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Skins required for F2 and hotrod


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Hi all,being new to this and computers in general i require skins for F2 and hotrods as im crap.I want to race asap but been told to get a skin sorted?? I need them doing with 897 on them preferably in a modern airbrush style and with my name and in my case the obligatory engine builder 'Lyndale engines' Hope someone can help me here, i aint sure if the cas then need to be uploaded or what???


Oh yeah peugeot 206 hotrod or starlet and any chassis for F2 ....Must look mint :2:

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Hi Bleach, your F2 is nearly finished, however there is a gap on the wing next to your number which I think your real name would look good there. I sent you a pm a few days ago but you didnt reply, so could you tell me your real name please? If you don't want your real name on it, then thats fine i'l try and fill the gap with something else.

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Assuming you still want them, here is your F2. It is on the RCE chassis. I will also be able to adjust iyour skin when/if you change grade. Seeing as I didnt get a reply as to what your name is, I just filled the gap with a couple of flags. Hope you like it.









Assuming you want this skin, you need to upload it on either the ukdirt website, on the members section, upload tool or on the forum, in the thread 'grade changes for 2007'.







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Assuming you still want them, here is your F2. It is on the RCE chassis. I will also be able to adjust iyour skin when/if you change grade. Seeing as I didnt get a reply as to what your name is, I just filled the gap with a couple of flags. Hope you like it.









Assuming you want this skin, you need to upload it on either the ukdirt website, on the members section, upload tool or on the forum, in the thread 'grade changes for 2007'.






nice skin kruiz :appl:

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HUTCH, thats a bit harsh. To be honest, I think he did a good job of that skin, the only thing I would say is that he maybe used the bevel and emboss tool a bit much on the "Bleach Racing" bit, but other than that it looks good :thumbup:


Even if you don't like the skin, at least he was willing to assist someone in this area :thumbup:

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Hay Hutch, even if you do really think the skin is bad you could have worded your opinion a bit more tactfully? :rofl:


At least you were being honest though, not bad for a Scotsman! :rofl:


I think it looks fine Kruiz, F2's arn't easy to paint, good for you for giving it a go and putting something back into the UK Dirt community :thumbs_up:

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Hay Hutch, even if you do really think the skin is bad you could have worded your opinion a bit more tactfully? :rofl:


At least you were being honest though, not bad for a Scotsman! :rofl:


I think it looks fine Kruiz, F2's arn't easy to paint, good for you for giving it a go and putting something back into the UK Dirt community :thumbs_up:



ok then tactfully its like this , the colours look absolute crap,maroon purple an rusty colour blown in with a hair drier dosn't seem quite to blend in , maybe if you went for a simple solid colour on the bodie it look better , youve went over board with the blending and over spray


the sign writing just dosn't look right its maybe the colours or spelling i don't know , it be better with a white wing and a dif colour chassis


and to be fair us scots are always honest we know when we suck at somthing :rofl:


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Good Work Kruiz, nice to see somebody trying something different with colours, blending effects and layout (the wing stands out for me as very unique). You've knocked up a tidy skin there, and it definitely did not deserve the roasting its got on this thread :011:

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Agree with MoR.


Hutch, if you didn't like the skin then there's a million ways of suggesting that, not in the way you have done.

It's not my cup of tea either but then without skin painters we won't or wouldn't be racing at all-maybe think before you type your opinion and try a constructive suggestion or comment next time (maybe when your not pished!)

Edited by kendo912
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OTT Hutch ,

what looks good in Photoshop can be Really naff ingame - just look at my efforts .

The only good thing about it is driving with bumper view , it's good to see other drivers hitting the fence behind you 'cause they were too busy pishing themselves laughing instead of passing me

Edited by garyellis
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The skin isn't upto scratch, what is the problem? Spelling mistakes, a poor lay out and certainly not signed very well regarding inner bevel, or any of that carry on.


Bin it, start again....and do a decent job of it. End of.


Oh, and by the way....can you stop with all the brown nosing 'nonsense' and trying to make people feel good. Less off the grabbing a straw and inserting, and a wee bit constructive feedback wouldn't go a miss.


I don't have all night to put a skin right. :rolleyes:

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I apolagise for the spelling mistake, i was doing it in the very early hours of the morning, I will correct asap. :thumbs_up:


He asked for modern looking 'airbrush' style paint scheme and I have been recently experimenting with different colours and styles, obviously I got his wrong.


The purple/ blue body and orange bonnet was taken from FWJ's tar car and signs from scratch.




Bleach, if you dislike this car then I'm sure that hutch will be the first to offer his services to you.


Also I apologise to you hutch for affending you with such a crap paint job.





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The skin isn't upto scratch, what is the problem? Spelling mistakes, a poor lay out and certainly not signed very well regarding inner bevel, or any of that carry on.


Bin it, start again....and do a decent job of it. End of.


Oh, and by the way....can you stop with all the brown nosing 'nonsense' and trying to make people feel good. Less off the grabbing a straw and inserting, and a wee bit constructive feedback wouldn't go a miss.


I don't have all night to put a skin right. :rolleyes:


Haha shut up you, its a good job. Spelling mistakes happen at times, most people check before posting but thats no big deal. Its a nice car, don't make me slap you next time you pay a visit to my humble abode.

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