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UKDirt Members
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Everything posted by rickyjames237

  1. whats the servers password
  2. dave martynr is replacing liam
  3. ryano its not to late to join and theres no booking involved just tell dave that you want to join rickys team. liam had to cancel due to connections problems
  4. liam had to cancel connection problems, so i need a replacement
  5. Team Darkhorse Ricky#237 BigDaveUk#968 Liam#90 Craig#122
  6. wat do i need to do not got a skinpack for mondays meeting or ive not that skin u done for my team
  7. why have sim-stox just got 2 teams and weve got bout 6
  8. Team Darkhorse Ricky#237 Liam B#90 Craig#122 TBC dave for the colour can u do me a white roof, yellow bodywork and black chasis
  9. anyone want to join my team because i need a replacement for dippy400, which he won't be helpt to make it
  10. Team Darkhorse Ricky#237 Dippy#400 Liam B#90 Criag#122 dave for the colour can u do me a white roof, yellow bodywork and black chasis
  11. Team Darkhorse Ricky#237 Dippy#400 Liam B#90 TBC dave for the colour i want white roof, yellow bodywork and black chasis
  12. i need 2 people please to join my team then ive got 4.
  13. samwit do u want to join mine?
  14. Team Darkhorse Ricky#237 Dippy#400 TBC TBC dave for the colour i want white roof, yellow bodywork and black chasis
  15. ok thanks dave. can i be the leader in my team and come up with a name
  16. same here dippy
  17. i cant do skins thou. can i join urs plz si
  18. i would like to join ur team plz leech
  19. other downloads av worked its just this one www.sim-stox-downloads.com/SSC/SS-Saloons-FullPack-July.exe
  20. ill av to cancel 2nite meeting not going to get in time
  21. www.sim-stox-downloads.com/SSC/SS-Saloons-FullPack-July.exe not working once its done download saying could not run
  22. can u wait for me if im not in at the time u start
  23. wen do i download http://sim-stox-downloads.com/SSC/SALOONS-UKDIRT-PATCH.exe after the other one
  24. doesnt matter copyied into address bar
  25. can i have a link plz to where the downloads are
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