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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. Harmen Swearing in race chat aimed at another driver - Two weeks ban all mods. He will be able to race again on 18th December 2010
  2. thanks to all those that raced tonight and throughout the 2010 season, tonights format didnt really work in real life and i dont think it really worked tonight either but we had to give it a go well done to Aub#881 on winning the central series final, and to Tom#112 for winning the UKDirt 10 final, Also well done to all other race winners and to Robin#87 for top scoring after winning the meeting final, and thankyou to stoxjack#249 for joining us from sim-stox CENTRAL SERIES FINAL: 881,1,87,46,18,136,256,2,172,488,599,343,112,199,151,39 HEATS: Heat 1: 881,87,151,256,488,18,599,641,121,774 // 2,912,199,343,172,136,112,313 Heat 2: 121,151,774,39,112,256,46,1,249,18 // 599,912,343,313,365,172,881 Heat 3: 87,881,46,256,1,18,488,249,136,199 // 641,39,912,343,151,365 Heat 4: 1,46,87,774,488,112,599,341,39,249 // 151,136,313,172,199 FINAL: 87,249,151,313,1,881,172,112,136,121 // 599,18,46,641,256,774,199,912 UKDirt 10 Final: 112,46,136,1,87,774,256,18,151,121,488,881 Allcomers: 1,641,199,488,136,121,774,881,313,912,112,18,46,172,151,256 Points: 87 - 74 1 - 50 151 - 50 881 - 48 46 - 42 256 - 38 488 - 32 774 - 32 249 - 30 112 - 28 121 - 26 18 - 22 39 - 18 599 - 16 313 - 14 641 - 12 136 - 8 172 - 8 199 - 2 2 - 0 343 - 0 365 - 0 912 - 0 i havent added the allcomers points as to be fair i dont think many actually finished it so its pointless once again thankyou for racing during 2010 and we hope to see you back next year, please keep an eye out for the F2 BETA testing details, and we are also hopeing to run a F2 team meeting at some point also, we will be looking to put up a suggestion thread soon and also hope to do 2010 F2 awards
  3. just go to server now mate
  4. just copying what they did in rl trav dont shoot the messenger lol
  5. Welcome to the final meeting of the 2010 f2 season, where we will race the central series final and the ukdirt 10 final, the meeting format is slightly different and a bit confusing so please read closley each person will race in 3 heats all heats are double points, each group will have 1 race at the front middle and back of grid with a grade gap between groups,each person will also start each heat in a different grid slot within the group you will have 1 race at front 1 race in the middle and 1 race from the rear of your group i will call the grids in the server as quick as i can it will be easier that way than writing them in here Group A Waqar 199 Pusher 2 BFD 351 Kruiz 136 Dave 488 Robin 87 Group B Budge 313 SpikeJNR 172 Harold 599 Dode 151 Leech 774 TomD 112 Group C Numbnut 343 Marky 18 Kendo 912 Hooty 256 Aub 881 Ali 121 Group D Bayne 601 Jack 249 LeeK 39 Trav 365 Nezza 46 Drumbstick 1 RACE FORMAT CS FINAL: 881, 112, 46, 87, 1, 256, 351, 488, 39, 599, 151, 199, 18, 343, 172, 136, 2 HEATS:(CLUTCH START) Race 1 - Groups A (FRONT) B (MIDDLE) C (REAR) Race 2 - Groups B (FRONT) C (MIDDLE) D (REAR) Race 3 - Groups C (FRONT) D (MIDDLE) A (REAR) Race 4 - Groups D (FRONT) A (MIDDLE) B (REAR) NORMAL FINAL (ROLLING START) ALLCOMERS (CLUTCH START IN WHAT ORDER THE SERVER PUTS YOU IN) UKDIRT 10 FINAL (ROLLING START) PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF YOUR GROUP please be in chat for 8.20 as we have a lot to get through tonight
  6. i8 added* bookings closed 24 booked so easy to work the grids out (he says lol)
  7. taking late bookings until 7.30 please post below thankyou
  8. points have been updated, (link is in 2nd post above), only the top 12 go into the UKDirt 10 final but there will also be a normal meeting final ran on the night, looking at the points there is still a few places that can change due to the double points on offer monday with the 3 heats. this is the last meeting of the 2010 season for f2s so get booked in, if we have a good few booked in the nz type grids in the heats should produce some very good racing
  9. it depends on what your uploading heat skins need to be .tex files rfactor skins need to be .dds files, as for accessing the forums maybe your payment hasnt gone through yet? as i dont think you get access untill its all gone through, hope this helps
  10. points added and toms points amended also
  11. well done Robin youve been in a class of your own this year and had the points won many many meetings ago, car looks very nice BAM!
