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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. Welcome to the 2015 F2 semi finals, there is a lot to get through tonight so please get to the servers as quick as you can. There are 3 people racing tonight that are not in semi finals so we will run a round of heats 1st so they are not sat around until 9 doing nothing. Heat 1: 398, 376, 79, 117, 267, 718, 47, 92, 380, 411, 455, 184, 488, 981, 180, 397, , (Server .48) .... 16 cars - steward Stumpy Heat 2: 82, 566, 93, 221, 237, 474, 212, 246, 274, 39, 84, 315, 653, 236, 238, 800, , (Server .45) .... 16 cars - steward Jake SEMI FINALS (Semi 1 server.48, Semi 2 server .45) Heat 3: 566, 758, 79, 718, 848, 47, 92, 274, 396, 182, 315, 329, 688, 981, 236, 238, , (Server .48) .... 16 cars - steward Stumpy Heat 4: 82, 376, 93, 117, 237, 58, 212, 246, 411, 455, 39, 184, 653, 41, 397, 800, , (Server .45) .... 16 cars - steward Jake Heat 5: 398, 758, 221, 267, 474, 848, 58, 380, 396, 84, 182, 329, 488, 688, 41, 180, , (Server .48) .... 16 cars - steward Stumpy Top 20 points scorers go into the meeting final plus top 4 from the consi there will be enough GNs for everyone IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON LEAVING EARLY PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! please make sure you have the correct track and all the skinpacks in the correct order ALSO PLEASE CHECK THIS RULE CLARIFICATION please be in chat for 8.20 for a 8.30 start
  2. reserves list added to original post
  3. Bullyjnr 848 Yellow Cheers
  4. Thanks all for racing, Well done to all race winners, especially Kane#238 for winning the final and to DanSkin#236 for top scoring. As always thanks to Stumpy and DanSkin for all their help tonight Results: Heat 1: 236 82 221 167 691 329 800 39 474 981 488 267 47 398 93 92 237 Heat 2: 411 82 92 800 329 653 238 691 246 184 488 93 117 848 474 283 237 Heat 3: 236 221 238 653 167 411 184 39 848 246 267 283 47 117 981 398 Final: 238 236 117 93 411* 82 691 848 653 474 184 47 800 167 981 267 283 488 246 221 39 329 237 *docked for not starting at back of grade after heat win GN: 82 236 221 691 92 800 167 39 653 117 329 184 238 411 283 47 398 267 488 848 93 246 981 474 Points: 47 pts 236 DanSkin 38 pts 82 Dbecks 32 pts 238 Kane 27 pts 411 ReeceWinch 25 pts 221 Spike 24 pts 691 Jakeeey 18 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 17 pts 117 DanW 17 pts 167 CB 16 pts 800 Ben Chambers 14 pts 93 Twisty 14 pts 92 Hoggy 11 pts 329 Tsalle 9 pts 39 LeeK 8 pts 848 BullyJnr 5 pts 184 Jack Ward 4 pts 474 Danny King 3 pts 246 Stox 1 pts 981 MartinB 0 pts 398 BriscaFtwofan 0 pts 237 RickyJames 0 pts 267 DannyG 0 pts 283 EvoMonkey 0 pts 488 Dave 0 pts 47 Samson The replays are here! See you all next week for some shale racing at Stoke for this months Whites and yellows round
  5. Tonight we will be racing a 2/3rd format, so the meeting will be ran from server .48 all night, Please meet in chat at 8.20 before hand tho Heat 1: 82, 398, 93, 103, 221, 237, 267, 474, 47, 92, 39, 329, 488, 691, 981, 167, 236, 800 Heat 2: 82, 93, 117, 237, 283, 474, 848, 92, 246, 411, 184, 329, 488, 653, 691, 238, 800, Heat 3: 398, 103, 117, 221, 267, 283, 848, 47, 246, 411, 39, 184, 653, 981, 167, 236, 238, please make sure you are in 2 heats each. there will be a 24 car final (either all in if we get no shows, or by top 20 point scorers then 4 from the consi) GN(s) will follow please make sure you have got the latest skinpack and checked to see if you have moved in the latest grade changes
  6. closed
  7. bookings have closed on the UKDirt so please post below if you would like a late booking/cancelation please state name number grade bookings will close at 7.30
  8. points and results updated after all DP decisions were sorted
  9. >>GET PACK 9 HERE<< You will all need this for the meeting Tomorrow at Cowdenbeath, it is installed on both servers with server .45 set for practice now DONT FORGET THERE IS ALSO NEW GRADES THAT COME INTO EFFECT NOW THEY CAN BE FOUND >>HERE<< in this pack: new cars 182 Shale 267 Tarmac 274 Tarmac 396 Both chassis changes 394 Tarmac - from Bingley to RCE 411 Shale - from Kitson to Higman new paint (classed as a chassis change) 47 Tarmac 411 Tarmac 691 Tarmac people who have raced a novice this month or previous and have not sent in skins - 54, 71, 94, 336, 372, 517, 895 ///132, 267, 274and 429 have only sent tar skins so cannot race shale. These people need to send me a skin via PM BEFORE they are able to race, if you are having trouble getting a skin made let me know and we shall see what we can sort out
