DanSkin Posted October 28, 2007 Report Posted October 28, 2007 Well done to LeeK for taking the meeting Final win, along with a heat. And well done to MoR who took a heat and GN win on his way to top scoring. Results: Heat 1: 137, 322, 426, 188, 8, 27, 684, 39, 41, 20, 413, 236, 298, 215, 488, 63 Heat 2: 136, 322, 20, 426, 41, 146, 236, 298, 331, 27, 123, 413, 288, 8, 3, 215, 684 Heat 3: 123, 188, 322, 331, 137, 413, 288, 20, 3, 684, 146, 488, 236, 39, 298 Heat 4: 39, 123, 684, 288, 188, 331, 41, 8, 137, 146, 426, 27, 136, 488, 3 Final: 39, 137, 188, 322, 123, 426, 331, 136, 236, 41, 684, 298, 146, 20, 288, 27, 413, 3, 488, 8 GN: 137, 41, 426, 684, 146, 27, 123, 488, 39, 8, 322, 413, 188, 136, 3, 20, 236, 298, 331, 288 Meeting Points: MoR #137 - 46 Murph #322 - 40 Aub #188 - 38 LeeK #39 - 35 Dub #123 - 35 Dav #426 - 33 Drumbstick #41 - 23 Hutch #331 - 22 Dazza #684 - 20 Kruiz #136 - 16 Splinter #20 - 12 Paulp #146 - 12 Cap #27 - 11 Ironmac #288 - 11 Tosh #8 - 10 DanSkin #236 - 8 Matthew #413 - 5 TGG #298 - 3 Fatdave #488 - 3 Johno #3 - 2 Samson #63 - 0 Fritz #215 - 0 Not my best night racing these yet, certainly different! I do still have one simple request that makes my night a lot easier - examples were Hutch and Dubstar tonight... Please please please please please between now and next Sunday, get your number in your name in game lads. See you all next week!!
Paulp23 Posted October 28, 2007 Report Posted October 28, 2007 Well done to all the winners , cya next week.
splinter Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 Great meeting, which I thoroughly enjoyed again (even though I'm not improving much lol) One or two more complaints about 'contact issues' which I still feel is accurate to the real thing (improved in version 0.2) Yes it can be hard to stop spinning out, but in all fairness so is the real thing. I had the usual fun in the Grand National where I used my bumper a bit more I'm still putting off the steering wheel investment for a while yet though!
drumbstick Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 Great meeting again last night, not sure what it is about ipswich but I just don't seem to get the luck there both meetings times we have been there I have had my lowest scores by far. Not sure what I did to Ironmac before the meeting but I seemed to get in a bumper battle with him in every race except the GN
Kruiz 136 Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 (edited) Good meeting enjoyed it, can't wait to have my computer upgraded for next meeting hopefully, as I'm running all effects off, 800x600 16 bit and it still jumps, it looks worse than heat Happy to get my first win (not bad for a ps2 controller user, who needs wheels?? lol), but after that I had no luck at all, couldn't get in my second heat, spun out several times in third heat, severe damage led to a poor position in that after a good early run around 3rd - 5th for a while, and nothing went right in the GN and somehow it turned into a follow in challenge with Aub as my competitor, I certainly came off worse On the subject of contact again, I can certainly see where some people are coming from, perhaps they do spin out a little too easily (only a bit). Having closely watched the contact element at Kings Lynn this weekend (which turned out to be mostly tarmac after the heats anyway), the cars did recieve pushes, scrapes and knocks to rear wheels without spinning out, like they perhaps would in rfactor, so maybe a little more work needs to be done, but it really isn't very far off at all, a credit to all the developers of the game. Well done to LeeK on the final win and MoR for top scoring Thanks to Danskin for running it, Kruiz Edited October 29, 2007 by Kruiz 136
matthew413 Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 Argh, I was actually doing ok in the final then got squeezed against the wall slightly, nothing major, but it stopped me dead and I did a 540 degree spin and ended up facing the wrong way with the whites flying towards me and half the car bent in one way or another, finished 2 laps down Well done MoR and LeeK Pretty sure I won't be a SS next week
Dazza290 Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 Really good meeting I thought, was really surprised to be Red at the start of the meeting and was pleased that I managed to score as many points as I did, I cocked up a couple times in my heat and again in the Final, but the GN was one of the best races I've had. Had a really good race with Dub, Hutch and Danskin throughout the night, Aub too but I think we were just getting in the way of each other in the end! I wont be able to make the next few meetings online which is a shame (for me, not who Im racing against!), these are a right old blast now, the contact isnt quite spot on but this mod is certainly the way to go in my opinion. Cheers for running it Dan Dazza
Ironmac_288 Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 Lol drum u did nothing m8t i just had a few probs in previous weeks being indecisive with passing and putting bumper in just waiting for right moment cost me, so this week i just decided to try it n if i lost out then what the hell just unfortunate it was u all the time i got lined up correct lol . never mind tho the returns were great to was gd battlin for a while with you and hutch, like most others im loving this sim and i seem to have got my enthusiasm back for online racing thanx to it. Cheers to all uksom and tech guys great job ur doin keep it up.
