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missed laps at bradford


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fao of whoever, there were a few in the other night and some laps were being missed , just thought id point this out, will this be a concern for tonight, myself,hutch,dubby,and pedz i think all had the same problem. cant speak for anyone else.


there is also no green light or buzzer for start of race? :o



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I need to see a replay offline. Online it could be warp or the server it self. I cant replicate the error. I would do laps in the infield, and it recorded all of my laps, so not sure on this one. Scrap if you have a replay, please send it over on msn. Thanks...

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I had a few missed laps on Bradford Tar tonight but was on GRC server with 2 other cars so warp shouldn't be an issue.

I noticed that in the split times I was running 5. 333 / 2.333 / 5.333 for example

On the missed laps this showed up as 5.333 / 2.333 / 18.333 for example.

Hope this helps

Mr Beef

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Thanks Beef I got your replay and will peek at it tonight. First I will find the closest wall to bang my head on since I have none of these issues... :banghead2:


I have 1 idea and it involves 3dmax, 12 pack of Coors Light and I have to sacrifice a goat.

Edited by freew67
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So after countless hours of beating my dog, and not finding the issue right off the bat, I decided to change out a few of the x-sector gmts to see if that was issue. I created all new sectors, and moved 1 and tada issue seems to be gone. Looks like we had a bad gmt with either xsector1 or the start finish gmt. Either or, Im not going to re-release it as .91, but suggest that everyone to redownload and install again, http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=Bradford You can del the track in your locations folder (which I suggest) but the exe should overwrite the files in the folder anyways.


Now, if the issue pops back up, then I would be at a complete loss what the issue would be. Sorry for this small goofy issue that everyone didnt have! :blink:

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