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Everything posted by calum

  1. calum

    Yard shots

  2. I love the ending..
  3. We'll probably walk up but not go in lol Ipswich is one of the tracks thats lovely to race on i just don't enjoy watching there..
  4. calum

    skin help

    it ain't mate.
  5. Epic we need more vans in game..
  6. calum

    Yard shots

    drag the coffin behind in a box trailer..
  7. calum


    Well if he sent it around then i didnt know but when people crack it it's lossy..
  8. calum


    it's like this walker he spent time on that skin and them signs not for others to steal and claim as there own and not ask for permission before even using them.. whether its a game or not he spent HIS time on them for HIMself to use on HIS car.. Nice stig and rikard and weasels mondeo from last page cheers
  9. calum


    If you want advice mirror the sun visor..
  10. calum


    why would he be worried about posting it what will you do swear at him? Doughnut...
  11. mine... Here's why...
  12. i'd rather walk.
  13. calum


    i don't think he knows what he's talking about..
  14. what sort of damage does it have? cause i saw 44 of them raced the other day and they snap in the middle
  15. nobody said it was'nt
  16. calum


    Stig`s for mnb
  17. Mk2 Transit, Sherpa, Ea Van, Mk1 transit, Merc van.. Fwd renualt traffic..
  18. My beast..
  19. Disagree.. Old cars are'nt rare there old but theres plenty about, even still laying up in gardens.. And if you own a classic for every one that gets raced it makes you'res 1 more rare so worth more lol.. And alot of the ones being raced now excuse my french.. Are Royally F***ed.. Imo Matty's coupe was the biggest waste.. cheers
  20. calum


    Tnb You're all rodders..Simple Skin.
  21. I already made and released that Ringwood or a crown estate best bet imo Opps i ment estate sorry lol
  22. Dodes died and gone to heaven..
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