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Everything posted by martin379

  1. ALL of them are crap?...ok ...common?!...I think not!!
  2. yes we used to run 1 me murphy fordy marty erik a think was it And a great success it was too lol...infact we had to stop it because it was so popular!!
  3. Can you post the red top version up please? I've just been told somebodys gonna do the new H24 so I'll do H30 instead
  4. i would prefer doing it the other way round like, but suite yourself. not a reli big fan of robbie dawson, i like the kellys tho, i think there faster, by far esspacially graham IMO, but every one has there own opinion! you do that then lol
  5. Thanks for posting them up Walker, they're good Nice pics Jimmy...as always!
  6. My list that I inted on completeing by New Year time! 7 79(shale) 854 318 38 606 702 721(so I can wreck him using 854lol) 339(^) B888 H24 732 401 Once they are done and you have gathered the rest of th emore up to date r/l F2 skins off the forum you'll end up with a very up to date BriscaF2Heat....
  7. Happy Birthday mate, hope you have a good day!!
  8. martin379


    Nice renders Danny. Pimp my SSC lol? Lowrider style, all you're missing is the neon light and some 22' spinners lol!
  9. Thanks for that Haadee, I'll be able to make it from that I should think
  10. Thanks for the quick replys, I thought about using Convecta for that but didn't want to incase there was a better font. If you don't find anything for the Stuck-Cars then I'll try and find a more side on pic and trace round it, thanks Demonstate.
  11. Thanks for the kind comments guys. Wondering if anyone could help me with some fonts for one of the real life skins I'm doing, B888 Dirk Jacobs. I am stuck on the font for the "VERHOLEN" bit and the "STUK-CARS". I also need a pic of the back panel and a clearer one of whats one the centre of the wing. Thanks, Martin
  12. Thanks all, happy birthday to gogs and murphy aswell.
  13. martin379


  14. The shale car isn't really done yet and I'm not going to send them out to anyone until they're all complete.
  15. Thanks to the person who sent me the scene, you know who you are
  16. Walker's F2, complete with a number change. car363.zip
  17. One F1 down lol, Gary's.
  18. Great looking car Tinman, one of the best, if not the best!
  19. Pikey and Perky....I seem to remeber that that was the names of the two people who hacked the ATR Jolt then told me and Kev that they were off to hack our MSN accounts...what a d!ck...
  20. Just posting to say that the set of real life skins I'm intending on doing won't be released until nearer Christmas now and that I can't take anymore requests for about 6 or 7 weeks as I have 10/11 F2s and 8 F1s to paint In the mean time though heres a quick look at the Cooper skin so far...
  21. Nice skin tosh, thats one off the list that I was gonna be doin lol...good work...like the second pic in first post btw
  22. Some great pics Samson, love the 305 ones. Is the lower 305 one Jock Burgoyne? From when he got a shot of it at Knockhill.
  23. martin379


    ...bangers are poo!!! BTW Tinman, those skins look superb, along with the renders...quality!
  24. Great photo
  25. Great work Durmbstick!
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