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Everything posted by Biffo

  1. Most memorable meeting I saw was when a South African team came over in their cars and raced against a team of Superstox about 1971/2. ------------------------------------------------------- Found this slightly fuzzy pic of Superstox Biffo Sweeney racing against South African Piet de Klerk at the Mahem Stadium in South Africa in 1971. I think the S.A. cars were mostly Volvo powered. [attachmentid=14450]
  2. Nice photos, it`s still there then. I can remember it in it`s heyday. Spedeworth built it from scratch but never got their investment back as it was closed after about seven seasons by the council on noise and traffic grounds after a long battle. The straights aren`t very long but the concrete surface gave plenty of grip and racing always seemed pretty fast. The Wooded hillside along the top straight was a natural grandstand and of course the uphill bend and the downhill bend was something else. Most memorable meeting I saw was when a South African team came over in their cars and raced against a team of Superstox about 1971/2. I think the Cross in Hand Round was the only one in which they beat us in the series. Happy days.. Biffo
  3. We have a WINNER with the correct answer. Well done Erik..... and your prize is being in the traffic jam of your choice..! Congratulations Bye for now Biffo
  4. Was listening to a Government Minister being interviewed on this very subject on the radio the other day. Radio 4 I think it was, anyway the question was asked "If your Government calls for people to sign a petition and call it democracy in action and then over a Million people tell you they dont want this scheme then surely you have to listen and scrap the idea ? " Government Minister,"Of course we want their veiws but we have to do something, we can`t just do nothing." I think you have to read into that, "We`ll do what ever we want, thank you for your time." And as for doing nothing they`ve done precious little to improve things up to now unless of course you include; building traffic humps, Precincts, filling in Bus lay-bys, pulling up roundabouts and replacing with traffic lights, more Bus Lanes, reducing the speed limits, in fact anything but improve the traffic flow! Will the money raised be used for genuine road improvements ?..Answers on a postcard please. Happy Days Regards Biffo
  5. Oh how we miss LWT World of Sport. One of the only TV companies to show oval racing to a high standard on National TV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Couldn`t agree more, still miss Dickie Davies with that Badger hair do introducing the action and of course the best stock car commentator ever......... NIGEL KING..... Regards Biffo
  6. If anyones planning a trip to Orlando in November2007 this years "Crash-o-rama" meet at Orlando Speedworld will be Friday the 23rd of November and should include Destruction Derbies and figure 8 School bus racing and Boat and trailer plus caravan racing amongst other things.....but get there early cos it gets packed out for this one. Of course if you`re a bit short of the old petrol money I have to warn you it`s an 8,000 mile round trip ! Biffo
  7. -------------------------------------------------------- Yes, thanks Kev and Mav, the forums one of the best, glad to hear members are on the increase too. Which reminds me you`ll probably want some money soon for 2007 ? Finally I`ll have what ever kendo`s drinking please..... Biffo
  8. Wow, DD needs lashing down with Duck Tape not shock absorbers....! Veeeeery Interesting. Biffo
  9. Hey Rickards Revolting !........... Biffo
  10. Its yet another way of getting you to pay even more for using your car. Bearing in mind that you`re already paying to the Government ; Road Fund Tax, Fuel Tax and Vat added on just for good measure. They are raking in millions from these revenues very little is going back into roads and alike. Even heard Mr.Blair himself say a couple of years back that we need to use the revenue to build schools and hospitals etc. (this removes the smoke screen that its an environmental tax,it`s just another tax!). Bearing in mind the Government announces almost every week they`re coming up with little schemes to help this and to help that and you have to think to yourself who`s going to pay for that then and whether you agree on Government spending or not the fact remains that they`re spending far more money than is coming in. Small wonder that they`re always on the look