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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. ok then heres my take on this meeting and it isnt good im affraid, i personally think this was 1 of if not the worst f2 meeting ive been involved in on ukdirt since i started. the amount of stupid rejoins after people had spun was a joke if you spin or get taken out please use your mirrors and have a bit of respect for the other drivers still racing just coz your race has been damaged doesnt mean you have to wreck someone elses at the same time, on top of this there was a few silly feuds going on in the later races again getting in the way of other people this has got to stop again its a joke, we cant even blame this on new members as it was a few older experienced racers who should know better and they are the 1st to moan if its the other way around, talking in races is also a no no which i saw atleast twice on monday, i know some people will say its the track blah blah blah but its not its the drivers and the 1s concerned must know who they are and need to sort it, next weeks track is barford and again is going to need some common sense when driving and rejoining (rejoing being the worst part by far) i would also suggest if you cant roll to your starting grade at a decent speed without hitting a fence and getting stuck there or hitting other cars that are lined up you probably shouldnt be racing online its the easiest part of racing for gods sake we want new members to join and enjoy there racing in f2s and if people are going to ruin races by these silly things they arent going to come back the week after and if that starts to happen i would rather lose the culprits than the new members so please ALL use common sense and dont do anything you would be angered at if it was happeneing to you because if you do do these things and you get it back you cant maon about it at all as its your own fault
  2. any chance of a late booking as its all in please? and what grade am i? lol
  3. last years cars for me please
  4. mine from last year please mate
  5. my latest, this really was a 'menace' to do and took alot longer than i was hoping but got there in the end
  6. dave 488 yellow i think please
  7. go to C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar\Skins Folder\F2TarmacOL and C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar\Skins Folder\F2ShaleOL and just delete the ukdirt 2010 folders from each 1 (only delete the ukdirt 2010 not novices) you shouldnt have to delete them anyway to be honest as all this years cars are named different to last years so that shouldnt be your mismatch problem at all, i named them all different for this purpose if your on xp you wont have the programme files (x86) it will just be c:\programme files\rfactor\gamedata etc etc......
  8. can i just ask out of interest do people prefer the racing in 2 servers or racing in 1 and watching the other races? just for future reference really
  9. the 1 on the ukdirt ste mate we dont know about any other version(s)
  10. if anybody else wishes to upload f2 skins please continue to use the upload tool on the ukdirt site and i will add them all when i make another pack, when that will be depends on how many are uploaded
  11. thankyou all for racing tonight , well done to all race winners and leech for winning the final, a big well done to tom for top scoring allso RESULTS Heat 1 - 115, 1, 277, 236, 46, 131, 31, 365, 172, 221 Heat 2 - 774, 188, 2, 1, 760, 151, 164, 236, 473, 496 Heat 3 - 112, 46, 39, 151, 488, 115, 313, 599, 496, 473 Heat 4 - 488, 112, 599, 774, 39, 221, 164, 277, 760, 365 Consi 1 - 313, 129, 172, 94, 365, 31, 473, 131 FINAL - 774, 151, 112, 1, 488, 221, 115, 46, 129, 236 G.N - 188, 1, 112, 151, 46, 221, 277, 115, 39, 488 POINTS 112=43 1=39 774=37 151=37 488=29 46=27 115=26 221=21 188=19 39=16 277=15 236=12 599=11 760=8 2=8 164=8 131=5 31=4 313=4 129=4 365=4 473=3 496=3 172=2 165=0 33=0 94=0 no shows= 88, 808 hope to see you all again next week at Cowdenbeath
  12. welcome all to birmingham for the 1st csqr of 2011 we will race for heats tonight then a consi to determine the final Heat 1 - 31, 165, 313, 808 // 33, 131, 172, 277 // 221 // 115, 236, 365 // 46, 1 = 15 cars - stew 112 Heat 2 - 88, 473, 760 // 2, 94, 131, 496 // 129, 774 // 188, 236, 151 // 1, 164 = 15 cars - stew 488 Heat 3 - 31, 473, 313, 808 // 33, 172, 496, 599 // 129 // 39, 115, 488, 151 // 46,112 = 14 cars - stew 112 Heat 4 - 88, 165, 760 // 2, 94, 277, 599 // 221, 774 // 39, 188, 365, 488 / 112, 164 = 14 cars - stew 1 PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN 2 HEATS Consolation to follow, Then Final and possibly B Final 16 through to Final and Top 8 from Consolation 2 GN Races Aswell, will decide with number left before the Final ALL TO CHAT FOR 8.20 PLEASE
  13. 151, 599 added 531 removed
  14. bookings closed 164 added mi up soon does anyone know whats happeneing with gary 131 tonight?
  15. bookings have closed on ukdirt site so if you wish to race or cancel tonight please post below, bookings open till 7.30
  16. hello lads this is the new thread for the 2011 skinpacks you will need for the 2011 f2 season i will add each pack here aswell as on the ukdirt site **IMPORTANT INFO PLEASE ALL READ** PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE INSTALLER BEFORE YOU RUN IT AS ALL XP USERS WILL NEED TO REMOVE THE (X86) FROM THE DIRECTORY LINE SO IF YOU ARE ON XP THE INSTALLER LINE SHOULD READ: C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar\Skins Folder once you have installed the v3.0 version of f2s you will need to add this patch from uksom that can be found >>HERE<< PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL ALL PACKS IN ORDER THROUGH THE YEAR >>PACK 1<< >>PACK 2<<
  17. Here is a patch from UKSom that you will ALL need for tomorrow night please, YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE THE V3.0 GAME FROM ABOVE INSTALLED 1ST THEN PUT THIS PATCH IN AFTER PLEASE >>>HIGMAN PATCH<<<
  18. yes si ive got them thats fine mate i will duplicate them
  19. yes got it mate list updated above as before if your names not on there but should be please pm me asap, only just under 4 and a half hours left lads
  20. as i said drumb looks really nice and sam i dont care, you have to change the numbers anyway and ive chnaged bully jnrs car already so he doesnt have to have the embarasment of having the same stuff as yours
  21. you couldve asked people as now im gonna have to change some signs on a car i did so it aint the same as yours but thanks
  22. the outline is not white its purple it needs to have awhite outline around the whole number and can i ask why you have just ripped stuff from other people dds' and stuck them on your car? its not really painting your own cars if your using other peoples stuff is it?
  23. if they are for ukdirt dont forget white outline around black numbers please
  24. print screen if your car is on the spinner like toshs or F12 if your in game on track like mine sam
  25. OK received list updated in the 1st post, if you have sent me a skin and your names not on that list please let me know asap
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