  12. have sent you a pm mav
  13. numbnut stay booked in please we are working on a fix
  14. Monday will see us race at Belle Vue for the last national points scoring meeting of 2010, it is a UKDirt 10 round but most importantly its the WHITES AND YELLOWS CHAMPIONSHIP FINALE, this race will be the 1st race of the night and is open to anyone that has scored points in the W&Y rounds run throughout the year, the table is >>HERE<<. It will be ran as a closed grid so should make a great race providing a few get booked in, last years champion is #523 Ernie JR who wont be racing as he hasnt raced this year so the 2010 title will be going to someone new, get booked in now it could be your chance to take the title if all book in the grid will be: 172 - 313 550 - 2 495 - 351 542 - 912 81 - 343 3 - 131 641 - 30 94 - 599 269 - 365 848 - 61 reserves are: 496, 184, 904, 601 drivers in bold are booked drivers in red will not be racing so reserves will be added if possible
  15. Lew Swearing in race chat aimed at another driver - Two weeks ban all mods. He will be able to race again on 3rd December 2010.
  16. Dave hopes to have his interweb back intime to race. However if there are any issues you will have to pm the Mighty or Stoxjack because im away to race Touring cars. Have Fun Aub
  17. Dave has no interweb at the mo so i will forward you the pm in a second dode. Aub
  18. Thankyou all for racing tonight, well done to Aub#881 for winning the SF thus giving him pole for the final at birmingham, also well done Lars#550 on the final win, the heats went to Aub and Dode#151 while the allcomers was taken by Drumbstick#1 RESULTS: CS SF: 881,112,550,46,87,1,256,351,488,495,39,131,599,848,151,199,18,343,172, 136,2 Heat 1: 881,495,112,87,151,46,1,256,848,343 Heat 2: 151,131,136,1,848,87,488,18,550,351 Final: 550,1,488,46,599,151,256,131,136,112 Allcomers: 1,46,151,87,848,351,112,136,488,172 POINTS: 1 - 39 151 - 34 46 - 28 488 - 22 550 - 22 87 - 19 131 - 15 136 - 15 848 - 14 112 - 14 599 - 12 256 - 11 881 - 10 495 - 9 351 - 6 18 - 3 343 - 1 172 - 1 199 - 0 2 - 0 39 - 0 hope to see you all next week at Belle Vue for the final UKDIRT 10 round and the W&Y championship final so get yourselves booked in now
  19. with 22 cars booked and due to the size of the track we will be running all in tonight, the 1st race of the night will be the semi final we will only be running 1 and the result will make the final grid for the final at birmingham meeting after that we will have a full meeting 2 heats all in final all in allcomers all in i will call the semi final grid out in the server please make sure you have yesterdays skin pack installed correctly see you in chat at 8.20
  20. bookings closed mi up soon
  21. bookings have closed on the website so if you would like to race this meeting or cancel then please post below, will take bookings until 7.30
  22. skinpack 7 has been released for this meeting you can get it from >>HERE<<
  23. cheers dode cmon lads i would like to get atleast 4 to fill the grid slots we have been invited for the latest update i have is this: "entries must be from regular UKDirt F2 racers, even if they have earned points in the Sim-Stox World Cup qualifying rounds. They are representing UKDirt as a guest sanction and so they should be any racers which UKDirt is happy to put forward." so i guess aub etc could book in for this as a wildcard if they dso wish
  24. Here is skinpack 7 that everybody will need for the Hednesford meeting Tomorrow,this pack contains the new wing of newly crowned WOS champion Robin#87 plus a few other skins as always: PLEASE READ THE INSTALLER BEFORE YOU ADD THE PACK AS XP USERS WILL NEED TO REMOVE THE (X86) FROM THE DIRECTORY LINE >>PACK 7<<
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