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Everything posted by Samwit

  1. Do u have to pay to get the server options?
  2. Oh and btw can i use my xbox 360 controller or are there requirements?
  3. Very nice dave how've u already got the new randall
  4. Hi can i just clarify is it manual gear changes and no steering help?
  5. Samwit - 154 Steve Green RCE No online grade/haven't raced online
  6. Samwit


    Tah for the reply Dave and MoR i was just thinkin how good all the cars would look with the goodyears on them
  7. In the new mod v1.4 i thought there was supposed to be goodyears in the update or was that just a rumour?
  8. Great job Dave, lovin the wheel rims
  9. Ok, cheers for da reply pedz
  10. Hi all, Just wonderin if there is anyway to change the wheel rim colours in the F1 stockcars mod instead of just havin red, gold, silver etc. Can you and if so, how can you change them? Cheers, Sam
  11. Cheers Kev, I've found them now
  12. Hi just wondering, on the british championship photos kev says there are more than 200 photos on the website but i don't know where 2 find them help appreciated cheers samwit
  13. When i'm offline on rfactor can i use ps3 or xbox 360 controllers? If so how can i assign them to work on rfactor?
  14. Cheers Drumb everything sorted now
  15. Hi all, when i switch to all tracks and vehicles on rFactor it worked fine. I then left it on all tracks and vehicles and closed it down. Now everthing works fine untill after the little video thing the rfactor logo comes up (some legal thing i think) the screen goes black and i can hear the music and can see the white cursor but can't see anything else. All help appreciated. Cheers, Sam
  16. Hi wrighty it is all right now as it was something to do with the showroom files
  17. Hi can anyone help because when i go on rfactor it loads up to the point where FWJ, SSJ and John Lund are at cov and then just freezes cheers samwit
  18. Anyone?
  19. Hi all, For a skin, has anyone got the numbrrs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 in the font of Murray Harrison's number on his tar wing as a psd? Cheers Samwit
  20. Hi All can anyone put up the link for nutts corner as it doesn't work on sim stox. Cheers
  21. Hi Could anybody post the rapid orange logo.psd and the J Davidson Scrap metal proccesers like on the side of Luke's Davidson's car
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