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Kings Lynn Results / Points - 29/10


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21 drivers raced tonight.


The first race of the evening was for the Grand National Championship, raced over 20 laps with the result being:

GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP: 112, 137, 16, 561, 87, 3, 216, 8, 363, 2, 259, 488, 45, 236, 365, 515 (dnf 588, 136, 39, 315, 391)


This race was scored as a GN for grading points only NOT National series points.


There then followed a full meeting with the results being:

HEAT 1: 391, 8, 315, 87, 112, 3, 363, 259, 236, 488, 2, 515 (dnf 39, 16)

HEAT 2: 8, 516, 561, 3, 136, 216, 137, 588, 16, 259, 488, 363, 365

HEAT 3: 391, 561, 516, 136, 315, 87, 216, 2, 137, 112, 588, 236, 39, 515


GRAND FINAL: 87, 112, 136, 259, 315, 588, 3, 16, 137, 2, 236, 561, 516, 216, 363 (dnf 515, 39, 8, 391, 488)


ALLCOMERS: 259, 516, 216, 137, 39, 363, 315, 112, 136, 87, 8, 2, 588, 488, 391, 561, 3, 16, 236


The points scored were:

Number .. Points

87 .. 44

112 .. 41 (NS SCORE = 58)

136 .. 30 (NS SCORE = 60)

259 .. 30

315 .. 29

137 .. 27 (NS SCORE = 34)

3 .. 24 (NS SCORE = 36)

516 .. 23

561 .. 21

8 .. 19

216 .. 19

16 .. 18

391 .. 16

588 .. 13

363 .. 11 (NS SCORE = 8)

2 .. 7 (NS SCORE = 5)

39 .. 7

236 .. 1

488 .. 1

Zero: 365, 515


The NS Scores are noted for each shootout driver in order to remove the score from the GNC race. 3, 112, 136 & 137 all played their joker tonight.


This means the shootout scores are:

112 .. 206

137 .. 158

136 .. 142

3 .. 125

2 .. 82

363 .. 38


So they should line up as follows for the next round:

363 .. 2

3 .. 136

137 .. 112

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Thanks very much to Kev for running the meeting.


Mixed night for me.


GNC - Tried to get rid of Tom when he got stuck on back markers, but unfortunately could hold on, so dropped back down. Kept hitting the tyres though which was disappointing.


Heats: Picked up some good results. Jst got spun out in my first heat.


Final: I drove one of my best races. Needed some luck after Kruiz got caught on the white top, but got out into the lead having mainly stayed out of trouble. Was drinving around and then came up on Big Al - he nearly spun into turns 1 and 2 and I thought to myself, please hold on whilst I get by, but unfortunately he spun into turns 3 and 4. No fault of Al's what so ever - he was really trying to fight the car around the whole lap - and I think he was actually trying to get out of my way, which probably cost him. Robin was now on me, and took his chance a lap later to get by, nudging me wide. I followed him for a couple of laps, and with 2 laps to go, I noticed Big Al was parked up on the side. Realising TomD was on his way, I put Robin wide, hoping he would get held up by Big Al's parked car, but he held it well, and lost no time at all. Next lap, I think he tried to return the favour, but clipped the tyre which half spun me. What then disappointed me a little was he looked like he was going to try and go around me, but then turns into me and pushes me right the way around, which was disappointing. Meant that I dropped down to 7th, and with it as it turns out, dropped out of the shootout.


GN: Got a bad start, but recovered nicely. Got into the top 10, and perhaps made the mistake of going past Kruiz a lap early. He tried a last bender, and I spun again - with the joker away goes another plus points.


So it was in my case a question of what could have been.




Thanks to everyone that raced tonight, at both Scunthorpe and Kngs Lynn. Ithink the racing was very tough tonight, but desipte the bad luck, I really enjoyed the battle and the challenge. We only have 4 more meetings left this season, which means we have already raced 46 meetings!!!!


Ido hope that you will continue to support us. Next week is the final 2010 World Championship Qualifying round that will take place in 2009. The week after is the final double header where we see who is the King of each surface, and the final meeting of the season is the National Series Finale.... where double points will be on offer!!





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Thanks for two great meetings guys, enjoyed myself last night, even if I was a little frustrated.


Thought the GNC race was really good, kept myself out of trouble first bend, was swiftly moved aside by a flying Johno a lap or so later and spent next few laps watching Johno reel Tom in. As Tom hit traffic, Johno mounted an attack, but unfortunately got into a half spin, which then collected me. I took a bit of damage to the FR wheel but set about chasing Tom but he had more speed and managed to maintain around a second and a half gap til the end. A great race nonetheless I thought.


Depressingly, that's my 15th UKDirtF1 championship podium with only one win to my name, and I've got a good chance of making that 16 the way the shootout is going! Lol, isn't Kev's site great for those sort of statistics, depressing or not!? Think I'll be changing my UKDirt alias to 'Mr Nearly'.


I felt I had some terrible luck over the course of the KL meeting, which was ashame when I was playing my joker, and I really only managed to show what I was capable of around lynn during the GN. Well done to Tom for driving a good meeting and doubling his 24 point lead to 48; he may have sealed the silver roof with that one.


However, with two rounds to go, it's not quite done and dusted yet and if me and Kruiz can nibble away at that lead at Cov, we'll both be able to challenge for the prize at the double points Finale. With 50 points on offer for a BV final win, that lead can be beaten down if Tom fails to score in that race alone! Hopefully it'll be a great climax to a hard fought series!

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Completely agree with MoR, its still all to play for although Tom is going to take some real catching now.


After a poor, poor few months by my standards I finally felt I turned a corner at Kings Lynn and could of won 2 or 3 races, but luck was not on my side when I needed it. For example in the final, I had done all the hard work of getting clean through the pack with just a white roof to catch (no disrespect to the white top they were quick for novice) but unfortunately the white hit a tyre coming out the bend as I closed in and that was us both put well down the order, although I somehow held on for 3rd with damage.


GN, much the same story after I'd worked my way into or near the top 3 trouble with back markers saw me drop down the order with masses of damage all I could do was sit and watch as MoR, Johno and Walker etc closed down on my lead and passed. I was a bit ambitious with the last bender on Johno, for that I apologise I just felt with the Shoot out as it was I had little to lose and a lot to gain.


Coventry should be interesting.


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Sorry about that Johno, I can remember over-cooking the middle of the bend just as you were coming up the inside.


Don't worry about it Al, its part of the racing. I knew you never meant it - I thought you over cooked it trying to get out of my way :rofl:



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