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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike


    ALL IN 21 CARS 2HTS , FINAL AND GN FINAL GRID W15 599 Y551 500 365 525 11 164 221 B 17 151 256 315 R 188 233 531 363 3 290 SS 112
  2. bookings closed
  3. i tried uk dirt and simstox it still wrong on both still if cant get it to run
  4. 7.45 PM
  6. only racing heats onlys
  7. HT1 365 126 315 221 2 16 137 136 112 3 HT2 525 365 315 16 2 137 136 112 221 391 FINAL 126 315 137 112 3 2 363 15 221 391 GN 315 3 363 8 2 112 525 221 137 15 POINTS 315 44 126 33 UP TO YELLOW NOW 2 27 137 26 3 25 112 24 363 19 221 16 365 15 (NS SCORE: 30) 525 13 (NS SCORE 26) 15 10 16 8 8 8 391 5 136 3 290 0 THX YOU FOR RACING EDIT: JOKERS PLAYED BY 365 AND 525
  8. hello all Tonight we will be running a all in format tonight with two heats,final and GN. We will be racing at Skegness in another national series round, FINAL GRID WHITES 15 126 YELLOW 365 525 221 BLUE 17 8 391 315 REDS 16 137 363 3 290 SS 136 112 2
  9. Spike


    are we using the updated version as i am getting mismatch with new version
  10. gutted disco with 2sec lead in final wd dazza and great racing all
  11. cant wait for 830pm starts
  12. same ones for me as well
  13. can we have a server up plz
  14. mine the same please
  15. HT1 221 599 17 288 365 500 363 3 8 188 315 323 531 2 112 233 HT2 221 525 492 17 488 500 527 3 16 315 531 112 136 233 HT3 525 599 492 288 365 488 527 363 8 16 188 323 2 136 FINAL GRID 492 525 221 599 YELLOW 17 488 527 365 288 500 BLUES 363 REDS 531 323 188 16 3 315 8 SS 2 112 136 233
  16. booking closed
  17. thank you wrighty sorted , ps i hate vista
  18. still the same
  19. spike221 white
  20. i cannot get this to work offline i cant change gear and ground is shaking
  21. everytime i enter jolt.92 track loading page freezes when track fulled loaded.does not boot to track ?
  22. THANK YOU JOHNO for posting results and thank you all for racing cya all next week
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