out for other ways of raising cash. Fact is the old motorist is always a good little earner for the Treasurey and with roads clogging up they`ll be telling us we have to pay more , it`s for our own good! But what was one of the first Government cuts when it came to power, they scrapped all the new road building schemes that were planned (saving millions of pounds)thats why there are still unfinished motorway links that are dead ends and bottle necks that have been promised solutions for years and still nothings done. This makes it appear an environmental problem and it`s our fault, they`ve even begun to talk about Carbon emmissions, globle warming etc. and wheeling out so called experts to back them up. For every expert proving we can make a difference by leaving your car in the garage you`ll find another one telling us it`s all unproven clap trap (Dr. David Belamey to name one). What they`d like to see happen and what is practical maybe two different things in this case. It could be the usual Government Spin which tells us all of this Black Box idea which seems unworkable then we`re all relieved when they scrap the idea and give us an extra Green tax to pay instead. As they always say theres only two things certain in this life, Death and Taxes. Biffo
  11. The Ayciffe Project is a superb site. Loads of old photos and I particually liked the Cine film from 1966 , did you spot the Morris 1000 in amongst all those Y Fords and E93A Anglias. Nice History of an obviously popular , if bumpy, little track. Best bit for me was the epic battle between Wallace and Taylor in the F2`s , reminded me what Small Oval Racings all about. Biffo
  12. Well we got a reply. [attachmentid=12443] Lets hope we`ve not heard the last of it. Regards Biffo
  13. Sitting watching T.V. tonight when ITV tonight came on. News stories are aired and they ask for anyone to contact itv with anything Newsworthy we know of. So I e-mailed them as follows; Dear Sirs, Following your request for worthy News stories I thought I`d contact you with this very unsatisfactory item. On Sunday 3rd December at Foxhall Raceway, Ipswich, Suffolk (yes thats the same place the media has been swarming over recently for Headline News) a charity "Banger Race" was held to raise money for local Charities . During this event a driver named Terry Coke was injured and taken to the local Ipswich Hospital and admitted to Martlesham Ward. His injuries included;smashed pelvic bone, damaged ball joint at the top of his leg and two broken ribs. He spent two weeks there being told they were waiting for a bed in the Oxford Hospital which would do the operation. However the truth of the situation appears to be that both Hospitals refused to fund any operation, Ipswich because he was not a resident and Oxford because the accident didn`t happen in Oxfordshire. Therefore no operation would be carried out within another 5 - 6 weeks. Terry Cokes wife phoned the surgeon and was told if they could pay £10,000 he could do the operation privately, almost immediately! Terry and his wife in had to borrow the money from his employer to pay the surgeon.. Last I heard he was being moved to Oxford for the surgery. This story was found on www.spedeworth.co.uk/news/ reported by them because the media didn`t seem interested. The man sets out to help raise money for local charities and ends up desperate , injured, and in owing a large sum of money! Everyone I`ve spoken to since reading it has been appalled and somewhat angry at the mans plight yet nothing has appeared in the media as far as I know ? I`m amazed . Yours faithfully S.R.Daily It may not do any good but you never know.............otherwise its back to... Regards Biffo
  14. Sorry to hear about Terry`s plight. Amazing it`s not been noted by the media at all. Whats wrong with News editors cant they have more than one story in Ipswich a time. Surely this should be National News as it has implications for us all being the N.H.S. Especially when you realise all the complete TOSH! (for want of a better word) they waste time printing. Regards Biffo
  15. Got 9/20.... Must try harder. Biffo
  16. Was at orlando Speedworld on Friday night there! I was at the PRI Show and Mophar were holding this event and it was invite only so only the best raced.......................................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nice to hear you enjoyed it ACE, heres a couple of Photos from the event. [attachmentid=12314] Kyle Nicholas brought a Sprint car & a Midget [attachmentid=12315] Dean Abbey hit the Pit road divide in the B Final destroying the front end of his Legend and a water barrel. Orlando Speedworld had a record crowd turn up for the recent Crash-O-Rama meet 24.11.06 Including Reverse Race , Fig. 8 Bus Racing, Demolition Derby and Caravan & Boat Race! Regards Biffo
