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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. Dave488

    new skins

  2. me please mate incase you didnt see it on other thread ta Dave 488 dunno what grade mind
  3. what version of the track are you using tonight as some are getting errors and some of us cant get a update and is there gonna be a late booking thread if so can i have a booking please
  4. as Lew495 won the final and he was in semi 2 semi 2 gets the inside row for the world final, so the grid will look like this at skegness: World Final 2010 TomD#112 - Robin#87 Drumbstick#41 - Aub#881 Nezza#46 - Gary#79 Tosh#164 - Lee#1 Dode#151 - Fordy#688 LeeK#39 - Trav#365 Johno#632 - Leech#774 Lew#495 - Pedz#212 Lars#550 - DanSkin#236 Harmen#262 - Spike#221 CSF1 - CSF2 CSF3 - CSF4
  5. book freew67 white top in please gary
  6. Here is skinpack 2 that everybody will need for the Barford SEMI FINAL meeting tomorrow night, as always: PLEASE READ THE INSTALLER BEFORE YOU ADD THE PACK AS XP USERS WILL NEED TO REMOVE THE (X86) FROM THE DIRECTORY LINE >>TARMAC PACK 2<<
  7. Aubs shale 881_AubS.zip
  8. Aubs tar 881_Aub.zip
  9. Tar car 488_Dave.zip
  10. My shale 488_DaveS.zip
  11. and i knew that i was just saying it didnt matter to UKDirt lol
  12. Dave488

    new skins

    Epic tin son lol
  13. it looks quite nice if you ignore the stupid white over spray crap but it doesnt matter that its illegal because you have used all your chassis changes this year and cant use it on UKDirt anyway oh and cracking skin aub well done to you and leech looks very nice, mine next tho leech yeah? lol
  14. Hello lads this Monday will see the f2s visit the very tight and very tricky venue of Barford for the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINALS, below are the grids for the 2 races those in bold are already booked those in red have confirmed they are not racing, if you intend on racing please get booked in asap (we will not except late bookings on the day from anyone in these 2 races) also if you cant race please let us know so a reserve can be added to the grid, for example Woody isnt racing so the 1st reserve (Kruiz) will move on to that grid dont worry if your not in a semi still get booked in for what should be a great nights racing SEMI 1 ROBIN#87 - AUB#881 PEDZ#212 - LEE#1 GARY#79 - FORDY#688 TRAV#365 - DAVEYBOY#380 SPIKE#221 - KENDO#912 LEECH#774 - SKEET#318 PUSHER#2 - IANSTEP#516 MARKY#18 - DANSKIN#236 BFD#351 - MART#870 SEMI 2 TOSH#164 - TOM#112 NEZZA#46 - WOODY#390 DRUMBSTICK#41 - MIKE#315 HAROLD#599 - FASTTRACK#3 LARS#550 - MAV#641 LEEK#39 - DODE#151 DAVE#488 - BUDGE#313 SPIKEJNR#172 - HARMEN#262 PETE#904 - LEW#495 reserves are: 136, 94, 363, 926, 290, 47, 601, 81, 7, 131, 152, 260, 325, 343, 543, 632
  15. thanks to all that raced tonight and well done to drumbstick for winning his 1st championship race he also top scored, also well done to all other race winners Results: Heat 1: 112, 41, 881, 164, 516, 488, 46, 365, 495, 184 Heat 2: 516, 495, 39, 41, 87, 164, 151, 912, 599, 221 Heat 3: 67, 41, 151, 184, 87, 365, 2, 488, 164, 516 Heat 4: 67, 41, 87, 881, 112, 151, 495, 46, 550, 516 Heat 5: 67, 881, 112, 46, 41, 516, 151, 495, 488, 172 Heat 6: 67, 112, 87, 488, 164, 495, 151, 46, 184, 881 FINAL: 41, 164, 87, 39, 550, 365, 151, 495, 221, 67 POINTS: driver - points 41 - 60 87 - 44 67 - 42 164 - 38 112 - 33 151 - 33 495 - 29 881 - 25 516 - 23 39 - 22 365 - 18 488 - 17 46 - 17 550 - 14 184 - 10 221 - 5 2 - 4 912 - 3 599 - 2 172 - 1 864 - 0 688 - 0
  16. hello lads tonight sees us race at posterholt for the gold cup and gold stripe, last years winner is robin#87 and he is aiming to defend the title this year the format will be 6 heats you will each race in 5 and then highest points scorer will be on pole for a all in closed gridded final the heats are as follows: Heat 1: 67 // 172, 184, 495, 516 // 39, 221, 365, 488, 550, 599, 912 // 112 // 46, 164, 881, 41, 688 18 cars Heat 2: // 2, 172, 495, 516, 864 // 39, 221, 365, 550, 599, 912 // 112, 151 // 164, 881, 41, 688 17 cars Heat 3: 67 // 2, 172, 184,, 516, 864 // 39, 365, 488, 550, 599, 912 // 151 // 46, 164, 41, 688 17 cars Heat 4: 67 // 2, 184, 495, 516, 864 // 39, 221, 365, 488, 550, 912 // 112, 151 // 46, 881, 41, 688 18 cars Heat 5: 67 // 2, 172, 184, 495, 516, 864 // 39, 221, 488, 599, 912 // 112, 151 // 46, 164, 881, 41 18 cars Heat 6: 67 // 2, 172, 184, 495, 864 // 221, 365, 488, 550, 599 // 112, 151 // 46, 164, 881, 688 17 cars then the final please check you are in 5 heats and make a note of the 1s your in, please be in chat at 8.20 for a 8.30 start
  17. bookings closed MI up soon
  18. bookings on the website have now closed so if you would like a late booking for the gold cup meeting tonight or to cancel please post below thread open until 7.30
  19. hello lads this is the new thread for the 2010 skinpacks to go with the new F2 V2.O RELEASE as the old skinpacks will not work i have attached to this post the 1st tarmac pack wich just has all the old tar cars in REMEBER THE OLD PACKS WILL NOT WORK SO ONLY THE DOWNLOADS IN THIS THREAD AND ON UKDIRT SITE ARE NEEDED FOR REST OF THIS SEASON, AND PLEASE READ THE INSTALLERS PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE INSTALLER BEFORE YOU RUN IT AS ALL XP USERS WILL NEED TO REMOVE THE (X86) FROM THE DIRECTORY LINE >>>TARMAC PACK 1<<<
  20. happy birthday mate
  21. Dave488

    Its Coming!

    how about instead of moaning about what isnt in the update just look forward to what is? and maybe other stuff will be included at a later date
  22. Dave488

    Its Coming!

    erm i fail to see what that has to do with F2s if im honest son, wheres todays real pic dont make me do 1 lol
  23. what is gears and tears? please?
  24. post if you wish to book or cancel, open until 7,30
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