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Ric O Shay 145

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About Ric O Shay 145

  • Birthday 22/09/1978

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    United Kingdom

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  1. It's not there as yet.
  2. nickname ric o shay number 224 grade ? (novice ) real life driver 84 tom harris
  3. thanks mate much appreciated
  4. THANK YOU BRYAN I would like the randall (purple ) in both plz my number is 224
  5. ok no one can help with painting a skin for an f2 but can anyone advise me on how to paint a randall f2 skin plz
  6. anyone got time to paint me a tar and shale randall with long bonnet for use in the league ?
  7. sorted it all out just needed to run as administrator thanks anyway
  8. Downloaded all tracks last night into program files x86,rfactor,game data,locations and when I click on a track to use the picture comes up with the correct one I've selected but when I go on load track it loads kl up? Any ideas Sent from Messe
  9. I just need to know how to save my skin and how to put it in game for now then I will practice online with you all
  10. anyone help me ive painted my skin in photoshop and it is currently a psd i need to know where to go from this point as im hoping to race next season after some practice can anyone help ???
  11. thanks jake that's great I don't know what grade I will be starting at as I'm now red in both formulas in ukstockars That's fine, on rfactor you can have multiple roof grades in the game at a time that's great jake thanks again looking forward to seeing them :-)
  12. thanks jake that's great I don't know what grade I will be starting at as I'm now red in both formulas in ukstockars
  13. is anyone willing to do these for me plz ??
  14. is there any one available to paint me some f1 and f2 skins ready for next season please I'm after an rce tarmac 2015 f2 and a bingley shale. and f1ns I would like a stuart smith tar and a fwj shale if possible in the same style as attached file of my current ukstockcars f2.my_current_f2_in_ukstockcars.zip my_current_f2_in_ukstockcars.zip
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