  17. Hey Rikard, I never realised you could get into the pit s and drive around, saw your message and went and tried it...how neat is that ? Talking of Drag Strips they have acually got one there, on the opposite side of the stadium but you cant get round to it without falling off....lol Biffo
  18. Thanks Wrighty - Just downloaded the track - excellent - a real bonus Now I can race on it as well Biffo
  19. Hi All Just got back from Florida and thought I`d share my trip to the local Raceway with you. I`d seen the racing at the Sunshine Raceway Tampa a few years back, which included School Bus Racing, and Outlaw Sprint Cars etc. Unfortunately after some forty years of existance the stadium was closed to make way for a new highway. We`d done all the Disney stuff previously when the kids were smaller so after visiting too many shopping malls I thought it was time to go racing. Orlando Speedworld is located on Highway 50 , some 10 miles East of Interstate 4, just outside Orlando in a small town called Bithlo. Racing takes place Friday and Saturday nights. Admission $10 (£6) . The track is well floodlit and slightly bigger than a quarter mile with banked straights and banked corners, looking a bit bowl shaped. We got there late and missed some of the heats but where were all the spectators?You could have fitted us all into a large bus shelter! Turned out that the previous night was the final meet for their Stock Car Season and tonight was the turn of the Legends, Bandoleros, and Hurricanes . [attachmentid=11442] Bandoleros are basicly Stock Karts driven by the kids from 10 years old up but were pretty fast and well prepared. [attachmentid=11444] Legends, well there just like our Legends really had up to 18 in each race and were fast. [attachmentid=11443] Hurricanes were more like non-contact Bangers with about 12 in a race, would have liked it better if they drove them as Bangers should be raced! [attachmentid=11446] Overall thought it not a bad night for £6 but all the races were over 12 laps and as soon as anything happens out come the Yellow flags and everyone stops racing to line up behind the pace car. [attachmentid=11445] Maybe this wasn`t one of their best nights? For more information search for "Stock Cars Florida" and look for a site by Karnac. Biffo
  20. Got some old photos from 1968 taken at Matchams Park Ringwood showing what we used to see there. [attachmentid=10634] [attachmentid=10636] Foruma Ones only visited Matchams on Bank Holidays then, along with the regular F2`s. Who`s who here is anyones guess except the Beetle bodied F1 facing the wrong way is Skid Skinner [attachmentid=10635] Line up of F2 Stars including Local Hero Tommy Pitcher (795) World Champ. from Christchurch, F2 far left is Andy Webb, car in centre behind fence post is Eddie Asling. Note marker Barrels and good size crowd. The meeting usually finished with a Banger race (see other photos in the Banger section) Biffo
  21. IT`S OFFICAL - SPEDEWORTH GAZUMPED ! Deane Wood has now announced on the Spedeworth site that they are not now racing at Ringwood due to Trojan promising the owners a far better deal. Furthermore anyone found racing there will face an ORC ban. Maybe Trojan and Eaglebeam deserve each other.
  22. Just makes you wonder what sorting out a three year deal entails . Do you actually sign any contract or is business like this just done on a "nod and a wink" leading to some slight misunderstanding later ???
  23. I DONT BELIEVE IT ! The words of Victor Meldrew just about sums it all up ..... After the supposed deal Spedeworth announce their back at Ringwood, now someone has posted to Ovalchat that they are now promoting at Ringwood calling themselves Trojan International (who?) They are running under the guise of Matchams (south Coast) Ltd.... ....meanwhile Spedeworth are advertising they`re really having the next meeting on 28th October at Ringwood. Anyone have the foggiest whats going on now I`m sure all will become clear in the fullness of time . Regards Biffo
  24. Happy Birthday Rikard
  25. Loved it, superb, best crash clip I`ve seen for some time...... Any faster and he`d have been Hamster Jam!
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