  10. These are the latest grade changes for the 2015 season. These come into effect NOW so please have the correct wings on for tomorrows meeting at Cowdenbeath. As always well done to those that have gone up and im sure the 1s that have gone down will soon bounce back up the grades soon up to ss no one down to red no one up to red 182 down to blue 212 246 380 455 up to blue 396 down to yellow 93 up to yellow 103 117 down to white 82 THERE IS ALSO A NEW SKINPACK (PACK 9) THAT YOU WILL ALL NEED THAT CAN BE FOUND >>HERE<<
  11. people who have raced a novice this month or previous and have not sent in skins - 54, 71, 94, 336, 372, 517, 895 ///132, 267, 274 and 429 have only sent tar skins so cannot race shale. These people need to send a skin BEFORE they are able to race, if you are having trouble getting a skin made let me know and we shall see what we can sort out
  12. we are now collecting skins for the 9th skinpack for 2015, please read all of the below A FEW SIMPLE RULES PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL OF THIS POST BEFORE SENDING ANY FILES, YOU WILL ALSO NEED THE ATTACHMENT AT THE BOTTOM 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: CAB PANELS/ROLLCAGE - cab panels and cage MUST BE YOUR GRADE OR NEUTRAL COLOUR (ie if you are a red roof you CANT have a white, blue or yellow cage or panels, if you are a blue roof you CANT have red, white or yellow cage or panles and so on) THE COLOUR GOLD CAN NOT BE USED FOR ANYONES CAGE OR CAB PANELS EXCEPT THE WORLD CHAMPION (236) - A NEAUTRAL COLOUR MEANS ANYTHING BUT GOLD, RED, BLUE, YELLOW OR WHITE 3: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 4: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 15UKD488_DaveT for tar and 15UKD488_DaveS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 15UKD488_DaveTred or 15UKD488_DaveTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 5: SENDING IN FILES - PLEASE SEND IN YOUR FILES BY SENDING THEM DIRECTLY TO ME VIA PM, OR VIA THE UPLOAD TOOL ON THE WEBSITE. DO NOT ATTACH TO THIS POST 6:RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2014 season, let me know on this thread please and i will add them to the pack 7: NOVICE SKINS - IF YOU HAVE RACED F2S THIS SEASON IN A NOVICE CAR YOU MUST SUBMIT A SKIN FOR THIS PACK OR YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO RACE UNTIL I RECIEVE THEM, YOU HAVE PLENTY OF TIME TO GET SOME SORTED BEFORE THIS DEADLINE i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in OLD .VEH FILES WILL NO LONGER WORK ON THE LATEST VESION OF F2S SO I HAVE ATTACHED NEW VERSIONS BELOW, YOU WILL NEED TO SEND IN YOUR NEW SKINS WITH THESE NOT THE OLD ONES FROM 2014 2015_F2_VEH_FILES.zip REMEMBER - THIS IS THE LAST SKINPACK BEFORE THE SEMI FINAL MEETING, SO IF YOU HAVE NO SKIN AND WISH TO RACE THE SEMI FINAL MEETING YOU WILL NEED TO SEND IN A SKIN FOR THIS PACK OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE YOUR GRID SLOT!!! DEADLINE FOR THIS PACK IS MIDNIGHT FRIDAY 31ST JULY Skins received so far: 47 tarmac 182 shale 238 Tarmac 267 tarmac 274 tarmac 394 Tarmac 396 411 691 tarmac
  13. A small patch has been made for LeeK#39s euro wings, please find the link below >>GET PACK 8 HERE<< You will all need this for the meeting Tomorrow at Mildenhall, it is installed on both servers with server .45 set for practice now in this pack: 39 euro wings people who have raced a novice this month or previous and have not sent in skins - 54, 71, 94, 267, 274, 336, 372, 517, 895 ///132, 182 and 429 have only sent tar skins so cannot race shale. These people need to send me a skin via PM BEFORE they are able to race, if you are having trouble getting a skin made let me know and we shall see what we can sort out
  14. thanks all for racing, well done to LeeK#39 for winning the European Championship, also to all other winners especially ShayMurphy#182 for winning the final and to DanSkin#236 for top scoring, As always thanks to Stumpy and Dan for their help and to everyone else that helped out tonight Results: EUROPEAN: 39 691 800 167 718 238 488 246 184 236 394 82 380 397 641 182 117 411 237 221 848 981 93 511 212 Heat 1: 117 691 718 394 39 981 641 511 246 380 848 221 397 167 Heat 2: 182 237 184 236 238 800 84 93 82 488 411 212 Heat 3: 397 237 800 641 411 39 93 246 511 380 82 212 394 Heat 4: 117 691 236 184 238 488 182 167 718 848 84 981 221 Final: 182 236 691 397 800 84 238 221 394 718 184 848 511 39 167 246 380 212 93 82 641 411 981 117 488 GN : 236 184 800 718 84 93 641 397 411 691 237 39 981 82 212 167 246 182 848 238 511 380 488 394 117 Points: 43 pts 236 DanSkin 35 pts 691 Jakeeey 34 pts 182 ShayMurphy 33 pts 800 BenChambers 27 pts 397 HamsterJnr 24 pts 184 Jack Ward 20 pts 117 DanW 20 pts 84 Timm 20 pts 238 KaneM 19 pts 718 MartynR 18 pts 237 RickyJames 15 pts 641 Mav 12 pts 93 Twisty 11 pts 394 PaulE 11 pts 39 LeeK 8 pts 411 ReeceWinch 6 pts 221 Spike 6 pts 488 Dave 5 pts 511 MarkPuxty 5 pts 246 Stox 5 pts 981 MartinB 3 pts 167 CB 2 pts 82 Dbecks 2 pts 380 Liam Powell 1 pts 848 BullyJnr 0 pts 212 Pedz NO SHOW 0 pts 442 Colemann The replays are here! see you all next week where we will be at Mildenhall for the LAST world qualifying round of 2015
