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Everything posted by earache

  1. Ricky 237's skins, final versions, apologies for all the hassle 237shalefinal.zip 237tarfinal.zip
  2. Ricky James 237 tar & shale for this year 237newshaley.zip 237newtarcar.zip
  3. Ricky James' new shale car - think I PM'd you with this but I can't remember 237smiS.zip
  4. There is a guide to putting rF skins into game, go to the UKDirt main site then go to Downloads > rFactor > Templates > Skin Painting Guide
  5. They're included with the mod - if you go to your rFactor folder, then GameData > Vehicles > NHR, there should be a file in NHR called UKNHR Templates.rar which contains the templates
  6. Hi all, I've painted an rFactor F1 (tar) skin for another driver and I understand he's having difficulty putting the car into the game. I'm posting this as he doesn't feel able to explain the problem himself. We've tried putting it in the UKDirt (Tarmac) folder and just TarmacOL but it is still not showing in the game. He uses Windows 7, was wondering if that makes any odds? I've not used Windows 7 myself so wondering if anyone has any ideas or heard of this problem before? Car shows fine in my game and I'm on XP.
  7. Ricky James 237's new tar car. Think he's keeping the 2012 shale 237smiT.zip
  8. This for Heat or rFactor?
  9. There are a couple of tutorials on this. Here's one I did on making basic decals using the 'blending options' in Photoshop; http://www.ukdirtforum.com/index.php?showt...0&hl=decals Bit basic but should let you get started. There's also one done by Rodder which shows how to use the airbrushing method, a bit more difficult but can produce much better results tbh; http://www.ukdirtforum.com/index.php?showt...amp;hl=tutorial
  10. Been playing this rFactor mod offline, thought I'd paint up a coach for it. Good fun on the grass tracks, plenty power but crap brakes, guaranteed heavy contact and track blockage on short ovals lol.
  11. Have done shale in the same style, again let me know if there's anything you want added/changed. 520wainS.zip
  12. Ok will do it this afternoon. Do you want it the same as the tar?
  13. On the 'visor' below the windscreen Looks like Jedd has started a shale car?
  14. Added Stox Signs and the name, here's the current version, ready to go unless you want anything else added/changed 520fwjT.zip
  15. Here's what I've got so far, as usual can't think what to put on the bonnet or wing top, any ideas? Also let me know if you want anything added/changed on the rest of the car
  16. I will have a go at your tar car if you want? Let me know
  17. Ok no bother. Just to let you know I will be away from Monday - Wednesday so won't see it if you send it then.
  18. I will have a go if you want, let me know
  19. Looks ok, the 'Marine' and 'Beck Row' bits look like decals/copy & paste, might look better if you made them yourself Also think the bonnet is a bit OTT if I'm honest. And maybe put his name on the sun visor?
  20. Copy the .veh from another car of the same chassis then follow the guide here
  21. You mean it hasn't come up in game? If so you need to put the CAR399.tex file into the ukdirtbangers folder and copy/paste the contents of the drivers.txt file in into the drivers.txt in the ukdirtbangers folder.
  22. This any good mate? Bit basic tbh but should give you something to practice with at least 399.zip
  23. earache

    new skins

    Yeah that looks alot better, just merge the signs onto the body colours layer so the details of the body come through the signs
  24. earache

    new skins

    Are you using Ctrl & U to do the body colours? If so there's a better method using an overlay that will look better. Go to Dalags' guide and follow steps 3-6
  25. Think that's your best one yet tbh
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