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Awards 2009!


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First of all, very well done for collecting all of the information Mike. Once again you have done a top job with the awards.


And a big well done to JK. I had no idea you were helping Mike out, so thanks very much for doing that sir.


I am afraid I have a small confession. With me being busy at school this week, and no very well (actually had some time off this week), I actually forgot to hand in my votes. My comment at the end of the awards is from 2 years ago I think.


Here was my favourite moment:


Battling for the Silver Roof

I may have come quite a way short, but have never battled for the points before, and I loved tense feeling knowing that every point counts. I would like to try and be in it again next year.


Thanks to everyone who voted for myself personally, and to everyone that voted on the awards. It really is a great tradition, and once again it has brought up some cracking comments.


one last thing: If anyone wants to buy me a decent keyboard to improve my typing, then please feel free :rofl:








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Love it.

Thanks for taking the time to produce it all nicely.


The comments on moaner of the year had me in stitches.


Can i have a late booking pleaseeee???? "Just do us a favour and shut up for once" :lol:

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Excellent stuff, the awards never disappoint and there was a few laugh out loud moments in there!


Thanks to those who put in a vote for myself and Coventry, much appreciated :)


Will try harder with my 'big race know-how and aggression' next year..... I thought Walker had unluckiest driver sewn up! :rofl:

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