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Results / Points Bradford tar 23/10


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Thanks to everyone who raced tonight, Well done to chevy on taking the final and Tosh for top scoring.


A big thankyou to kev who was on server duty for the first time and did a grand job, cheers kev.



Heat 1: 500 288 11 291 290 259 188 488 315 18 136 39 74 6 525 300 380 112

Heat 2: 500 74 259 8 291 315 11 188 136 300 39 288 18 525 112 6 380 290 488

A-Final: 11 8 136 290 291 288 259 112 315 18 500 488 6 300 380 188 525 74


GN 1: 500 136 8 112 380 18 291 488 288 259 315 290 525 300 11 188



34 pts 8 tosh

33 pts 11 chevy

29 pts 136 Kruiz

28 pts 500 allstar

28 pts 291 Marten

22 pts 288 Ironmac

21 pts 259 jimmymuk

20 pts 290 Dazza

16 pts 112 Tom D

11 pts 18 marky

10 pts 315 Sybe Racing

7 pts 380 davey boy

7 pts 74 razza

5 pts 488 fatdave

3 pts 188 Aub

1 pts 300 Mattyaspin

0 pts 6 pink

0 pts 525 Maverick

0 pts 39 LeeK


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Very pleased that the fixture was changed from shale as i dont get on with it, i think that shows that tarmac is alot better for me lol. Still need to work on finals though as i dont think i've scored in one yet?


Well done chevy!


Cheers Jimmy and Kev

Edited by The London Allstar
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Sorry for leaving near the end of the meeting. Gutted as I was doing well in the final catching chevy then my pc restart ,gutted to say the least and just found out I will need to reformat my pc :banghead2:



Cyas at the next meeting :unsure:

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Some good racing mixed with a bit of chaos and unpredicatability made for a great meeting in my opinion. I saw a lot of how stock car racing should be done last night. Race long battles, hard and fair hits to return the same which can easily be done at Bradford with its wide banked turns, perfect for coming back at your opponent next bend. Thats why the Bradfords are still my favourite tracks for rFactor, the racing there can be superb.


Personally I messed both the heats up, I got into a decent position, about 4th or 5th in the first heat and went for a big last bender on Marten but got it wrong and spun myself, then tried to get into to reverse but found neutral and in the end reversed over the line for 11th.


The second heat and I couldn't really make very much ground up getting caught up with the blues & reds battle for last for most of the race but with about 5 laps to go I got a break and went for it trying to catch up to the top 10, again I made a move on Chevy on the last corner for 7th but spun myself again, and this time found reversing to get over the line for 9th.


Luckily it was all in or I probably would not have made it, final time,and my aim was to finsih the race in the the ordinary fashion, facing forwards. I can't remember much of the start of the race, except I think it was the final where I annoyed Aub slightly by going up his left rear wheel and almost catapulted us both into the crowd, but it was in fact Pink who had put a lap down hit on me. However, I must of got away from the usual scrap at the back fairly early because I found myself in 4th and saw Chevy, Tosh and TomD not too far up the track but I would of needed at very least 5 more laps to catch Chevy. I decided to hold back on Tosh and TomD, as they were close in the hope they may take each other out on the last bend as I was under no pressure from anybody behind, the track was clear. Sure enough Tom went for a last bend attempt on Tosh but made the same mistake I had made in the heats and spun himself, and I picked up 3rd, which I was happy with. Congratulations to Chevy who drove a great race.


The Grand National turned out to be best race of the night for me, usually they are the worst, I had a great race with Tosh for a quite a few laps but again Allstar far and away in the distance, totally uncatchable. I must also apologise to Marky & Mav who looked like they were having a great race when I came along, hit Marky wide into Mav, T-boning him and they both went into the wall. Sorry guys.


Lots of people to congratulate, well done to Allstar for 3 wins, Chevy for winning the final which also means an upgrade to yellow, and Tosh for top scoring.


