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Crazy Craig

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Everything posted by Crazy Craig

  1. I just tried to access my MSN account to check emails etc. It turns out, someone had changed my password so I had to go through all the security questions to access my account and create a new password. Also, when I log in, I have the settings so that MSN Messenger also logs in. When that logged in, I had two contacts online, who both 'sent me' a messgae with a link: Clck here to see who has blocked you online'. I didn't click on this as I already had my password changed by some bleep and thought that this link may be a scam. I can remeber someone posting about something similar a few weeks ago, but thought I should maybe reitorate this. It has happened to me and could happen to you! Just a word of warning to anyone who uses MSN email and/or Instant Messnger. Cheers and take care
  2. The reason i said smallfield was because i have only ever been to hednesford, brum & northampton. i have only seen smallfield on pics/videos etc and thought of the trees
  3. A puzzle for you all.... hope i can explain it OK. Three people (lets call them Tom, Dick & Harry) go to a restuarant. At the end of the night, the bill comes to £30 exactly. So, they decide to split the bill equally and pay £10 each. So they pay the waitress who goes to put the money through the till. However, just as she is about to do so, the manager comes over to her and says that there has been a mistake, and the bill is actually only £25. So the waitress takes the £5 change to Tom, Dick & Harry. They decide to split the change equally and take £1 each, and leave the remaining £2 as a tip for the waitress. So, Tom has effectively paid £9, and so have Dick & Harry. Fair enough. So then, 3 X £9 = £27. The waitress had a £2 tip, so £27 + £2 = £29. So, what happened to the other £1? Thats Radio1 for you at 6:30 in the morning, hope I wrote it OK to understand! CC
  4. Purely out of curiousity, how much space does the history of sites visited take up on a computer? CC
  5. i just downlaoded sscheat and all the skinpacks, but the only skins on the game are england scotland and novices. what about the other skins, how do i getthem?
  6. Is that to put off everyone behind you so they dont hit you?
  7. If i join in time (just ordered a copy of Nascar Heat) is it Ok for me to have a go in the vans? CC
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