantastic to drive and really good fun
  2. jamie c


    who has the beemer wheels? and epic renders by all welldone
  3. epic even tho it is late it was well worth the wait brill keep up the good work look forward to more tracks as well
  4. sorted
  5. does anybody have the 3ds file for the daimler 250 v8/ mk2 jag? it would be very helpful to me
  6. depends what kind you watch
  7. also can anybody upload some letter decal sheets and others that you have?
  8. it's better than looking at porn
  9. jamie c


    cheers for the advice!
  10. jamie c


    i have been very busy lately heres some more renders for the team i race for and you can probley guess what team it is! my car is 740 (wanted somink weird) [attachmentid=23609] [attachmentid=23610] [attachmentid=23611] [attachmentid=23612] [attachmentid=23613] [attachmentid=23614] [attachmentid=23615] [attachmentid=23616] [attachmentid=23617] [attachmentid=23618] [attachmentid=23619] [attachmentid=23620] [attachmentid=23621]
  11. awsome machine there spud
  12. u taut that hacker a lesson!!
  13. don't tap it whack it!
  14. some one likes fords don't they
  15. jamie c


  16. jamie c


    my latest render and it's my first proper damage render! i am very pleased with this as i spent quite some time rendering it and this render has also been nick named the 'knee snap' as you will see so enjoy positive comments please! [attachmentid=23557] [attachmentid=23558] [attachmentid=23559] [attachmentid=23560] [attachmentid=23561]
  17. jamie c


    the driver in my render is holding nothing! do you have to make the steering wheel or can you download it?
  18. jamie c


    nice render gromit!! any way i did this render for a mate -the skin was painted by him i only rendered it but as you can see i am getting better lol [attachmentid=23510] [attachmentid=23511] [attachmentid=23512] [attachmentid=23513]
  19. i'm onli lookin for the xj6 now thnx to jason
  20. the MK2 has been sorted but does anybody else have the other files? cos i will be very greatful
  21. Cant quite see where the gay has come from lol I just meant rodder designed it on puter and i tried to make it look like it with paint pmsl. look futher up the page m8
  22. it's a new way to stop people smoking instead of putting health issues on fag packets they should put 'warning fags can increase your gayness!!' lol
  23. i am in urgent need of 3ds files so i can renders for a mate who wants them asap the cars are= DATSUN 3OOC, JAG XJ6 SERIES 1, MK2 GRANNIE, ROVER P5b please if you have these files i would be very great ful to recive them!
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