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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. only server 90 is up lars, you wont get in server 91
  2. hello lads this week sees 2 meetings at standlake the 1st on sunday that you can book in on the ukdirt website for and the 2nd on monday which is the F2 Nationals,open to the top 20 drivers in the national points, more details to follow shortly and also the grid for the nationals will be added also so keep your eyes peeled, if you wish to race in the monday meeting please post your name and grade below i will be doing a skinpack for these meetings so if you want a skin added please upload them via ukdirt site booked so far s/s 1 87 112 164 688 red 39 46 79 315 363 390 599 774 blue 7 212 236 262 313 380 488 516 yellow 81 365 641 904 white 2 172 550
  3. heres the 1st grade changes of the 2010 season these will come into effect from now so if youve changed grade please make sure you have the correct wing on monday, a big well done to all those that have gone up and i'm sure those that have gone down will be trying to bounce straight back next month up to ss 688 down to red 315 up to red 46,774,599,221, down to blue 236,39 up to blue 313,516, down to yellow 365 up to yellow 641,172,904, down to white 2
  4. dont forget skinpack 4 thats needed for tonight >>HERE<< xp users will need to remove the (x86) form the directory
  5. hello all Gary is extremly busy so i will post these resluts up for him tonight, firstly i would like to say thankyou to gary for running the meeting and to tom for running the server, i thought it was quite a good nights racing to be honest i hope you all enjoyed it, a big well done to Robin for his 3 wins and massive points haul and also well done to the other 2 winners of the night, Tosh and Leech hope to see you all next week at sheffield heat 1: 87,315,112,488,380,79,904,599,516,172 // 39,7,774,543,221 heat 2: 87,516,164,2,774,495,315,46,488,131 // 236,688,641,904,39 heat 3: 164,131,688,112,495,7,221,236,380,599 // 79,46,543,172,641,2 FINAL: 87 ,221,46,774,488,7,172,599,495,688 // 131,516,380,236,641,2,904,543,164,112,79,39,315 GN: 774,112,87*,236,7,516,46,39,599,495 // 688,131,641,380,2,79,315,221,904,172,164,543,488 POINTS Robin87 - 56 Leech774 - 30 Tom112 - 24 Nezza46 - 23 Spike221 - 22 Munis7 - 21 Dave488 - 21 Tosh164 - 18 Lew495 - 16 Ianstep516 - 16 Mike315 - 13 Harold599 - 12 Gary131 - 10 Danskin236 - 10 Fordy688 - 10 SpikeJNR172 - 9 Daveyboy380 - 8 Pusher2 - 7 Gary79 - 5 Pete904 - 4 LeeK39 - 3 Andy543 - 0 Mav641 - 0
  6. rce was never released on UK Dirt, but it was released somewhere i think, dont know where mind
  7. car7 rce car606 randall 06 car721 elite evo car854 randall dunno about the 7 shale car lol
  8. dave488 yellow please
  9. Dave488


    dont forget the new skinpack for tonight lads >>>HERE<<<
  10. yep found um mate ta
  11. me please mate, yellow
  12. book me out too please tom
  13. Update to fix a bug attached, will be required for tonight F2_Stockcar_Kitson_update.zip
  14. This is a fix for the kitson shale car. It will be required for tomorrow nights kings lynn meeting F2_Stockcar_Kitson_update.zip
  15. Tom is RM for this meetind any issues hes your man booking kendo912 yellow in
  16. packs have been made now mate but i will add um in for the next 1 you can use a novice till then
  17. dave 488 blue please, fordy did you send any skins in or did i miss um ? lol
  18. added a extra 24 hours to the deadline for those people struggling so midnight tomorrow is the new deadline hopefully the world champ can get a car sorted by then too lol
  19. yes thats all ok pedz and everybodys RF F2 upload tools should now be open so you should all be able to send them in via site now skeet sorry about that
  20. we are all set for the 2010 season so get booked in for the birmingham meeting on the ukdirt site and the kings lynn meeting on the forum booking in thread
  21. as the ukdirt site is set for the sunday birmingham meeting this thread will be used for bookings for the monday meeting at kings lynn, so if you want to race the 1st shale meeting of the year which is also the 1st WCQR please book in below
  22. skinpack is out >>>HERE<<< and is now on server 90, skins added were up to and including lee#1 can anyone who books in from now on use novice or test skins etc please
  23. heres the shale pack for belle vue tonight, this is installed on SERVER 90 SHALE PACK
  24. i wont be taking new skins no as its only for this 1 meeting i will add cars from last year as before, there is a skin thread open for 2010 skins, am making pack now.
  25. yes mate i will be releasing a pack tomorrow when i get home from work so most people will have a skin to race, and only people that book in after the pack will have to use novice cars
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