  15. last chance consi - 8.20 start - 511, 182, 641, 848, 718, 84 European Championship - grid will be called in server after that a normal meeting will be held Heat 1: 117, 511, 221, 641, 718, 848, 380, 394, 39, 246, 691, 981, 167, 397, , , , (Server .48) 14 cars steward Stumpy Heat 2: 442, 82, 182, 237, 84, 93, 411, 184, 212, 488, 236, 238, 800, , , , (Server .45) 13 cars steward Ben Heat 3: 511, 82, 237, 641, 93, 380, 394, 411, 39, 212, 246, 397, 800, , , , (Server .48) 13 cars steward Stumpy Heat 4: 117, 442, 182, 221, 718, 848, 84, 184, 488, 691, 981, 167, 236, 238, , , , (Server .45) 14 cars steward DanSkin top 20 point scorers to the final plus 4 from a consi (numbers permitting) there will be enough GNs for everyone please be in chat for 8.15 so we can get the last chance race underway and we will try and get the meeting started not long after half 8 (fingers crossed) if you are planning on leaving early please let me know in chat so we can jig things around if needs be
  16. bookings closed
  17. 84 and 848 in 711 out bookings for the euro grid are now closed, bookings for the meeting and the lcq race will remain open until 7.30
  18. *Added bullyJnr 848 yellow
  19. if you would like a late booking for this meeting please post below stating name number grade *Remember, if you are in the euro you must book in before 7pm so we can get the grid sorted, any later than 7pm a reserve will take your spot and you will have to do the lcq race bookings for everyone else closes at 7.30 as normal
  20. The grid was drawn at random at Northampton today and it looks like this so far if everybody books : 380-39-800-455-238-246-212-184-167-488-237-236-93-329-397-981-411-711-58-691-lcq1-lcq2-lcq3-lcq4 Reserves will work like this - if let's say 236 and 800 didn't race 249 would get the 236 slot and 82 would have the 800 slot and so on based on highest national points etc All Euro qualifiers who Intend to race must be booked in by 7pm. bookings after that will mean you have to go in the lcq race so the grid can be shuffled if needs be Sorry for the quick brief post only just got home myself
  21. This coming Monday night will see the F2s head to Northampton for the European Championship, The current top 20 in the national points (excluding banned drivers) will be automatically seeded into the race, If 1 or more of those 20 choose to not race then the reserves will be used. IE If 236 doesn't book in to race then 93 will take what ever grid slot 236 gets from the draw. The draw as always is a random draw and will be done in public at the real Euros on the Sunday during the Rebels European race There will be a last chance qualifying race on Monday before the meeting starts (numbers permitting) and the top 4 from that race will be seeded onto the back of the grid making a 24 car race A normal meeting that is also a world qualifying round will be held after the European race itself. The top 20 that are directly seeded are as follows: 236 800 238 397 167 39 184 488 981 380 58 691 329 246 711 411 180 (93 in replace of 180) 653 (212 in replace of 653) 455 237 The next 15 reserves in points order are: (93), (212), 249, 82, 221, 394, 688, 117, 848, 415, 84, 718, 182, 356, 641 normal = not booked bold = booked red = banned/not racing if you do not intent to race this race please let us know as soon as possible thankyou
  22. Dave488


    bully jnr 848 yellow cheers
  23. >>GET PACK 7 HERE<< You will all need this for the meeting Tomorrow at Buxton, it is installed on both servers with server .45 set for practice now Don't forget there has been grade changes for this meeting also, they can be found >>HERE<< in this pack: new cars 92 both 144 both 283 both chassis changes 276 tar from dk to rce 511 shale from rand10 to bing db new paint (classed as a chassis change) 79 tar 511 tar 711 tar (no more will be accepted) people who have raced a novice this month or previous and have not sent in skins - 54, 71, 94, 267, 274, 336, 372, 517, 895 ///132, 182 and 429 have only sent tar skins so cannot race shale. These people need to send me a skin via PM BEFORE they are able to race, if you are having trouble getting a skin made let me know and we shall see what we can sort out
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