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Kruiz 136

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Hi (again lol),


Half way through the Ukdirt Season (roughly) in all mods, and on average I have been disconnected from at least one race per meeting, and I am now desperate to get to the bottom of it.


I am only disconnected in meetings, never in practice which is strange so it must have something to do with the gap in between races.


I have a 2mb DSL connection with AOL but other people use AOL and don't have (as many) problems.


I have 114gb left on the memory out of 145gb and all graphics options say 'awesome' in brackets so I assume its not that. I turn down all the options to there lowest settings, except resolution which I put on 1024 x 768 which is my default screen resolution anyway.


I restart the computer & run enditall & ccleaner before each meeting and sometimes before each race if i get time/remember.


And even after all that I still struggle to keep my connection and small things like waiting to long in Jolt before a race or waiting a long time on the grids makes my connection unstable.


My connection seems to be worse during the 3rd race of the meeting, and recently my AOL software crashes as well. I have tried reinstalling the software several times and the last time I did it it left me without a connection at all for 2 months and now an even more unstable connction.



The only other thing I recently thought of, is the modem. It is a BT Voyager 105 USB ADSL modem. It is as old as my computer (about 3 years). I just wonder if the modem may need replacing or possibly any other part of the connection bewtween my computer and the phone socket as some parts may even be old than my computer from the last computer I had.


Any help is greatly appreciated, I know I have started similar threads and thought my connection had improved but it proved to be only temporary.





Edited by Kruiz 136
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Hi (again lol),


Half way through the Ukdirt Season (roughly) in all mods, and on average I have been disconnected from at least one race per meeting, and I am now desperate to get to the bottom of it.


I am only disconnected in meetings, never in practice which is strange so it must have something to do with the gap in between races.


I have a 2mb DSL connection with AOL but other people use AOL and don't have (as many) problems.


I have 114gb left on the memory out of 145gb and all graphics options say 'awesome' in brackets so I assume its not that. I turn down all the options to there lowest settings, except resolution which I put on 1024 x 768 which is my default screen resolution anyway.


I restart the computer & run enditall & ccleaner before each meeting and sometimes before each race if i get time/remember.


And even after all that I still struggle to keep my connection and small things like waiting to long in Jolt before a race or waiting a long time on the grids makes my connection unstable.


My connection seems to be worse during the 3rd race of the meeting, and recently my AOL software crashes as well. I have tried reinstalling the software several times and the last time I did it it left me without a connection at all for 2 months and now an even more unstable connction.



The only other thing I recently thought of, is the modem. It is a BT Voyager 105 USB ADSL modem. It is as old as my computer (about 3 years). I just wonder if the modem may need replacing or possibly any other part of the connection bewtween my computer and the phone socket as some parts may even be old than my computer from the last computer I had.


Any help is greatly appreciated, I know I have started similar threads and thought my connection had improved but it proved to be only temporary.







have you tried resetting your modem before the racing, get on the phone to your internet provider and ask them to run checks on the line when you have ukdirt on. i did this a few weeks back as i was gettin same probs. just tell them you connection is spiking and you play online games. they should sort it out.


also try turning off ALL of your firewalls even windows and give it a try





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Thanks lads I will try that for now. :thumbs_up:


I know 2mb isn't very high but AOL have promised to double our connection speed although that was over 18 months ago....... :banghead2:







yup just click ok, if you can try and get a new provider aol is crap, i had aol when i stayed with mu my and dad it it kept disconnecting. ive also heard of others who use aol with the same prob

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Thanks lads I will try that for now. :thumbs_up:


I know 2mb isn't very high but AOL have promised to double our connection speed although that was over 18 months ago....... :banghead2:







yup just click ok, if you can try and get a new provider aol is crap, i had aol when i stayed with mu my and dad it it kept disconnecting. ive also heard of others who use aol with the same prob


I've wanted a new ISP for years but my dad (who pays for it) is scared to go with anyone else as hes been with ISp's that are even worse in the past and AOL are the only ones we have had that has actually worked.

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How is your moden connected to your PC? When I was upgraded to 8mb by Orange, (who now provide an excellent free service with my £30 a month mobile contract) I was using a USB connection that was doing exactly what you are stating. I changed to an ethernet cable and it cured it instantly, the problem apparantly was that the USB connection was overheating and once i re-connected it was fine again for a couple of hours.

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hi Kruiz

Before I joined uk dirt I had problems with 2yr old voyager 105, kept losing connection in counter strike.

Replaced it with a Belkin wireless set up.

No more lost connection and my sync speed went up from 1500 to 6500. Only thing I have to do now before going online in uk dirt is disable wireless connection and plug in network cable.

Just had a look at your windows firewall post the screen shows mcafee firewall running not windows firewall.

All works fine.



Edited by Mr Beef
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Welly, Im using a usb connection at the moment, so i will give an ethernet cable a try aswell.


Beefy, thanks for recomending a modm as i am using the voyager 105 like the one you had that is 2 years old.


Thanks for the ideas and i will definately try everything that has so far been suggested, as I hav worked out that i have been disconnected from 47 races so far this season (in all mods). Its become more than annoyance, its probably part of the season as to why im finding ukdirt increasingly frustrating tbh.

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