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Crazy Craig

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Everything posted by Crazy Craig

  1. Hi everyone, I have downloaded Windows Movie Maker and have put a load of pictures in a slideshow sort of thing with music to go along with them. When I put it onto a CD, it doesnt work in my DVD player and when I try to put it onto a DVD, it wont Movie Maker wont accept it to be a recordable disc. Is there any way of saving it to a disc to view on DVD players? Or if not, are there any programs that would let me do this? Cheers, Craig
  2. Happy Birthday, Gazmo! Hope you have a great day!
  3. I think I know the one your talking about. I think it is called Misirlou. The Black Eyed Peas have used it recently in one of their songs?
  4. In America but I guess it could be shipped over here for an extra fee? CLICK HERE
  5. We will be racing Mk2 Granny's in the UKDirt Pre '88 open
  6. Here goes a similar but harder question... how many people have raced in UKDirt since it first began? All formulas, past and present
  7. I wonder if Sash's girlfriend knows about this thread ;-)
  8. Hope he gets well soon. Never nice to see a driver get hurt.
  9. Just been having a quick play and when I make movie from a replay, it is about 30MB and I only recorded for about 10 seconds! Any ideas how to get the file size down?
  10. Cheers for the help guys. I will take a look now...
  11. Hi all Just a general query really How would I go about making a video from replays e.g. so that it can be viewed in Windows Media Player? What programs would I need and how would I add music etc? Cheers Craig
  12. Santa Claus just got himself a new sleigh!
  13. 'I didnt know yellow flags were used on football pitches'
  14. Crazy Craig


    Looking good! Looks cool half on and half off the trailer as though its being unloaded. Keep up the good work!
  15. Looks cool! Great job FBF look forward to seeinf it online soon
  16. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Sweeeerrrrve Happy Birthday to you!!!! Have a good'un mate!
  17. They always say that a persons memory is the first thing to go. In all seroiusness, Happy Birthday and hope you have a good'un! And finally, they always say that the memory is the first thing to go. Craig
  18. HIP HIP Hraaaay !!!!!!! HIP HIP Hraaaay !!!!!!! At Mcrews age, more like HIP HIP replacement!
  19. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Mcreeeeewwwww Happy Birthday to you!
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