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Everything posted by Magic208

  1. Magic208


    Knobbys (minus gold roof atm!)
  2. Magic208


    Dashs in cars are no shock, Arenas 1st rooking meet, 1 car had dash and working radio in it!
  3. Sorry but people who can paint their own skins wont pay to get one painted
  4. cut the wings a bit on that capri and she'd be mint! Also wheres the wing on the fleetwood?! lol
  5. Id rather race piggy back style on George bush than in that tbh
  6. Magic208


    Check out the prep on that lexus!
  7. Magic208


    Nice sig leech....must of taken you ages
  8. Magic208


    Proberly a bit late now. Heres my anglia i raced at F1200s. Also im in the process of painting Lee606s TNB skin so watch this space
  9. Magic208


    Not sure if i ever posted this rushed skin up. Also from Shakedown....
  10. Magic208


    Reedy what happened to the mk1 i painted you?!
  11. Magic208


    Nice skin brad, just a shame its the same as haadees, takes the light off yours if you know what i mean? Top effort to both of you tho.
  12. My brothers mk2 limo towing my Mk4 Cortina estate
  13. Magic208


    Thanks to dode for renders
  14. Magic208


    Times new Roman
  15. Magic208


    nice, id have used it on my skin if id have known haha. Note: Check renders and skins thread to see what car im on about.
  16. Magic208


    Hi all, heres something im very proud of. 2 skins in 2 days...the 1st is Parry#281s TNB World Final car, and the 2nd is my FNB World Final car (will i retain it??? AGAIN?!) which you should all recognise Coments please (apologies they aint renders)
  17. You cant make it happen unless you start a new game, like what NickMs doing.
  18. Magic208


    CAGE IT!
  19. Yeah
  20. Magic208


    You started off a craze!
  21. Magic208


    Overy ones mint!
  22. Magic208


    Lol Spudspeed, that was used tho, it looked alot better fresh
  23. Magic208


    Here comes another!
  24. Magic208


    Anyone up for rendering this? BTW befor you all jump on your horses the bonnet is copied and pasted from a pic as i ran out of time.
  25. Magic208


    Heres the my next one out of the production line! I try to think as the white bits is the paint falling off rather than the temp being to shiney. Renders by dode!
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