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Andy Smith corner cut shocker!!!!


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Here's the evidence of a shocker of a corner cut by Andy Smith at Coventry on Saturday night.

The dirty deed occurs around 1 min 25


He should of been docked IMO


Edited by kendo912
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lol shame the camera never staid in same place because 515 after being bulked in that corner also used the same route that smithy did and as for the gn he never jumped it the reds were bulked by one of them at a stand still the starter droped the green and smithy was gone. Tkae them beer googles off Nezza and can i remind you all of how 515 won his first gold chopping half the corner and rejoing straight into the side of smithy haha

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Here's the evidence of a shocker of a corner cut by Andy Smith at Coventry on Saturday night.

The dirty deed occurs around 1 min 25


He should of been docked IMO



Just face it kendo, he beat wainman lol

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Cant edit the above post but you can clearly see he had no choice but to and a few followed him.


Ive seen wainman do alot worse than that even times when he didnt need to and trav has mentioned one of them lol


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Smithy floored it on the centre and gained tons to places compared to how many fwj got on that occasion...... but as has been mentioned, fwj's no angel on previous occasions......Bring back gold and silver starting at the back i say; they missed a trick Saturday night, imagine if the two of em got into a bumper battle in that race, would've been immense the way they were both going for it in the heats.

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Wainmans last corner attempt at Hayley Parkinson deserves more grief than that!! Now that was out of order! Hopefully she'll have her revenge soon. Belle vue would be good :)


Coming from a Wainman fan.. lol

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Wainmans last corner attempt at Hayley Parkinson deserves more grief than that!! Now that was out of order! Hopefully she'll have her revenge soon. Belle vue would be good :)


Coming from a Wainman fan.. lol


I thought bumpers were there to use not to flash ? Unless I am watching hot rods :blink:

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Wainmans last corner attempt at Hayley Parkinson deserves more grief than that!! Now that was out of order! Hopefully she'll have her revenge soon. Belle vue would be good :)


Coming from a Wainman fan.. lol


I thought bumpers were there to use not to flash ? Unless I am watching hot rods :blink:



You wern't there!! It was dirty as hell, cut the corner, dived into her nerf and right turned her to the fence, she did well not to the hit the wall head on, but still looked a nasty impact, she wasn't happy about it thats for sure, I saw her ignore Wainman when she came to check if she was ok lol

Edited by Kruiz 136
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Wainmans last corner attempt at Hayley Parkinson deserves more grief than that!! Now that was out of order! Hopefully she'll have her revenge soon. Belle vue would be good :)


Coming from a Wainman fan.. lol


I thought bumpers were there to use not to flash ? Unless I am watching hot rods :blink:



You wern't there!! It was dirty as hell, cut the corner, dived into her nerf and right turned her to the fence, she did well not to the hit the wall head on, but still looked a nasty impact, she wasn't happy about it thats for sure, I saw her ignore Wainman when she came to check if she was ok lol


I know I wasnt but would you not of done the same thing if you were in with a chance of winning ?

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Walker i really cant stand this "there for useing not for flashing" crap,as i am driver myself and dont really see why you see the view of if you have a bumper you can bury anyone you like? you have vailid points most times but sometimes i think what aload of S**T, bumpers are there for racing not fencieing! as alot of people i wasnt there, and cant really comment on it.

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Walker i really cant stand this "there for useing not for flashing" crap,as i am driver myself and dont really see why you see the view of if you have a bumper you can bury anyone you like? you have vailid points most times but sometimes i think what aload of S**T, bumpers are there for racing not fencieing! as alot of people i wasnt there, and cant really comment on it.


Nah I don't mean go out and fence folk simon. Sorry if it looked that way. Its just the fact folk are moaning even if theres the slightest bit of contact these days that kind of annoys and its the fact that some folk are saying she should not be hit because 54 a woman that baffles me :shrug:


No matter what you are be it a man or a woman you go out there expecting to be hit but not over the top. Theres other drivers that have been dirty apart from FWJ before be it 97,390,391,321 list could go on so I don't see why folk are giving FWJ a hard time at the moment.


This is just my opinion and do not wish to have a falling out with folk as they have there views.

