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Everything posted by Knobby

  1. Knobby536 Bookin in for the Rods Only. C'mon guys the more people that race the least chance i got of coming last...
  2. Knobby


    yea would be useful to stop her connection
  3. Knobby


    Just raced online and seems to fine now , Cheers for your help guys
  4. Knobby


    Cheers MoR ill just kick her off of diconnect her
  5. Knobby


    Hello Right, My computer is netowrked up to a computer downstairs and its been on the internet while i race online with no problems at all BUT my sister is now round and decides to go on msn soon as i want to race and my ping goes up to 400+ however my dad says that her being on msn and other stuff has nothing to do with my high ping . Is he wrong and Do i need to kick my sister off? Cheers (a very Angry ) Scott
  6. KNobby_536 Bookin in Provisionally (spelling) Hot Rods only please as i have trouble with the Legends
  7. hi can i book in ? What skinpacks do i need and what chat progam? Cheers scott
  8. top job
  9. Knobby

    msn down

    msn is up again
  10. Knobby

    msn down

    any1 else havin trouble signing into msn ?
  11. Haooy Birthday
  12. Happy Birthday
  13. i took it away for repair so should be OK by when he gets it back
  14. Gr8 stuff si, sum excellent hits
  15. Knobby


    Hello i want to make a video up of me racing by takin clips from dvd's i have . I have VideoOh hardware and is suppose to make me do this type of media project,how ever i cant because it wont let me record the dvd clips on to hard drive . Any Idea's? Cheers scott
  16. Gr8 stuff
  17. still not workin
  18. Where did you get it from may i ask ? i downlaoded it form the net and still said "class not registered"
  19. Well Done Cunny
  20. I got a digital camera and took som video's from civil war 6 however , i try to play them off my computer and i get a message sayin " class not registered" ,, any1 know why this is happening and how i can solve the problem. Cheers in advance Scott
  21. Knobby


    Excellent meeting exept the length (Over 7 hours ), a bit cold but worth the action you get from the front of turn 3 where every1 got run in , North raced good and pretty much annihilated the south. Some exceelent wrecking imo. Any1 see 158 shane davis bluebird in the DD, subeberb WD North
  22. When does the league start sounds good, ill be interested in racin .
  23. god know why its all blurry
  24. lol I have it set on 1152x854 so its not a low pixels lol
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