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  hotrod331 said:

:thumbup: hiya lads,

i know theres been some talk about a few of the older models being updated etc etc

so thought id build a bluebird hatch again from scratch,ill call the car file something different to the old bluebird so theres two variations...

what do you all think so far! this is only quickly knocked up just to give you an idea of how itll look as a car!

still loads to add name board bonnet bolts corner plates mirror etc etc




Looks great just add some more polys to the side's and will be the dog's...:D:appl:


have to agree with you there spike on the damage front.

most of the blueys ive seen when been after a big hit have bent good nd proper.

lets hope it happens with this, epic model so far rodder might make the game look a lot more realistic.


  • 3 weeks later...

really havnt had the time or been in the right kind of mind set to do any more yet but got a few days off after 2moro so you never know ;) keep em peeld!

  • 2 weeks later...

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