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Everything posted by martin379

  1. Love this track, the wall looks so real! Thanks guys
  2. Happy Birthday Mac.
  3. Well done Hutch.
  4. Have a look on Ftooz at Dave Ricahrdson's post, it's very insightful... Edited to add that whilst you're doing that, take a look at Mike331's at the same time, they're folk that are going to know what they're talking about...
  5. What if it was 7 thousnadths of an inch "too big"... ...Exactly
  6. The alleged carb infringement centres around a venturi dimension that isn't specified! How can you be cheating when there is no rule to apply? Just another grey area? That's his grounds for appeal Johno.
  7. The size of the part that was "too big" is not given a size in the offical rulebook though, yet Gordon's was deemed to be illegal for being less than 1mm, "too big". He is then disqualified from the World Final result and suspended for 12 months, yet it is comman knowledge that Sworder won the 2007 World Final with an aerofoil that was too big, and the sizes for aerofoil's are mentioned in the rules. I'm not saying Sworder, or indeed the top 3 and every other person in the race sporting an, Andy Ford aerofoil should have been disqualified, as they shouldn't have, the correct decision was made and the result was left to stand. This time though the correct decision was not made and Gordon's name and reputation is being trashed and BriSCA are making the sport look stupid, again. That's the same BriSCA that allow current drivers and car builders on their BOC by the way...
  8. Part of it Si mate, not it all... ...less than 1mm eh... BriSCA
  9. martin379


    Rendered by Guns, thanks:)
  10. First one in a while...
  11. martin379


    "i just wont post any of them this time and keep them to my self" Excellent. "not really my fault i can not aford nice new font like you lot is it!" Spot the exclamation mark. "PS Martin i done any spelling mistakes on my skins or anythin?" Not from what I can see. P.S. Craig there are a few spelling mistakes in your actual posts though. Maritn
  12. martin379


    You've painted alot of skins in a short space of time, well done, but IMHO they're decidingly average and not very impressive, not much variety, all the same. Martin Actully martin i have been working on some of them for quite awhile lol.... and i think they were ok lol.. but obv if people wanna keep slagging them off fine by me! Cheers! You! Over! Use! Exclamation! Marks! Just! As! Much! As! You! Over! Use! The! LHF! Convecta! Font! Martin!
  13. martin379


    You've painted alot of skins in a short space of time, well done, but IMHO they're decidingly average and not very impressive, not much variety, all the same. Martin
  14. I'll be there, no DVD selling this year though
  15. Happy Birthday Walker mate, hope you have a great day! P.S. Going to pay as an Adult when you go to Cowdie now?....
  16. martin379


    Nice one Si
  17. That's a very good attempt, especially for your first real life skin. I'd say maybe make the colour a bit darker but not black, although I've never seen the car it looks dark purple in the pics you've posted to compare the skin too. Good job though, well done. Edit: Just noticed on the middle of the wing I think you've got the Dutch and the Checkered flag the wrong way round.
  18. Happy Birthday Andy
  19. Let's hope it's a pleasing day at Bristol when Neal Smith fences Moodie 1st bend Aye... Mon the Rob Batten!!
  20. A very pleasing night it was tonight
  21. If only you were allowed to really say what you thought... ...It would be more like what Hutch has said...
  22. No comment...you are a scrounger though...
  23. martin379


    Looks cool mate, well done on the title.
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