See you all next week,



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I agree wit hkruiz, the final was probably the most chaotic race last night, although i was at the front for the others so mayby they were just as bad but i didnt see it. Quite a few lap down hits in the final i found which unfortunatly came at the worst possible moment for me, but hey ho, cant complain! Throroughly enjoyed it once again.

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Enjoyed lastnight, was nice not to be well off the pace lastnight and managed to get some points. I think i might of got more if i had more experience but shows im slowly getting the hang of things.


thanks for running it jimmy :thumbs_up:



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Some good racing mixed with a bit of chaos and unpredicatability made for a great meeting in my opinion. I saw a lot of how stock car racing should be done last night. Race long battles, hard and fair hits to return the same which can easily be done at Bradford with its wide banked turns, perfect for coming back at your opponent next bend. Thats why the Bradfords are still my favourite tracks for rFactor, the racing there can be superb.


Personally I messed both the heats up, I got into a decent position, about 4th or 5th in the first heat and went for a big last bender on Marten but got it wrong and spun myself, then tried to get into to reverse but found neutral and in the end reversed over the line for 11th.


The second heat and I couldn't really make very much ground up getting caught up with the blues & reds battle for last for most of the race but with about 5 laps to go I got a break and went for it trying to catch up to the top 10, again I made a move on Chevy on the last corner for 7th but spun myself again, and this time found reversing to get over the line for 9th.


Luckily it was all in or I probably would not have made it, final time,and my aim was to finsih the race in the the ordinary fashion, facing forwards. I can't remember much of the start of the race, except I think it was the final where I annoyed Aub slightly by going up his left rear wheel and almost catapulted us both into the crowd, but it was in fact Pink who had put a lap down hit on me. However, I must of got away from the usual scrap at the back fairly early because I found myself in 4th and saw Chevy, Tosh and TomD not too far up the track but I would of needed at very least 5 more laps to catch Chevy. I decided to hold back on Tosh and TomD, as they were close in the hope they may take each other out on the last bend as I was under no pressure from anybody behind, the track was clear. Sure enough Tom went for a last bend attempt on Tosh but made the same mistake I had made in the heats and spun himself, and I picked up 3rd, which I was happy with. Congratulations to Chevy who drove a great race.


The Grand National turned out to be best race of the night for me, usually they are the worst, I had a great race with Tosh for a quite a few laps but again Allstar far and away in the distance, totally uncatchable. I must also apologise to Marky & Mav who looked like they were having a great race when I came along, hit Marky wide into Mav, T-boning him and they both went into the wall. Sorry guys.


Lots of people to congratulate, well done to Allstar for 3 wins, Chevy for winning the final which also means an upgrade to yellow, and Tosh for top scoring.


See you all next week,






you know its funny kruiz, i always seem to have long hard races with yourself and tbh i enjoy the battle, always know what to expect with you when your behind me, i always wait on the tap from behind to send me out wide enough for you getting past and vice versa. none of this full bore hit stuff. i knew you had the faster car (just i think) so was a great GN.


quite surprised at top scoring even though i missed the first heat with a burst radiator lol :banana2::whistling:

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Some good racing mixed with a bit of chaos and unpredicatability made for a great meeting in my opinion. I saw a lot of how stock car racing should be done last night. Race long battles, hard and fair hits to return the same which can easily be done at Bradford with its wide banked turns, perfect for coming back at your opponent next bend. Thats why the Bradfords are still my favourite tracks for rFactor, the racing there can be superb.


Personally I messed both the heats up, I got into a decent position, about 4th or 5th in the first heat and went for a big last bender on Marten but got it wrong and spun myself, then tried to get into to reverse but found neutral and in the end reversed over the line for 11th.


The second heat and I couldn't really make very much ground up getting caught up with the blues & reds battle for last for most of the race but with about 5 laps to go I got a break and went for it trying to catch up to the top 10, again I made a move on Chevy on the last corner for 7th but spun myself again, and this time found reversing to get over the line for 9th.


