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Everything posted by rickyjames237

  1. who put it on server because i dont no the password
  2. ty for putting it on and come on people come on and practice
  3. could you put it on server 45 please
  4. i was wondering if someone can put birmingham nec on server please
  5. i was wondering if someone can put birmingham nec on server please
  6. ricko it did it to me so i deleted it then download it again on ukdirt website and then it worked.
  7. ive got nec track working now, so could you add me to booking list plz ricky#237
  8. me plz 237 not sure if im up to yellow and im not sure if i can get nec track to work
  9. dave can u add it to next skinpack for next season and when do i pay for next season
  10. i have sent u a PM si what i want. its a big ask thou im after paul harrison skin.
  11. opps missed read it thought i have to do it myself. im interested in it
  12. i would have it but i can't change it to what i want because i don't do skins
  13. ive took adobe photoshop cs5 extended back where i got it from it wasnt the right one, so ive downloaded the adobe photoshop cs5 and im using trail version
  14. theres 6 boxes and it tells you thats its on back of the case
  15. asking for serial number does that mean product code, but it doesnt let me type phxsw2
  16. i bought adobe photoshop cs5 extended 2day
  17. thnks just need to no which photoshop to get
  18. on how to create f1,f2 and saloon skins myself and where to start
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