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Crazy Craig

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Posts posted by Crazy Craig

  1. Nice skin, i like the wheels and the "suicide squad" sign writtng :thumbs_up:

    cheers another one!! and lewis's 3d of a wrecked granny hearse :thumbs_up:




    OUCH!!! Hope the driver was OK :o


    Nice render looks great :appl:


  2. I am having the same sort of problem.


    Last year before we moved house, we had NTL and everything was fine. When we moved, NTL told us we couldnt have their internet anymore but we could have Freedom instead, so we now have that. Over the last few weeks, the Internet keeps disconnecting mainly when in game, mIRC chat or sometimes whenever it feels like it. Could I try the DNSflush thingy with Freedom? :shrug:

  3. Seeing that a week never goes by without somebody asking for the Nissan Micra hearse template or the Dyson stretched 6 door limo hoover template, would it be a good idea to have a sticky thread where the new various templates could be posted up as, and when, they are produced and released?

    It would save, in the long run, haveing countless threads requesting the various templates. :shrug:


    There is a Dyson 6 door hoover? Cool, anyone got the template they cans end please? :rofl:

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