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Everything posted by martwisely

  1. The Nutter on the left goes by the name chewy lol. and on the right im guessin its um you know who i mean. Chewy itching his back....
  2. Good luck to you and your family Martin
  3. I have quite a few pics of Saloons on my site www.crimondstockcars.tk Martin
  4. Looking gr8t Keep it up
  5. martwisely


    One thing though?? Wheres Chewy at??? i cant see him standin with his yellow flag
  6. Cheers aussie Looks ace. And yes itl prob just be smashed up lol.
  7. Have u heard anything about it yet damo??
  8. il get a few 2 hopefully i already have a few but not fromall around the car. And maybe a few of that classic cars that will be there for the banger making people.
  9. It would be better if it was loons from anywhere. As there would be more range of cars IMO. Martin
  10. Wont let me edit previous post I finally got rid of it by using this online scanner http://www.trendmicro.com/hc_intro/default.asp and Adaware program. If you get this virus also try these programs. The Adaware program is available to download from Bws site And yes it is a pesky thing to get rid of. Martin
  11. I have been sittin at my pc since 11am this mornin trying to get rid of thisvirus and i finally have. With a little help from my mate on msn. After using a few scanners. i finally got one that worked and has now removed it. So Hopefully it dont come back. Cheers whoever helped out. Martin
  12. Could u also add some cheqs somewhere on the car. anywhere apart from roof. Cheers if u could. Martin
  13. Hi Aussie would u be able to do me a Yank also for Friday. Same yank as above. What i would like on it Race name which is Marty My Number which is 123 www.crimondstockcars.tk Orange, white and red. (Orange and front and red in middle and orange at back plz) and flames somewhere on car. Cheers Martin PS. o yeh and u can put ur signwriting logo on it 2 if u want
  14. The tool will now check if wininet.dll is infected. You may be prompted to replace the infected file (if found); answer "Yes" by typing Y and press "Enter" That didnt appear.?? Must be a way on gettin rid of it without having to wipe whole pc. It says its a trojan and its located in the system 32 folder so i went there and tried to delete the name it said that was infected but wouldnt let me. Said access denied. Edit: Just checked after restarting and that isnt showing in that folder anymore but message still appearin Martin
  15. Any1 know of any other solution that i could try??? Martin
  16. I tried both these programs and followed throught but still have the virus??
  17. You racin on sunday sparky?? or Spectatin?? I Dont think Chewy will be there Erik. Soyou will be safe to take your mini out He said he wasnt unless things have changed Martin
  18. I shall take a few photos of the Saloonstox on sunday at crimond if i arent working. and i will post a few pics up of Saloonstox. If any1 wants to attempt them. Martin
  19. I have downloaded that program and scanning as we speak. Hopefully it removes it.
  20. I have just got the exact same virus on my pc. Trying to get rid of it
  21. How about attempting Ally strachans car 501 They look good and real life ssc sounds a good idea. Martin
  22. 11/10 Keep up the good work u 2 and every1 else who is bringin new templates out to make the game more enjoyable. Martin
  23. Looking good Just looks like its his real life car. Take you long to do??? Martin
  24. like the pics lol.
  25. Happy Birthday
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