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Everything posted by earache
Aza #8's shale car Aza_Shale.zip *Added*
Aza #8's car Aza_Tarmac_.zip *Added*
Ok here's the tar and shale skins, all grades included Sent them in for the skinpacks aswell Aza_Tarmac_.zip Aza_Shale.zip
This any good mate? Just basic but would let you get started. Let me know if you want anything added/changed. Can do shale Mondeo the same aswell if you want?
Could probably do a basic one tonight if you want? If so, what chassis do you want?
No bother, thanks for the compliments
237's Shale machine 237shale.zip
Here's Ricky James 237's tar car, will get shale done in the next couple of days 237fwjT.zip
You will need to get a hold of Photoshop or something similar. Will be using Photoshop for this as most folk use that and I've never used anything else. Once you've got that you will need a 'template' for painting a skin, think some mods have them included in the rFactor folder somewhere but I only have F1s installed on this machine. Some of the templates are also available from the UKDirt main site, go to Downloads > rFactor > Templates. Will explain some basic stuff here, I will use the FWJ tar car template. You will need to open it up in Photoshop. Most of them have an 'instructions' layer, you can hide this by clicking the bit I've circled in this pic; Next, most templates have a 'body panels' layer or something similar. Click on that in the 'layers' list. This is assuming you want to change the body colour. You have 2 options here, you can either press Ctrl + u and use the bars that come up or use the paint bucket tool (circled in red - to set the colour for the paint bucket click on the bit circled in blue); If you're using the paint bucket tool, you would then click on one of the panels to change the colour. You may have to untick the 'Contiguous' box in order to colour all the panels (see pic); Once you have the body colour done you can use the same process for the wing - there should be a layer called something like 'Wing Panels'. There may also be separated layers for bonnet scoops etc - again the same process is used to change the colour. You will then want to make signs. Click here for a tutorial of sorts on this. It isn't the best way to make them but it should get you started. Once you have signs done, you will then want to deal with the 'bits'. These are coloured squares that define what colour a particular thing is (eg. rollcage, chassis etc). Click on the relevant layer (could be called 'Bits' or 'Coloured Parts' or something like that) and you can then use the paint bucket on the square you want to change. In order to just colour in the one square, you may need to tick the 'Contiguous' box I talked about earlier. You may also need to show the instructions layer again (click on the icon next to it again, as explained at the start of this post). After all of the above, you will want to put the skin into the game. There is a guide on this on the UKDirt main site. Go to the main site and then Downloads > rFactor > Templates > Skin Painting Guide That should tell you how to get the car in game. May take a while til you're happy with the way the car looks. Again just covered some of the basic stuff, there's alot more you can do with Photoshop, need to do a bit of practice and experiment with different things.
There's a guide on the UKDirt main site, go to Downloads > rFactor > Templates > Skin Painting Guide
Was wondering if anybody had any render scenes they could post up? Particularly after the Arena Essex and Swaffham track scenes if anyone still has them? Cheers Earache
Had this problem tonight, thanks to those who gave advice in chat but I still haven't gotten to the bottom of it. When I go into either of the UKDirt Banger servers I get this rather than seeing the names etc; Had problems with Orange Livebox, they recently replaced it with a Netgear router as they don't do the Liveboxes any more. Went onto the 'router manager' page and it appears it has NAT (don't really understand what this is) and a built-in firewall. Could this be what's causing the problem with connecting to the server? Tried disabling NAT and the firewall but then I can't connect to the internet. Does anybody know if there's a way round this or is there no way of racing with this router?
Did this today, weird looking thing but I quite like it. Based on Karl Busch's NASCAR (first driver I could find pics of that drove a Dodge), will probably be in UKDirt Yanks on Tuesday, failing that will race it in Unlims somewhere else
Thanks for posting Having a problem with it though, saved all my skins as 24-bit uncompressed but it thinks they are compressed
No bother
Here's the shale 237shaley.zip
Here's the tar car, done all the grades and changed the chassis colour. Will give him something to get started with at least Working on shale car justnow. 237tarcar.zip
Something like this? Not sure what else to put on it? Think the Santander looks crap tbh but if that's what he wants
Hi, I can probably do them but what chassis did he want?
First thing you want to do is hide the 'labels' layer so you can see the car body more easily. I don't have the newest version of Photoshop but they should all be similar. To hide the labels, click on the button circled in this pic; You can then go to the body colour layer (as shown in this next pic); Now you can either press Ctrl & U and adjust the Hue, Saturation & Lightness or use the paint bucket to change the colour. You can do the same thing with the 'wing colour' if need be. For decals, you can either copy/paste ones that have already been made or you can make your own. I made a tutorial of sorts on making decals, it can be found at the following link; http://www.ukdirtforum.com/index.php?showtopic=30180&hl= Now go to the 'blocks' layer, you may want to get the labels layer back for this. With the 'blocks' layer selected, click on the magic wand tool (circled) and make sure it is set to 'contiguous' (also circled) and click on the first one. You can again use Ctrl and U or the paint bucket to change the colour. Then do the same with the next block etc. Finally, once all the decals etc are on, set the opacity on the body colour and wing colour layers to 100. Opacity is on the 'layers' window; Now, to save your skin, you will need the dds plugin (search google for 'dds plugin', should find it), make sure the dropdown box (circled) says DXT1 no alpha (not what it says in the picture), there are some other settings you need to change which I can't remember off hand, maybe somebody else can assist on this point?
Think there was a guide for putting skins in game somewhere but not sure where it is. Go to the F1Stockcar folder then either ShaleOL or TarmacOL depending which type of car it is, then UKDirt (Shale)/UKDirt (Tarmac) depending. You want to put your skin in there and make sure it is name with your number and the chassis name eg. if your number was 492 and it was a Wainman tar, you would call it 492WainT.dds. You then want to find someone else's .veh file with the same chassis as you (so if it was WainT you would need to find a .veh with WainT in the name). Copy the file and rename the copy for your skin (eg. the 492 wainman tar, you would call it 492WainT.veh). The veh file itself would look something like this; DefaultLivery="492wainT.dds" Change this to your skin name HDVehicle=wainmanT\wainmanT.hdv Graphics=wainmanT\wainmanT.gen Spinner=wainmanT\wainmanT_spinner.gen GenString= Sounds=smallb.sfx Cameras=wainmanT\wainmanT.cam HeadPhysics=headphysics.ini Cockpit=wainmanT\wainmanT_cockpitinfo.ini Upgrades=wainmanT\wainmanT_Upgrades.ini Number=492 Change this to your number Team="UKDirt (Tarmac)" PitGroup="Group1" Driver="Andrew Emslie" Change this to your name Description="#492 Earache" Change this to your number & nickname Engine="Big Block 9L" Manufacturer="Chevrolet" Classes="TarmacOL" FullTeamName="UKDirt (Tarmac)" TeamFounded= TeamHeadquarters="" TeamStarts= TeamPoles= TeamWins= TeamWorldChampionships= Category="TarmacOL" That should let you see your car in game If you're still having a problem, not sure what could be wrong, maybe try saving the dds again? Or trying it in a different DX setting? I'm not an expert, somebody who races these online may be able to tell you more.
If you're registered on the UKDirt main site and have paid your Jolt fee, there should be a bit 'Member Options' tab, go to that and then go to 'Number Registration'.
What version is it you're after?