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HELP !!!


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Ok well when i install ukdirt bangers it dos'nt copy the file ui.res then it comes up a help message.... i manually copyied it ... butt then when i go into the game it just comes up the nascar heat screen instead of the banger one...... it also dosnt have some of the key menus or buttons i need :|


can anyone help before sunday

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have you downloaded all the ukdirtbanger downloads from www.ukdirt.co.uk and installed them in the right order?

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the banger download does not contain a ui file. what you will have to do is download and run another mod such as hot rods or saloon stock cars which have working ui files included.. when you have done that you can copy the ui file from the hot rod/ssc folder into your banger folder...you wont have the banger screens but you will have a working game with the correct buttons for online play. search through this forum and you will find other ppl have had to do similar things many times before.

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the banger download does not contain a ui file. what you will have to do is download and run another mod such as hot rods or saloon stock cars which have working ui files included.. when you have done that you can copy the ui file from the hot rod/ssc folder into your banger folder...you wont have the banger screens but you will have a working game with the correct buttons for online play. search through this forum and you will find other ppl have had to do similar things many times before.


It does the exact same as what bangers does :shrug: Whats up?

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You really need to supply a bit more info on your problem.

1. Have you had any mod actually running on your computer yet??

2. Whichever non banger mod you downloaded.......check inside its folder to see what size ui they have...should be around 30MB...varies according to mod. Run this mod to make sure it works.

3. Have you downloaded a working skinpack for the mods...

4..have you downloaded suitable tracks for the mods

5..if you intend racing non uk dirt bangers..such as BWS or TNB etc then you will need the updates from those sites as they have many cars not used by uk dirt.. using a skinpack from such sites without having installed updates will lead to nascars, messed skins ,,game crashes etc

6. When you have a workiing mod (ie hor rods or ssc)..then copy and paste it ui into the banger folder replacing the empty one in it

Do follow the instructions given for installation...and make sure you have the proper patches installed etc such as 1.72e.

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Hopefully that answers the question I was about to post too...

I've had exactly the same problem, the ui.res missing in everything except Rods and F1's, so I've had real trouble with missing screens and buttons when trying to race online. .

So if I'm correct what you're saying is that I should uninstall all mods apart from the working ones and then copy either one of the ui.res files from Rods/F1's to the Run folder then reinstall the mods that I'm missing the UI from???

So glad that I kept all the install files on my local drive now, at least there's no redownloading to do.



Edited by Mighty
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