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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. heres the 5th grade changes of the 2010 season these will come into effect from now so if youve changed grade please make sure you have the correct wing on monday at sexberium, a big well done to all those that have gone up and i'm sure those that have gone down will be trying to bounce straight back next month up to s/s: 46, 881 down to red: 112 up to red: 79, 151 down to blue: 221, 365, 550 up to blue: no one down to yellow: 2 up to yellow: 172 down to white: no one
  2. congratulations to you both
  3. thanks to all that raced tonight wasnt a bad meeting i thought, well done to Aub#881 for winning yet another final and after getting up to 8th in the gn it also means he top scores aswell, thats it for the WQ points for 2010 i will update the points for that tomorrow night and we will sort the grids out from there so plese keep an eye out in the coming weeks, this was also the end of the current grading period RESULTS: Heat 1: 39,79,488,41,599,881,46,212,1,365 Heat 2: 79,870,172,87,41,912,46,164,365,262 Heat 3: 881,87,39,172,164,1,212,550,870,912 FINAL: 881,912,41,212,87,46,39,164,1,79 GN: 39,87,488,164,46,41,1,881*,599,351 POINTS: AUB881 - 41 ROBIN87 - 37 LEEK39 - 36 DRUMBSTICK41 - 34 NEZZA46 - 24 KENDO912 - 24 TOSH164 - 22 GARY79 - 21 PEDZ212 - 21 DAVE488 - 16 LEE1 - 15 SPIKEJNR172 - 15 MART870 - 11 HAROLD599 - 8 TRAV365 - 3 LARS550 - 3 HARMEN262 - 1 BFD351 - 1 BATHYBOY81 - 0 NUMBNUTS343 - 0 LEW495 - 0 i hope you will all join us next week where we will be on shale at sexberium, that is also a W&Y round so get yourselves booked in
  4. Thanks for letting me know lads
  5. hello lads tonight we will be running 2/3 heats with a all in final and gn, please make sure you are in 2 heats if not please let me know, please make a note of what heats your in please be in chat by 8.25 for a 8.30 start heat 1: 172, 343, 445, 81 // 351 // 39, 488, 79, 599 // 46, 365, 212, 881 // 41, 1 15 cars heat 2: 172, 343, 870 // 495 // 79, 599, 262, 912 // 136, 550, 46, 365 // 164, 87, 41 15 cars heat 3: 870, 445, 81 // 351, 495 // 262, 912, 39, 488 // 212, 881, 136, 550 // 87, 164, 1 16 cars
  6. bookings closed 870, 445, 343, 495 added 864 removed
  7. i would if i knew anything about it mate sorry lol, maybe someone else can help? if not just be in server 90 just after 8.30
  8. bookings closed on ukdirt site so if you wish to race in the last WCQR of 2010 or cancel your booking please post below, bookings close at 7.30pm
  9. theres some in there now mate ip above
  10. just a reminder lads that this monday is the last WCQR of 2010, so if you havent got many points or any at all this is your last chance to get some and try to get into a semi final at barford (16/08/10). i have attached the latest WCQ points form the ukdirtf2 site below so you can see what points you have or how many you may need to make it in, dont forget only your best 10 rounds count >>WCQ POINTS TABLE<<
  11. thankyou all for racing at knockhill tonight in part 1 of the scottish championship, well done to Aub#881 for winning the final and to Gary#79 for top scoring in the meeting. results heat 1: 151,79,112,41,164,881,87,212,46,599 heat 2: 881,164,41,112,79,46,599,488,2,351 FINAL: 881,79,87,151,164,41,46,488,365,351 GN: 79,87,164,151,599,41,912,1,46,212 points gary79-43 tosh164-35 aub881-35 dode151-31 drumbstick41-30 robin87-29 nezza46-17 tom112-15 harold599-11 dave488-9 pedz212-4 trav365-4 kendo912-4 lee1-3 bfd351-3 pusher2-2 spikejnr172-0 spike221-0 budge313-0
  12. hello chaps with only 19 booked we will be running all in for this 1st meeting of the night please be in chat by 7.25 sharp and please dont forget the latest skinpack from HERE the meeting will just be 2 heats a final and a gn as usual and the person with the highest score from both meetings tonight will be scottish champion 2010 you can still book in HERE if you wish to race in the later meeting at cowdenbeath
  13. you had booked for both pusher and lee yes i gaot a message from dode so you was down for both budge added bookings now closed
  14. bookings closed on ukdirt site for knockhill so please post below if you wish to be added or removed i will take late bookings untill 7pm dont forget you can still book for the cowdenbeath meeting (9pm start) >>>HERE<<<
  15. list updated i would just like to add that both these meetings are WCQRs too so if you fancy grabbing some points to get onto a semi final grid then this is your chance, only 1 more WCQR left after these meetings
  16. This monday sees the f2s go to scotland to contest the 2010 scottish championship, it will be run over 2 meetings both ran on monday night knockhill (7.30) and cowdenbeath (9.00) the highest points scorer by the end of these 2 meetings will then be crowned the 2010 scottish champion last years winner was walker363 and i beleive he is planning on racing again this year to try and keep the title, can he do it or will there be a new champion this year? you can book in for the 7.30 meeting on the ukdirt site and please post below to book in for the 9.00 meeting at cowdenbeath i will try to keep the list updated BOOKED SO FAR white: spikejnr172 budge313 yellow: dode151 bfd351 blue: pusher2 dave488 harold599 kendo912 red: nezza46 pedz212 spike221 trav365 aub881 superstar: lee1 **drumbstick41** robin87 tom112 tosh164 fordy688 18 and drumbstick booked so far
  17. rod_templates.zip
  18. fastrack3 has let me know he wont be racing due to work so providing he books in that moves kendo912 on to the grid, and the only other 1 to so far not book is fordy688. Dont forget that there is 4 places left on the grid from the last chance race too gents so just coz your not in that top 18 doesnt mean you cant be in the final 22
  19. the stunning new version of the track is on the server now ready for practice and ive updated the list above
  20. Dave488

    UK OPEN Video

    as i said before son absolutly quality, great effort its good to see a video to see what else went on in the race and it looked a great race at the front
  21. i have moved this from the SKINPAINTING thread, i think it belongs here more
  22. heres the 4th grade changes of the 2010 season these will come into effect from now so if youve changed grade please make sure you have the correct wing on monday for the UK OPEN at Skegness, a big well done to all those that have gone up and i'm sure those that have gone down will be trying to bounce straight back next month up to s/s: 390 down to red: no-one up to red: 221, 365, 550 down to blue: 2, 380, 488 up to blue: no-one down to yellow: 94, 151, 912 up to yellow: no-one down to white: 172
  23. happy birthday mate
  24. cancel me please mate pedals are still playing up
  25. according to the server results you finished 9th mate with 212 in 10th heat 1: 365, 390, 87, 164, 881, 488, 46, 550, 599, 212 // 380, 904, 221, 2, 172, 313, 112, 94, 912
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