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Sheffield Results (19/3/2009)


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Hello Guys,


Here are the results and points. I will add more to it later in the evening.


Well done to TomD for taking the meeting Final, and to Murf for top scoring.



Heat 1: 561 531 188 151 291 16 363 3 136 300

Heat 2: 3 136 112 290 16 291 531 288 315 8

Heat 3: 561 216 8 290 112 137 300 363 288 188


A-Final: 112 136 216 561 291 3 531 151 290 137


GN 1: 561 151 136 16 300 137 8 3 112 531




44 pts 561 Murf

41 pts 112 Tom D

37 pts 136 Kruiz

25 pts 216 Speedtech

25 pts 3 Johno

23 pts 151 Dode

21 pts 531 Lee

21 pts 291 Marten

16 pts 290 Dazza

15 pts 16 JK

13 pts 137 MoR

12 pts 8 tosh874

10 pts 300 Mattyaspin

7 pts 188 Aub

3 pts 363 razza

2 pts 288 Ironmac

1 pts 315 Mike

0 pts 48 Tinman

0 pts 221 Spike

0 pts 599 Harold

0 pts 11 chevy

0 pts 365 travel

0 pts 488 dave





Edited by Johno3
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0 pts 48 Tinman

0 pts 221 Spike

0 pts 599 Harold

0 pts 11 chevy

0 pts 365 travel

0 pts 488 dave all six off us looked well out off our depth tonight , shame i still cant on with shale :thumbs_down:

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I agree Spike


It's very frustrated when i practice the whole week offline(at least 2hours a day) for a good setup and it won't work online.


for example: my laptime sheffield offline 13.8/9 the car was stable,online my car was very loose and hard to handle(spin a lot),laptimes 14,1/2/3

same for BV,laptimes offline 13,8/9 the car was stable ,online my car was very loose and hard to handle(spin a lot)


My question is why doesn't work my offline setups i've made when i'm use them online?


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Don't be disheartened guys, thers only so many points on offer each night, not everyone can score them all, all of the time. Keep practising, improving, turn up again to try your luck, you never know. Eventually you will get there, you won't get anything from quitting though. Most of the red tops now started out from the start at lower grades, Marten was yellow, I was white, Johno was yellow, MoR was yellow, we've all been there at some point.


The point is we're all still here now, except we're all doing much better, and that is only beacuse we've stuck it out, practised through good and bad and are now getting the rewards. It just takes time guys, Andy Smith didn't become World Champ over night.


Tinman, check to see all your drive aids are turned off, traction control, driving assistance etc. These will effect your online play but not your online play asthe server disables them. It could also be that you think the car is handling worse online as you will be trying to keep up with the faster cars, offline you can go at your pace. This will make you put your foot down more, causing more wheel spin and subsequent slower times. Less is more in this game, less revs coming out the corners gains you traction and faster lap times, trust me. Go at your own pace, don't try to keep up with any driver that isn't your grade, as you don't need to yet. It may feel slower but using minimal throttle on the corners, especially shale will get you round faster.


Keep it up guys, I hope to see you all back next time, if you need further help with anything I'm always happy to offer advise. I won't send out my setups, but I will offer advise on how to get the car handling, and driving tips.


I really enjoyed the meeting, I thought after I was somehow sent into the wires backwards on lap 2 or 3 of Heat 1 it was going to be another night of frustration similar to last week but it certainly picked up from there and I got some very satisfactory results.


The final was the highlight for me, a good race with Speedtech, Murf and a few others along the way in what turned out to be a very hectic but enjoyable race, lots of cars littered about the kerbs and fence certainly keeps you focused on your driving!

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lol i think i was by far the worse last night a bit like tinman i spent a fair bit of time offline practising some thing i very rarley ever did in heat and got

around at a average pace ok but once online im all over the place but i think its like kruiz says im trying to stay with the quick boys and making a tit of myself hahaha.


the thing im finding hardest is the oppo lock in f1 and f2 ive got real feel and a forcefeedback wheel but just can not master it god it was bloody easier in real life then in this game haha

but ill be back getting in overs way for the rest of the season :thumbs_up:

Edited by TRAV365
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I wouldnt worry to much guys.


I didnt enjoy either meeting particulary last night, was on the pace both meetings but never seemed to get that little break you needed to really get going, and when im not doing well I give in! I know thats perhaps not the right attitude but ah well!


I probably wont be doing too many of the double headers as after that one I felt abit knackered after the first 2 Sheffield heats and by the time i got to the Belle Vue I was more interested in watching the telly! Not a dig at how they were run, (far from it, and a big thanks to Kevin and Johno for running the show again) but from a personal point of view at the moment I seem to be putting a lot of time in for little reward, and a hour and a half of solid racing and I lost interest.


Congratulations to all final winners and point scorers from last night, see you in a few weeks.



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I wouldnt worry to much guys.


I didnt enjoy either meeting particulary last night, was on the pace both meetings but never seemed to get that little break you needed to really get going, and when im not doing well I give in! I know thats perhaps not the right attitude but ah well!


I probably wont be doing too many of the double headers as after that one I felt abit knackered after the first 2 Sheffield heats and by the time i got to the Belle Vue I was more interested in watching the telly! Not a dig at how they were run, (far from it, and a big thanks to Kevin and Johno for running the show again) but from a personal point of view at the moment I seem to be putting a lot of time in for little reward, and a hour and a half of solid racing and I lost interest.


Congratulations to all final winners and point scorers from last night, see you in a few weeks.





I felt abit the same dazza, i really enjoyed sheffield so much fun drifting it round there but i just couldnt get used to belle vue after sheffield.


