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Everything posted by MarcG
Just seen it on the news, hope he makes a quick and very well recovery, All the best Richard
Hay Ive watched it a few times myself. I even showed it to my dad!!! Marc none of the LPC gang seem to of heard of you. What series do you race in on UK dirt? eerr none mate! I did get ahold of HEAT last year sometime and signed up here then, one thing or another made it impossible to get going and I eventually lost the HEAT CD! Came back just to see if the shift to rF was in the works and..well..been here since!
Looking fantastic guys keep it going, this also surprised me somewhat (ok a few people may of wacthed it more than once but...) Views: 270
It is a Great day out, been many times before and seen very scary crashes along the way. I've got football at Stanmer Park at 2:30 so will miss it this year but will return in the future....gotta love the whole occasion, fast cars/sunny day/beer/beautiful view = Marvelous Scenes
cool cheers, might have a go at thgis later just for kicks like!
link dont work I get: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_words() (previously declared in /home/stoxnet/public_html/forum/gallery/include/search.inc.php:44) in /home/stoxnet/public_html/forum/gallery/include/search.inc.php on line 44
Madcowie, the last Hot Rod Heaven on Sky Sports had the World FInal from Ipswich, maybe theres someone who Sky+ it and uploaded it to some newsnet thing. I've still got it on Sky+ but have no DVD recorder so cant burn it
When you install the mod go to the Player Screen and you'll see a section at the top to change to different mods, self installing mods will work fine and be there already. Zipped mods may need to be extracted which is straight forward enough. As for Tracks, they go in the rFactor\Gamedata\Locations folder.
eerr you've lost me mate, what did I do?
Everything is looking good guys, I think the only way to properly show my appreciation would be to camp outside your houses in a tent with a giant flag that read "THANK YOU DUDES!" or something equally odd I'm not too hot on collision stuff in rF but I do know it takes alot to get the damage just right, something lacking in alot of the good mods unfortunatley. I've posted this somewhere before but it deserves another outing
I know quite abit about SKinning for rF so gimme a PM or shout or whatever if you have any questions, heres a link to RSC and a decent tutorial on skinning, make sure you read Post #2 by RacerAlex as thats the best way to get Skins working without overwriting other skins: http://forum.rscnet.org/showthread.php?t=257045
god that F1 in rF menu has wetted my pantaloons Please....I beg of you guys....make this Real
there is no Wet Racing in rFactor....yet! Its supposedly coming in the future but not sure when and certainly no time soon Still a bloody good game without it though!
You just download the file (700mb) and you get two cars & tracks to trial on, ignore the purchasing bits and scroll down to the mirrors: http://www.rfactor.net/index.php?page=buyonline I dont think you can race online or add mods but you'll get the idea of what its like.
rFactor now comes with a trial, so you dont have to pay to play it! Highly recommend it
Amazingly happy to hear that you guys are still working on the rFactor side of things, keep up the good work As for rF, just have a browse around the following site for the different Mods/Tracks available and take a look at the screenshots....most of which are only at a rough medium level! http://www.rfactorcentral.com/
rF does'nt require an amazing PC to run, I have a fairly low/medium-standard machine* and it runs just fine, the online play (256k down/128k up) is lag free and I race mainly on US servers with a ping under 150ms most of the time and very rarely find troubles with it...hell I've raced on Australian servers and not noticed any lag! As Nick M48 says there is alot to find out about the game in terms of modding, but I can assure you it will only progress as time moves on. If nothing progresses and you see fit not to continue work with rF then I may very well abandon life, make a 2litre Hot Rod model, create a short oval & enjoy it all by myself * my rig incase you're interested: Athlon Xp2100+ (1.8ghz) GeForce 5900XT 128mb Graphics Card SoundBlaster 5.1 soundcard (basic) 1.7gb RAM (was 768gb, rF ran fine with that, I got extra 1gig for 3DSMax 8/Photoshop etc) P.S. sorry to take off-topic....yes Lienz is fantastic
heh yeah its a Porsche Carrera! Thanks guys, Phil Whites motor will take sometime but I'll post it here when done Might even do Ricky Hunns in the meantime, which reminds me, if anyone else has any mid/late 1980s/very early 1990s National HotRod pictures or knows where to find some let me know please. I would'nt mind doing a big Skin Pack for them, maybe on the Porches or some future mod...just waiting on that Starlet carshape for rFactor if anyone would do it!
Thanks again for the pics mate: Only loosely based on Geroge Polleys 1980s Starlet:
Hi all, I'm trying to recreate the classic mid/late 80s cars of Phil White & George Polley in rFactor. I've searched the 'net but only come up with one Polley pic and none of Whites Chequered motor. I mainly need them for the proper logos/sponsors as I can remember the base design simply enough. If anyone has or knows where there are some pics of both cars I would be most grateful (got the Polley one from his website). Thanks