Ironmac_288 Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 Lol drum u did nothing m8t i just had a few probs in previous weeks being indecisive with passing and putting bumper in just waiting for right moment cost me, so this week i just decided to try it n if i lost out then what the hell just unfortunate it was u all the time i got lined up correct lol . never mind tho the returns were great to was gd battlin for a while with you and hutch, like most others im loving this sim and i seem to have got my enthusiasm back for online racing thanx to it. Cheers to all uksom and tech guys great job ur doin keep it up.
MoR137 Posted October 30, 2007 Report Posted October 30, 2007 (edited) Well, what a surprise night for me lol! Finally getting used to using a wheel now - lets not forget this was a 10 quid sidewinder from ebay, so old it doesn't even have FFB! I'm well chuffed, and shows you don't have to spend big bucks on a g25. My night started perfectly with a win, and then my other two heats saw my spinning around and causing pile ups lol! The final was a good race - I took my time getting past the white tops which paid off, and then I just wrestled the car every lap, unfortunately getting held up by backmarkers with two to go allowing LeeK to catch up, and he was just a little too far ahead last bend to take a dive at! Then the GN topped it off for me, a reasonably quiet race, and topped off the night with some donuts - a definite plus-side of having the time after you've crossed the line to mess about! Regarding the contact, seems it come up again tonight, i set off tonight with a target in mind, and that was to race with 'daddy-Kruiz's words in mind. I was patient all night with hits (i.e. not until they were nice and straight and close enough so that I didn't have to dive with the momentum carrying me to the fence also) and passes (only going up the inside when I knew I could out-dragrace them down the straight), and it seemed to pay off, i certainly got a few hits in I was proud of - not from miles back but nice and close and hard enough so they couldn't come back from it! I really recommend everybody just thinking about their bumper/passing tactics as its incredibly rewarding and it might change your views on the contact as it stands (especially at BV, its worth thinking about things to avoid the dreaded spins). Could it just be driver error after all? However, we are not as cloth-eared as that and we do want to make the game as enjoyable as possible whilst retaining its sim attributes, and I know Grasser has another idea to improve the contact slightly (which may or may not work) which is a progression from that which 'solidified' things in v0.2, so that may help a little bit. Thanks to everyone one who's raced the series so far and lets keep the attendances as high as they have been! Practice seems to be the key - one point that could be made is that a lot of the successful racers also race drumbsticks league on Tuesday nights, so that extra bit of experience seems to pay off! Looking forward to next week if the last Belle Vue meeting is anything to go by. Cheers MoR Edited October 30, 2007 by MoR137
splinter Posted October 30, 2007 Report Posted October 30, 2007 Can someone post the replay of the Final please? Was trying out some new camera angles and rfactor deleted my replay as it only saves 5 or 6 replays per track. Will have to figure a way around this!
drumbstick Posted October 30, 2007 Report Posted October 30, 2007 MoR137 said: one point that could be made is that a lot of the successful racers also race drumbsticks league on Tuesday nights, so that extra bit of experience seems to pay off! Looking forward to next week if the last Belle Vue meeting is anything to go by. Cheers MoR I do agree that pactice is they key to this, looking at it from the other point of view to most people I cannot get on with heat at all. However with practice and choosing my hits carefully I am so much better at RF you would not believe it was the same person driving.
Fourwinds Posted October 30, 2007 Report Posted October 30, 2007 splinter said: Can someone post the replay of the Final please? Was trying out some new camera angles and rfactor deleted my replay as it only saves 5 or 6 replays per track. Will have to figure a way around this! The way around it is to rename the replay away from the track name and it will not overwrite it or at least it has not for me so far ...
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