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Everything posted by Cabs

  1. Right ....... taking my ball in now !!!
  2. sorry to bring back a very old post .... now been sorted with something a little better
  3. Stunning to say the least Thanks to whoever done my lads car (wish we had it signwritten now lol). The time and effort gone into all those cars from the first weld to the last letter written is very much appreciated at this end Well done everyone!
  4. Crewie, I found this number for Orange Broadband Support - 0800 2945611 yep a fee one Although they sent me a text today to phone them back on another number to explain what the 'engineers' have told them about my complaint. They say my exchange does have a problem and they are working on it. Hopefully they dont leave it like this after a speedtest ..... Think someones turned the dial the wrong way there ....
  5. Crewie, i've had the same problem over the last few weeks and i'm also with Orange and a pre-war telephone exchange. Have a look around the web about improving your 'latency' or 'ping' as we know it lol I tried the above today, i dont know if its a total fix, but last night in practice i was getting a 'ping' 200+ at around 7.30pm with 4 of us in there. Have'nt tried to race yet but just been in the server (8.00pm) at what i would call 'peak time' and ping was at 85, ok not fantastic but a lot better ...... i'm hoping it works because like you its starting to p@*s me off! DO NOT FOLLOW THE ABOVE LINK IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH DOING SO Cheers, Cabs!
  6. Beauty mate thanks for that, cracking job! I'll catch up with you soon.
  7. I have tried all the options in the graphics menu, but still unable to to make it a full screen? I have a laptop running the same OS, and thats the same,could this be the problem? Rfactor is now the nuts though lol
  8. Hi peeps, me again Just installing ukdirt and some mods again, used essentials from ukdirt site, patched to 1.72 etc. All ok untill i go to the 'race' part, where the screen size is only approx 3/4 of what the previous pages are? Got full height but not width? Would post a pic but cant work that out yet! lol. Oh its also on windows 7 64 bit. Thanks for any help! Cabs.
  9. Looking good Pry still think you may be better off buying some alloy sheet rather than drink all that beer just to get enough cans to panel it .....
  10. Cabs

    New PC help

    sorry, cant edit above ... Think i'm going to give this one a go .... http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct....445&subcat= Anyone not agree ? please speak up before Monday!
  11. Cabs

    New PC help

    Thanks for the link Hutch Cheers, Cabs.
  12. Cabs

    New PC help

    Thanks for all the replys lads, much appreciated Never really thought about building my own, mainly because i would not have a clue as to what to buy to put in it. I do like the idea though, would it be too much to ask someone to sort me a list of items i need to build one from scratch and maybe who are reliable people to purchase the items from. Thanks again for any help, Cabs.
  13. Cabs

    New PC help

    Probably easier if it 'ready to go' Lee, but not essential.
  14. Cabs

    New PC help

    Morning all. I'm going to buy myself a new pc for home but would appreciate any help from people that have possibly made a recent purchase or has spotted one that they would have if they were going to buy a new one. Dont need a screen or mouse etc, and it will mainly be used for the online gaming side of things so will need to run rfactor with ease. I been looking at some, but the more i look the more I get lost and confused No more than £500 really, or 'er indors will hit the roof Any help much appreciated, thanks Cabs.
  15. News/Results and Points now up to date Thats it for us this year now, we've had a ball!! 2009 Autospeed Points Champion 2009 St Day Track Champion 13 Different tracks most of which are the other end of the earth for us Anyway i'm off for a rest ....... cya in the new year!
  16. Found this one with hair ......... 1986 in the pits at Wimbo
  17. Luckily still kept my youthfull good looks
  18. A few result and points update added Still a few meetings left this year for us including Hednesford this sunday, possibly Mildenhall (depends on the weather lol) and a Wimbledon in December. So come over and say hi if you see us somewhere
  19. Ipswich tomorrow then Buxton Sunday C'mon the Moodster!!!!!
  20. Richard (red t shirt) Stav and Travs sister (sorry forgot her name)
  21. Working too much Spud When i'm not working i'm in the garage or driving somewhere miles away!
  22. Same people at 'Smallstox' Spud. I think it was £50 mate.
  23. A few updates added, thanks for looking and the comments http://www.dale960.zoomshare.com/0.html
  24. I had my lads ministox done, something nice to keep.
  25. Thanks for that Crimond is brilliant fun
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