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Mind reading???? pfffft not mines!


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Keeping it topical, I was thinking of the DeathStar.  You'd think he'd get that considering he was assistant manager of the place..but no. 011.gif


Dark Lord of the Sith??.........Your aving a Laugh!!




Edited by Grasser233
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HA ha he didnt get me was thinking of the European cup  rofl.gif


No honest, thought of a candle he got in 22 questions.


Good link Andy,





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I defeated Vader!  He said my mind was more powerful than he had anticipated and after 20 questions a king of some sorts came and helped the man in black, but after 10 more questions he gave up and I defeated the dark side!!!!


My item was a green cabbage


Excellent link m8!  thumbup.gif


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