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Bradford Results


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Hello Guys,


First of all, thanks to everyone that raced tonight, and thank you very much to Kev for running the server.


It was good to see some new faces tonight, and I do hope they will return for some more action.


Well done to DanSkin on taking his first final victory of the year, and to Kruiz for returning to form and top scoring in the meeting.



Heat 1: 39 151 315 3 136 259 112 41 363 164

Heat 2: 236 588 112 315 233 2 363 164 39 551

Heat 3: 136 151 2 233 259 236 531 1 588 3

A-Final: 236 151 136 112 551 315 1 39 531 3

GN 1: 551 233 112 136 588 39 531 3 259 151



38 pts 136 Kruiz

36 pts 236 DanSkin

36 pts 151 dode

33 pts 112 Tom D

27 pts 551 Savage

23 pts 39 LeeK

23 pts 315 Mike

19 pts 233 Grasser

15 pts 588 fordy

14 pts 3 Johno

13 pts 531 Lee

11 pts 1 Dazza

10 pts 259 jimmymuk

9 pts 2 Michael

3 pts 363 razza

2 pts 164 Jarry

1 pts 41 Drumbstick

0 pts 15 Bumpy

0 pts 221 Spike

0 pts 527 fast track

0 pts 17 munis

0 pts 365 travel


Thanks once again for racing guys - it will be another big couple of meetings next week, as we move to Scotland for round 2 and 3 of the National Series Shootout.





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well happy with tonight up until the final where I got about 3 flat out punts and a think i got a puncture lol.


well done to Kruiz for top scoring and Dan for winning the final


Shocking from me and the less said about the driving the better.


Still I will be blue soon :042:

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It was nice to be back on form the first time in a while, about time I pulled my finger out lol


Good meeting I thought, I just lacked effective last benders, people were riding them out far too easily :o


Not looking forward to next week though, I hate tarmac lol

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Was alright for me, looked good for the others.

Kept on getting caught up with people who had spun etc, so had to do my best to even score points.


Next week will be more my style of track. cya then.

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Not a bad meeting I thought but just rubbish for me overall but will still keep at it and try my best from superstar :)


Well done all race winners and well done to dan on the final win and savage on the GN win. The best bit of the night for me was when I got some awsome airtime in the GN after colliding with mike 315 when he spun right in front of me and being helped by mike 2 and dazza 1 :rofl:


Roll on cowdie and knockhill.



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