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Everything posted by stig727

  1. sorry dont use msn put the tga in a zip file then post that. what car are you wanting rendering anyway? stig727
  2. if you can find the .3ds file for the car you want rendering ill have a go. stig727
  3. stig727


    hi. I thought it would be a good idea for everyone to post for fonts their looking for all on on topic. im looking for a font as close to this as possible for a replica skin im doing. stig727
  4. just delete the grandstand and export the car as .3ds
  5. stig727


    Took the words right out my mouth
  6. Ive got this if its any help Asmith_with_grandstand.zip stig727
  7. Hi. i want to setup a website but dont know anything about html code in notepad. would i be better off getting some webdesgn software (any recomendations?) or learning html code? stig727
  8. I also wanted to make a mod but dont have a clue where to start any help???
  9. never heard of port 2001 and im not on wireless. found my ip addy and have been racing today and everything seems fine.
  10. Hi. Do i need a server to host or will i be able to host using a my computer? and what would i need to do/find out to host? stig727
  11. Have changed the colours on the car and shifted the numbers round abit. dont know what to put on it now any tips welcome stig727
  12. Also is there any free leagues for stockrods? stig727
  13. Couldnt edit last post spot on now thanks guys
  14. Have read the bottom post on that page and cailbrated the controler it seems to work havent tried it in game yet thanks stig727
  15. Has stock rod heat been released, if it has anyone know were to find it? ive started a skin (not done yet) stig727
  16. If anyones doing this model would they mind letin me have a go at mapping i need some practice but my cars are far from ready stig727
  17. restarted it looks a lot better now (first time i used the slice plane)
  18. Yeh they do just had to accomodate for the wheel arch. thank for the pic will have another go. this is what im aiming for. thanks stig727
  19. Had a quick go bout half an hours work still in early stages yet. I think the back looks too sloped. what do you guys think? stig727
  20. Anyone got some large pics of the front and one side (doesnt have to be a transporter) Ive been serching for pics for about an hour and cant find any square enough. stig727
  21. I might have a go at making one if i can be botherd
  22. Anybody know who made it? stig727
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