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Can anyone recommend a reliable isp ?


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dont go for AOL maybe ntl as I was with them and they were spot on maybe try virgin media or what ever there called :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't touch virgin media aka ntl with a barge pole.

Me neither, their service really went down hill towards the end of last year so ironically I swapped to BT, I must admit since being with BT I do lose my internet connection now and again which I didn't before with Virgin but at least my ping's are ok.

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I too use pipex (max, with phone bundle etc) and am getting regular speeds of between 5 and6, which is a vast improvement from 2mb on tesco.net.


A few early teething probs but touchj wood sweet ever since.



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well i use aol and ive never had any probs with it had it about 18 months now dont think ive ever discoed in a meeting plus if i recommed you 25 notes for me 25 notes for you everyones a winner :thumbup:

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ive been with telewest blueyonder (virgin media) for nearly 2 years now, never had it disconnect once since iv had it, it has been perfect for online gaming and on here as well. very realible for me. ;)


4mb for only 16 quid a month.


used to have aol and it was for ever dis-connecting now and then.just depends where you are i think.

hope this helps you.

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Unless you go for cable then reliability is going to be about the same for all providers,they all use bt's lines to get to your house and bt openreach engineers to repair any faults.

Before you choose any isp check out the forums at think broadband.

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