Edited by Walker363
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you havnt offended me walker, just when you explain it like you do it makes perfect sence like then, after watching racing for many years since i was very young and my family has been doing it since before i was born, i have lernt that the faster racers dont need to bury people week in week out, i can see what you mean as i like hard racing but cant stand people in the fence every lap as gets boring and for people like me to expensive lol, give smith his due that was a master move lol and i would of prob done that if someone else was tangled up infront of me. :)

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Walker i really cant stand this "there for useing not for flashing" crap,as i am driver myself and dont really see why you see the view of if you have a bumper you can bury anyone you like? you have vailid points most times but sometimes i think what aload of S**T, bumpers are there for racing not fencieing! as alot of people i wasnt there, and cant really comment on it.


Nah I don't mean go out and fence folk simon. Sorry if it looked that way. Its just the fact folk are moaning even if theres the slightest bit of contact these days that kind of annoys and its the fact that some folk are saying she should not be hit because 54 a woman that baffles me :shrug:


No matter what you are be it a man or a woman you go out there expecting to be hit but not over the top. Theres other drivers that have been dirty apart from FWJ before be it 97,390,391,321 list could go on so I don't see why folk are giving FWJ a hard time at the moment.


This is just my opinion and do not wish to have a falling out with folk as they have there views.



who said she shouldnt be hit?

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Well reserve judgement until you see it then Walker, I don't think you will say it was a fair hit. I'm not saying it just becuase shes a woman either, I'm saying it because Wainman cut right accorss the corner (over the curbs at least) and didn't bother to turn until he hit her, and even then he was turning right! And it wasn't a nice tap wide either, it put her up the wall and out the race. A clear deliberate fencing. Was lucky not to get more damage than she did and credit to her she was out for the consolation.


I'm going on about 515 being dirty as I didn't see 97, 390, 321 or 322 being dirty at all at Coventry, despite how much I dislike all of them, there all seemed to be perfectly in order at Coventry.


515 however crossed the line for me, well over the top, if I'd of been Hayley i would not have been happy at all with that, and indeed she wasn't.


I'm not looking at it through Smith goggles either as I'm a Wainman fan! I hope theres payback coming for him though, but i'm sure he will take it in good spirit when it arrives.

Edited by Kruiz 136
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From that heat with Wainman and Hayley seems like she does go wide a bit but wainman being wainman will do anything to win a race weither its a heat or a consalation, fair enough go for a last bender but if they move over abit to let you past but instead you bury them and making them not finish is uncalled for. Even if it was andy that did it i would of still thought it was uncalled for.


I doubt hayley will get her revenge as she isnt as fast as wainman but i do hope she will.



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I thought it was a cracking hit (a brave one too, even if may not have been the 'cleanest') to go with other cracking fwj hits in that race and that's how he won it - its stock cars, it was last bend, and it was the best race of the night.

Edited by MoR137
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and he jumped the gun big time in the gn...booo smithy lol


Yes he did Nez - It was woeful.


Yet again, here's the cheating scum sucker jumping the start in that GN.



As you can see, Andy goes just about 55 seconds and for those on dial up, you'll need to wait along time for the rest of the video to load before you can see the reds and s/s actually going.


Before any smithy lickers start preaching about "well he's the pole man and he dictates that start.....bah blah blah"..... Didn't an f2 driver get docked places at Brum a couple of weeks ago for jumping the start even though he was leading the restart???????????

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Keep turnin' left????


Watch at 2.00


That was brilliant :thumbs_up: doubt he had a choice to do that as wainman being wainman was wnating him to get past so he can bury him next bend

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and he jumped the gun big time in the gn...booo smithy lol


Yes he did Nez - It was woeful.


Yet again, here's the cheating scum sucker jumping the start in that GN.



As you can see, Andy goes just about 55 seconds and for those on dial up, you'll need to wait along time for the rest of the video to load before you can see the reds and s/s actually going.


Before any smithy lickers start preaching about "well he's the pole man and he dictates that start.....bah blah blah"..... Didn't an f2 driver get docked places at Brum a couple of weeks ago for jumping the start even though he was leading the restart???????????


Youve been moaning alot lately kendo, you feeling okay?


Think you need to admit that wainman winning everything is now over, all thats in the past, quit coming up with excuses everytime someone beats wainman, you will soon get use to it, just stop moaning lol

Edited by davey boy
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Watched the video, moaning about Andy Smith taking the shortcut that half the blues took at the start of the race?? Someone needs to take those wainman specs off. I personally didn't see too much wrong with the wainman hit either, looks like he just dived into corner on the shale and pushed her wide, only bit I didn't like is that i though it should have been bumper to bumper not bumper to nerf??




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