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Everything posted by martwisely

  1. martwisely


    Epic Nice renders How u do a quick linescan?
  2. martwisely


    Like the colours sparky Good old allys eh lol. Keep up good work all.
  3. Whats wrong with thinking positive? we had a good team this year, we played well against Portugal with 10 men and in my opinion deserved to win. You may say that every year we say we can win, but as i said whats wrong with thinking positive? its hardly going to inspire a nation if the Captain says "were a bit crap but we may get through the group stages if we are lucky" its better to look on the bright side and think we can win, then hopefully we can perform better. Another thing i don't understand is why generally the Scottish have a HUGE chip on their shoulder when it comes to the English, why? the Scotts love to see England loose, why? and they’re are happy when we get kicked out the world cup, why? if Scotland were in it id honestly want them to do well and i'd cheer them on, and if England wouldn't win the cup i'd want Scotland to win it, simply because its part of Great Britain and part of our Country. I think the Scotts need to grow up a bit and stop being to so anit-English, it just makes them look pathetic, especially when they don't even play football. Good story there But i bet IF Scotland did get throught and England didnt it probably would be vice versa. But anyway back to the right topic Few good desktop wallpapers Martin
  4. Is it for Unlimited or U2l btw??
  5. martwisely


    i noticed the trailor sinkin after i posted the image up. But it took so long to render that i have saved it but ill prob not go back to it. and as for the Van it dont look sinking to me
  6. martwisely


    My latest one went back and did a few changes [attachmentid=7194] Martin
  7. Just diggin up an old thread. Cal gave me link to it and i though id put it to use and have a try at it will post up pics soon. Martin
  8. Nice one rodder
  9. Happy bday old man lol. Have a good day. Martin
  10. im sure ive seen some1 post this or you did on the forum. I Couldnt have dreamed it
  11. martwisely

    help plz

    U need the UI file. Martin
  12. Nice render rikard
  13. martwisely


    Just about there just trying to get the wheels right first atttempt at wheels [attachmentid=7034] and im now on my 7th attempt and heres what i got lol. [attachmentid=7035] Martin
  14. martwisely


    nice loon and render to go with it
  15. martwisely


    You mean like this??? Did this one this morning I know the car in truck is smaller than i first thought but didnt realise this until finishing the render. But i have saved it so ill go back to it after and scale it. [attachmentid=7023] And did this last night [attachmentid=7024] Martin
  16. martwisely


    Hi its a while since i have rendered so i decided tonight to do a render of my anglia here is my first attempt at rendering in a while. [attachmentid=7017] [attachmentid=7018] Martin
  17. The Second one is Chewy in Disguise. lol Good find tho
  18. Happy birthday 2 u both Have a goodday and would be good to see England lose Tonight lol. Martin
  19. Thought i would bring this topic back... The Real Version It is just before the England v Brazil match. Ronaldinho goes into theBrazilian changing room to find all his teammates looking a bit glum. "What's up?" he asks. "Well, we're having trouble getting motivated for this game. We know it's important but it's only England. They're useless and we can't be bothered." Ronaldinho looks at them and says, "Well, I reckon I can beat them by myself. You lads go down the pub." So Ronaldinho goes out to play England by himself and the rest of the Brazilian team go off for a few jars. After a few pints they wonder how the game is going, so they get the landlord to put the teletext on. A big cheer goes up as the screen reads " Brazil 1 - England 0 (Ronaldinho 10 minutes)". He is beating England all by himself! Anyway, a few pints later and the game is forgotten until someone remembers, "It must be full time now, let's see how he got on." They put the teletext on. "Result from the Stadium 'Brazil 1 (Ronaldinho 10 minutes) - England 1 (Lampard 89 minutes)." They can't believe it; he has single-handedly got a draw against England!! They rush back to the Stadium to congratulate Ronaldinho. They find him inthe dressing room, still in his gear, sitting with his head in his hands. He refuses to look at them. "I've let you down, I've let you down." "Don't be daft, you got a draw against England, all by yourself. And theyonly scored at the very, very end!" "No, no, I have, I've let you down. I got sent off after 12 minutes." Can be found at http://www.office-humour.co.uk/g/i/4282/ lol Martin
  20. Looks like to me they have to be opened in Paint Shop Pro as it is a psp file. Will it not let you change the file type by going into the properties?? Martin.
  21. Peter Thompson 502 car. [attachmentid=6914] All credit goes to Erik who painted this car. Real life car [attachmentid=6915]
  22. Yes erik did do one. ill get the pics of it of him and let youz see it. Martin
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