Well done to murf for top scoring and tomd for top scoring.



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I wouldnt worry to much guys.


I didnt enjoy either meeting particulary last night, was on the pace both meetings but never seemed to get that little break you needed to really get going, and when im not doing well I give in! I know thats perhaps not the right attitude but ah well!


I probably wont be doing too many of the double headers as after that one I felt abit knackered after the first 2 Sheffield heats and by the time i got to the Belle Vue I was more interested in watching the telly! Not a dig at how they were run, (far from it, and a big thanks to Kevin and Johno for running the show again) but from a personal point of view at the moment I seem to be putting a lot of time in for little reward, and a hour and a half of solid racing and I lost interest.


Congratulations to all final winners and point scorers from last night, see you in a few weeks.





I felt abit the same dazza, i really enjoyed sheffield so much fun drifting it round there but i just couldnt get used to belle vue after sheffield.


Well done to murf for top scoring and tomd for top scoring.







Tbh dazza i felt the exact same, by the time sheffield was over i couldnt really be bothered with the 2nd meeting. i think the 1 meeting is enough on 1 night.


after the bell vue meeting i had a thumper of a headache, and in respect i think the 2nd meeting causes folk to lose concentration and interest resulting in scrappy races and take-outs ( my opinion though )


i had a great race with MoR in the gn at sheffield probably out of the whole night. i kept giving the bugger little taps on the back to shift him over but just couldnt manage it without taking him right out of the game and the nature of the track :thumbs_up: and after that it really was enough for me.


there was some great battles going on and what seemed to be respect dished out with racing AND folk being lapped in both meetings.


thanks to kev and johno for running the show :appl:



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I personally enjoyed both meetings, but then if it had gone the same as Buxton and crashed out of every race perhaps like Dazza did, then maybe I wouldn't of so much, I know I was about ready to give up at final time last week, although thats not my style I keep going no matter how bad my luck is lol

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Good feedback guys - more than fair and put in a constructive way :thumbs_up:


Personally, I didnt mind the 2 meetings. But as I had to do the results and points, I obviously got a break. Having said that, I do find the shale racing more tiring than the tarmac racing.


Looking at the racing, I thought it was good. I got some really good breaks in both meetings, but at the same time, I was a fraction out in others and it cost me good final places at both meetings. But I must have come a long way to be disappointed with 20 plus points at both meetings :rofl:


In terms of practicing, can I suggest you actually practice in the server? I know thats what I do once Istarted as I didnt know how to turn everything off :rofl:. It's slightly different to Heat in that you can go into the server and practice on your own. If I remember, I will take the tracks off we are not racing at each week, and thus you can go in there and practice.


Anyway, god to see some different racers last night, and I hope to see you all next week on the tarmac, where we will do battle for World Qalifying Points and National Series Points at Ipswich.





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In terms of practicing, can I suggest you actually practice in the server? I know thats what I do once Istarted as I didnt know how to turn everything off :rofl:. It's slightly different to Heat in that you can go into the server and practice on your own. If I remember, I will take the tracks off we are not racing at each week, and thus you can go in there and practice.


i was going to do that but there was no f1 server up thursday afternoon just rods and f2s


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Personally I didn't mind the two meetings on one night. Was happy to get away from Sheffield, as I just can't seem to get a break there. Maybe a lack of skills or just bad luck dunno lol.


I didn't have any problems with driving standards going down at Belle Vue, and I actually think they are really good so far this season.

So well done to all drivers for that :appl:


Couldn't believe i was in front in final after just a couple of laps, and thought i had it in the bag, until backmarkers got in the way a couple of times.

But what can you do, was never intentional, they just crashed in front of me. But you swear at screen couple of times and keep going :thumbup:


Thx for running meet Johno and Kev. was run excellent :thumbs_up:

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very true i was going to practise at 4am thursday morning no server was up i noticed it went up about 6.30pm


That's my responsibility so I apologise for that. I will try and make sure it is up on Thursday morning.


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0 pts 48 Tinman

0 pts 221 Spike

0 pts 599 Harold

0 pts 11 chevy

0 pts 365 travel

0 pts 488 dave all six off us looked well out off our depth tonight , shame i still cant on with shale :thumbs_down:


Thats the reason I cancelled my booking, out of my depth.


Last season at Sheffield, I more than held my own, had 4 good races there even though it was the first ever meeting (GNC Championship). The offseason meeting at Sheffield, I was worse and couldn't understand why - same car, same setup but useless. Then the practice session prior to this meeting the car did nothing but weave. I have 4 setups from differing top drivers, all different in style and setup, yet I could not drive one of them. I went back to my own but still nothing. Another annoying aspect of practice was that everytime my car was touched, either by me hitting or being hit, my car spun and no matter what I did I couldn't control it.


I try and practice online as the aforementioned online/offline differences are huge, but server availability is annoying also (already covered by Johno).


Dispondant with rFactor after such entertaining drives last season, how quickly it can turn :(



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Wear can i see the points standing





Normally on Kev's website, but so far it has been down all weekend.


I will try and catch him tomorrow night. :thumbs_up:


Iwill try and make sure the server is on before Igo to bed every night - I am not sure why it is off tbh. Again - this is my fault really, so I need to sort this.






EDIT: It was on, but I have taken all the tracks off except Ipswich, so therefore when you go in, it is already set on Ipswich. I have also taken the shale cars off the server for this week.

Edited by Johno3
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Wear can i see the points standing





Johno is right, the site has been down all weekend whilst I sorted out some hosting issues but all should be working now.

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