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Everything posted by martin379

  1. Pitty about Ratbag closing in 2005, they made some great games(Stockcar Speedway, '02 Penzoil Sprintcars etc..) but I guess they just didn't appeal to enough people.
  2. Bradburry's alright Aub
  3. gibson 249 by anychance? lol Palmer skin in the making Did a 7 and an 854 but there not very good Thinking of redoing 854 and might do a 318 at the same time....Gibson....pfft!
  4. Lewis hamilton?
  5. Sounds like a great idea. Will post my skin soon when I've decided between a few numbers
  6. Great looking car and skin Chevy and Ironmac. A mini winter league of these would be great fun imo Brillant mod-even though I only have one car in it still lol!
  7. martin379


    meant neat Lol thanks, I presumed thats what you meant but didn't want to post anything incase I was wrong lol. Cheers.
  8. Great work Pazza, very nice! Time for a mini Jeff Gordon replica
  9. martin379


  10. Happy Birthday matey, hope you have a good day
  11. martin379


    It's called a gradient. If you're using Photoshop (3.0 here!) then go to the very top menu>Layer>New Fill Layer>Gradient. You may then have to click the box saying, "Group with previous layer", or of course you may not! Then from there it's pretty simple, you click on the line filled with colour(s) and make your gradient. Hope this helps. Martin
  12. martin379


    Guns' render of my F1, thanks mate
  13. martin379


    Guns, your RCE and Aub's F1 have to be the best skins and renders posted on this thread IMO! Superb!
  14. Superb mae, as usual!
  15. martin379


  16. That is the one bit im not happy with tbh, but I have no idea of how to get that reflective effect in the numbers. Is there anyone that knows how to do that effect that would be willing to teach me please? It would be very helpful as i have needed that effect on a few of my skins and end up just having to use checks instead. Hi Kruiz, great skin as usual mate. If your looking for something to help improve the numbers then try looking here: http://www.phaseiisignsupply.com/holographic_a.html Hope this helps mate
  17. I've put the guest password to "UKDirt". Sorry I forgot to say that.
  18. Hi, Finally remeberd to take my camera with me when I went to this place in Errol called, RetroSport. They basically rebuild/restore/sell old cars, mainly old Fords but there is some other things there aswell. Just thought I would post it up incase anyone was interested. Sorry for the vague description lol but its late. Photobucket link below.... http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa201/Marty379/
  19. Yes he was actually....
  20. Lol was there when you took that pic, was wondering how long it would be until you posted it up on here. Looking good Binny
  21. Looking good mate, nice one
  22. Nothing to laugh about Scrapman
  23. Happy Birthday Tosh...huh, 30 your old !
  24. My 1/12th R/C F1 from Rollcage
  25. I have bought two F2 models off of Ebay, and there are always many other on. Also usually if you ask the person selling them(usually the maker) they will make one of you choice and send you it. Hope this helps. Martin
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