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Everything posted by Samwit

  1. I can't make it tonight, somethings come up Mike. The team on the questions thread needs to be brought together by somebody
  2. I'll take that then Mike, sounds good
  3. I need a team plz
  4. Can I have a booking with 58p, not 52p? Cheers Sam
  5. Samwit 52p Booking In Plz
  6. My new one thanks to Big-Dave i'm not red but it looks best, comments welcome
  7. Samwit #954 Yellow Plz Dave
  8. Ok cheers Hooty, is that the Java Chat?
  9. Hi all, For 2 meetings now my mIRC Chat has been unable to connect to the server. When I retry to connect the same happens. Can anybody help? Cheers, Sam
  10. It's not the program, it can't connect to server on either of them
  11. mIRC can't connect on my PC for some reason, will wait in game for you Sam
  12. Thanks mate, much appreciated
  13. Booking out plz
  14. Samwit #954 Yellow Please
  15. Looks the dog's as always Dave!
  16. All sorted now, cheers Drumb
  17. Delete your sexbierum folder and replace it with this one, you won't get a mismatch offline as it has nothing to check it against. Done that, and still a mismatch
  18. How come i keep getting the track geometry online but it works offline? Cheers, Sam
  19. Samwit #954 Yellow plz Dave
  20. Sorry a bit late, just remembered but can I have a booking? Samwit #954 Yellow plz.
  21. Samwit #954 prov please Dave
  22. Randall please mate
  23. Erm a purply colour with silver bumpers and a silver rollcage. Don't bother with sponsors for now as the meeting is for tomorrow if that's ok?
  24. Or even an old skin someone could put numbers on?
  25. Does anybody fancie painting me a quick superstox skin for tomorrow's meeting please? I need all the grades and the number 954. I don't mind what sponsors. Cheers, Sam
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