Luckily it was all in or I probably would not have made it, final time,and my aim was to finsih the race in the the ordinary fashion, facing forwards. I can't remember much of the start of the race, except I think it was the final where I annoyed Aub slightly by going up his left rear wheel and almost catapulted us both into the crowd, but it was in fact Pink who had put a lap down hit on me. However, I must of got away from the usual scrap at the back fairly early because I found myself in 4th and saw Chevy, Tosh and TomD not too far up the track but I would of needed at very least 5 more laps to catch Chevy. I decided to hold back on Tosh and TomD, as they were close in the hope they may take each other out on the last bend as I was under no pressure from anybody behind, the track was clear. Sure enough Tom went for a last bend attempt on Tosh but made the same mistake I had made in the heats and spun himself, and I picked up 3rd, which I was happy with. Congratulations to Chevy who drove a great race.


The Grand National turned out to be best race of the night for me, usually they are the worst, I had a great race with Tosh for a quite a few laps but again Allstar far and away in the distance, totally uncatchable. I must also apologise to Marky & Mav who looked like they were having a great race when I came along, hit Marky wide into Mav, T-boning him and they both went into the wall. Sorry guys.


Lots of people to congratulate, well done to Allstar for 3 wins, Chevy for winning the final which also means an upgrade to yellow, and Tosh for top scoring.


See you all next week,






you know its funny kruiz, i always seem to have long hard races with yourself and tbh i enjoy the battle, always know what to expect with you when your behind me, i always wait on the tap from behind to send me out wide enough for you getting past and vice versa. none of this full bore hit stuff. i knew you had the faster car (just i think) so was a great GN.


quite surprised at top scoring even though i missed the first heat with a burst radiator lol :banana2::whistling:



Yeah the games a trust thing really I think, I do seem to have at least one good battle with you every meeting, probably because as you say I always tap you just enough wide to get through and I know you will do the same. I've never once had you do anything thats race ending to me so I never have to hit you very wide to be confident you won't end my race, and long may it continue :thumbs_up:

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Well Done Chevy on your Final win :appl:


Didn't have a good night, mainly because I just did not get the track time prior to the meeting, hence why I was still racing round whilst everyone was arguing about Lee531!!!


In rFactor, I try to be stubborn and keep people behind me as its more difficult than heat to do a massive hit and having now watched my replays, I did that to Allstar and Marky, who had to work at it to get by me and I enjoyed that challenge.

It is a shame Kruiz that you hit Marky at that point as I was just starting to hope for a points finish (was 4th at the time) and in an instant it was gone. Coming out of the spin in 14th, I knew my race was run.





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In rFactor, I try to be stubborn and keep people behind me as its more difficult than heat to do a massive hit and having now watched my replays, I did that to Allstar and Marky, who had to work at it to get by me and I enjoyed that challenge.


And i very much enjoyed it too, usually when i punt someome i tend to spin myself out but im starting to get the hang of it now, and thursday gave me a little more practice.


Eventually i had to start hitting harder and harder as i could see the cars behind closing in and knew if i didnt make the move i was going to go backwards through the field lol. Good stuff!

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Funny i always now what to expect when your behind to kruiz, normally lap 1 and me facing wrong way lol cant u pick on any 1 else for rest of yr


Haha I've said it time and time again, I don't pick on you anymore than anyone else. In fact I try to be more careful when approaching your car as your driving style makes it really difficult to pass cleanly without tagging your left rear wheel causing one or both of us to spin, so difficult in fact, I almost never manage it lol.


It is a shame Kruiz that you hit Marky at that point as I was just starting to hope for a points finish (was 4th at the time) and in an instant it was gone. Coming out of the spin in 14th, I knew my race was run.


Yeah, it certainly wasn't intended, I mistimed my hit on Marky and it resulted in him half spinning you into the wall. :scared15: Sorry :blush:

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and thats racing kruiz so no probs here. indifferent nite for me again seems to happening alot just lately but well keep pluging away got a good set of mechanics to keep on mending my damage


Thats a great attitude to have mate :thumbs_up:

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